That moment when..

.. you realized for sure that things had to change!

My moment was when I was visiting my best friend in Newfoundland. We had traveled all the way to the Tablelands in Gros Morne Park. The trail was sludgy and snowy, and I made it ALMOST to the end.. but after a certain point I just could not do it anymore. I was physically and mentally exhausted, and as embarrassed as I was I asked for the keys to the Jeep and trudged my way back to the car, feeling beaten down. That was a couple months ago, true, but it's been playing in my mind over and over.

I'm planning another trip to Newfoundland next year and I want to be able to at least finish what I start, even if I can't keep up completely with my friend!

What was your moment?


  • therealsnowwhite293
    My moment was when I stepped on the scale and saw over 300 lbs. I had been feeling very worn out and now I know why. My body was tired of holding up so much weight. I've been putting losing weight off so long I had creeped up to a weight i swore I would never reach
  • AshMsFitz
    I understand that all too well. I swore I would never, ever, EVER reach 300lbs.
    I hit the ERR sign on my scale. (as you know) That was a crushing blow.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    When it was a exhausting workout just trying to reach back there to try and wipe yourself.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    When I realized I was about to have 4 different pant sizes in my closet. And I'm NOT a clothes hound.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    When it was a exhausting workout just trying to reach back there to try and wipe yourself.

    Holy crap SatinPumpkin, nice job on the weight loss. You must (should) be proud of that.
  • AshMsFitz
    northbanu - I have a few different sizes in my closet/dressers as well, and I've been throwing out clothes left right and centre!
  • AshMsFitz
    When it was a exhausting workout just trying to reach back there to try and wipe yourself.

    Holy crap SatinPumpkin, nice job on the weight loss. You must (should) be proud of that.
  • Perksy80
    I had two. Getting ready to go to a wedding and just as we were about to leave the house, I put on my suit jacket only to find out it didn't fit. Not just didn't fit, but not even close. no amount of pulling my stomach in could help. That made me feel down but not too bad, but then two weeks late my five-year-old daughter called me fat.

    That made me get off my *kitten* and do something about it. I was so happy when I tried on that jacket again and could get it back on. My motivation now is to not go there again!
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    northbanu - I have a few different sizes in my closet/dressers as well, and I've been throwing out clothes left right and centre!

    Nice! Keep on keepin' on.

  • AshMsFitz
    Good for you, Perksy!! There's a skirt in my closet that I'm just dying to get into again, I hope I can follow in your footsteps
  • Perksy80
    The only skirts in my closet are my wife's. Although getting into those would mean I have lost a lot of weight, it would highlight some bigger issues! Good luck
  • AshMsFitz
    Thank you very much!
  • 210andgoingdown
    210andgoingdown Posts: 15 Member
    'That' moment for me was/is every time I am somewhere I could see someone I know (especially people I haven't seen since gaining the weight).
  • AshMsFitz
    I'm sorry to hear that :( Keep your chin up and push on through, soon you and those people will start to notice a difference and hopefully you'll start to feel better day by day
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    My sister had a heartattack at 38. I'm now 35. I'd started losing weight not long after she was in the hospital, then let depression and stress eating get the better of me and stopped caring about what I was putting into my body. Gained the 51 pounds back I'd another 5. Seeing that number made me want to scream so here I am again.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    'That' moment for me was/is every time I am somewhere I could see someone I know (especially people I haven't seen since gaining the weight).

    This too. I've always been overweight but now whenever I go home I hate the idea of seeing people I knew back then. Last time I was back home I was about 100 pounds more than I was in HS and yes.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    when i got pinched by the toilet seat after i broke it lus my nieces pretty much said i scar other peoples eyes. they were ashamed of me
  • WiltedFitness
    WiltedFitness Posts: 6 Member
    I think mine was a two step process. The first was after seeing my wedding photos. I thought they were beautiful, but I was clearly a plus size and I started to ask myself why for a while after. The second was when a friend came over and simply suggested she come back next week and we do a work out video after our get together, I didn't have a good reason to say no. My dear friend came over once a week for 4-5 months after that and I am now on the right track and close to reaching my goals. Married Oct 19, friend came over March 3.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Seeing 265 on the scale
  • HamptonPhoenix
    HamptonPhoenix Posts: 108 Member
    When I said, "this is the year I'm getting in shape," many, many years in a row.