Add people who comment on this thread, make MFP friends!!



  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member
    I'm always taking applications for new friends. I'm a daily logger!
  • BeccaKay96
    BeccaKay96 Posts: 77 Member
    Hey everyone add me! I try to log everyday! Had a great streak a while back and have kept that 20lbs off but would like to lose ten more and need support!!! Thanks :)
  • i'm ashley, 24 and from florida.

    i'm looking to get in shape and lose weight (about 35-40 lbs). i'm trying hard to go slowly in my weight loss because in the past i'll lose a bunch quickly and gain it back when i start to plateau and feel discouraged.

    i'd really just like friends so i can like everything y'all do and use your awesomeness to keep me motivated :)
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    Wassup up EVERYONE!!!!!

    My name is Chris!! I'm a 31yr old wife and mother of irish twins (2 kids born exactly a year apart). I currently live in TN. This is my 3rd try at losing weight with MFP, but it has been my most successful one. Feel free to add me. I love to motivate and be motivated. I wish all the best of luck on this journey.
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    I'm Khat - 33 but I usually lie about that, single mom, medical student.. Lost 75ish lbs this year and am now more or less on maintainence. I'm one of those IIFYM weightlifting weirdos whose well on her way to being a full blown meathead and doesnt think being healthy should be torture. (My pre-workout today was an apple cinnamon doughut & iced black coffee) I'm addicted to hockey and will be screaming at the Bruins soon in between my usual snark.. So yeah.. I add everyone who isn't overly creepy right off the bat :drinker:
  • Natalie - 26 - Pharmaceutical sales rep. Equestrian :heart: Was on here a while ago with a ton of success. Just looking to lose the last few pounds and tone up :)

    Feel free to send a request!
  • Hiam76
    Hiam76 Posts: 8 Member
    Im Hiam from Melbourne, Australia. Ive been overweight all my life, sometimes on and off diets but never really stuck to one more than a week. Never exercised much. But now Im serious and want to change the way I eat and move. I reached the heaviest Ive been a few months ago when I tried to quit smoking. 97 Kilo's / 215.3 pounds. I started eating healthy and gym about 5 weeks ago now and so far ive lost 7KG/15.5 Pounds.
  • th3mach1n3
    th3mach1n3 Posts: 4 Member
    Just joined a few moments ago, but I've been here before. I've been doing the Zombie 5k training for 2 weeks now and I thought would be a good idea to join a community and make some friends that have the same goals.
  • nay4444
    nay4444 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey all! I'm Chenee and I'm from Chicago. I'm looking to get healthy for good and definitely need friends so we can support each other! My goal is to be at 200 pounds in the next year and my ultimate goal is 160. Good luck everyone! :)
  • Hello - my name is Cornelia, I'm female, 32 years old and work as choral director and musician in Vienna, in Austria. I also like to spend some time in my home village St. Oswald in Lower Austria. When we (me and my boyfriend) are not in Vienna or Lower Austria we spend a lot of time in the Southeast of England as we also have some family there.

    I would classify myself as a "geek" - I love reading books, playing board games, watching DVDs (especially SciFi, some fantasy), playing PC games (sometimes also X-Box, but I prefer the PC) or taking pictures at our observatory, which I was lucky enough to grow up with. I also have an interest in quantum- and astrophysics.

    In my teens I was a little chubby, but I lost some weight (mostly by going swimming a lot) and was at my ideal weight in 2006. Since 2010 I started gaining weight again due to personal reasons and no sport activity.

    I don't want to do one sided diets and I love the way mfp helps you keep track of what you eat and how much you move.
    With the help of MFP I managed to lose a little over 10kg so far, which makes me very happy. But I'm not done. I still have about 15 - 20 kg to go, so I will be here for a while. Next to taking care of what I eat, I also want to increase my muscle mass and become fitter.

    I also believe that to motivate each other is a really important aspect of losing weight and I think the community here is perfect for that. Please note though that my updates are both in English and Austrian German as I do lead a bilingual life. :smile:
  • LMYERS94
    LMYERS94 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey everyone! I saw this thread and I had to post something! I'm a college student struggling against those pounds I gained during my first two years of school. Don't want to gain anymore! I'm actually now studying Nutrition and Wellness :) I find this topic so interesting in how different food affects our bodies! One thing I learned is There is no such thing as 'Good' or 'Bad' foods, You just have to be aware of what nutrients your putting in your body and make sure its what your body needs to be healthy. All things done in moderation! haha Anyway I love adding friends on here! (please send a message with request) Look forward to seeing everyone's progress and helping support y'all. Good Luck!
  • therealklane
    therealklane Posts: 2,172 Member
    Hey guys!

    I'm Kristin. I'm 25. Lost 90 lbs so far. Still have quite a ways to go. I'm working towards a career in federal law enforcement and will be finishing up my Master's degree in less than one month. After that, I am going through basic law enforcement training and I need to get my butt in gear with running especially so I survive BLET and then academy after that. Looking for supportive/motivating friends because while the weight loss has come fairly easily (so far, I know it will start getting tough soon), running has been a real struggle for me.

    I'm at almost 210 days. I log daily and my diary is open. Definitely could use tips and friends right now.

  • Hello

    I live in UK, Greater Manchester.

    I have just joined and looking for some new friends to help support and motivate me through my weight loss journey.

    Mission is to lose 100 pounds....
  • Hiiii
    in Katie 22 from England, Shropshire to be exact.
    iv always been too big, the fat friend as they say.
    i dropped all my weight and got to my ideal weight for height which was 9 stone as im only 5ft3.
    fell in love with my new slender bod and fell pregnant, cant say my weight gain is because of pregnancy as i was a skinny pregnant, suffered with food sickness throughout.. 5years and 2 babies later im the heaviest iv ever been and heavier now then when i was pregnant!! I exercise as much as i can i love fitness and sports but its not shifting my weight so i need to sort my eating out.

    im rather muscly which is started to get me down too as my legs are HUGEEE but its literally rock hard muscle same with my shoulders etc, because im a horse rider i do have to keep strong and i do lift weights at the gym. But i don't like the look of it!

    anywho, i need friends who will help and support me so please add me :)
  • Do I have to.....
  • Hi,
    I've been very fit and very unfit in my life time. I ran a marathon and a half marathon 3 years ago. However for the last two years I've been slowly piling fat! Bad food choices and hectic lifestyle (I'm a doctor) = my pants don't fit anymore.
    I feel incredibly stupid telling my patients to lose weight knowing that I should probably do the same!
    So I want to start practicing what I preach and be an example!!!
  • kemlis
    kemlis Posts: 15 Member
    Hello, feel free to add :) I'm a 20-year old active vegan, living in Finland.
  • Squid4TRX
    Squid4TRX Posts: 645 Member
    Good day to MFP logger and try to be encouraging to my friends as often as my time allows. I live in Pennsylvania and active duty military. Feel free to add me if you are looking for an active and supportive friend.

  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    40 years old. On here purely to log cals whilst on a seemingly impossible mission to get swole!
  • Hey :-) Im Heather and Im new to the whole weight loss journey.
    Im 18 from England and Im aiming to lose around 20lb to be fitter and be able to be more toned.
    Im a gym-goer and mix between weights and cardio.
    I always manage to complete a few weeks of a diet before falling back into old habits - which led me to join here in order to keep motiviated.

    Cant wait to get to know you all :-)