weight loss pet peeves



  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    This thread makes me laugh. Everything is so true:smile:
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    ehh, everyone is different and has the right to be as assy or as brilliant as they want when it comes to their own personal weightloss so I try the live and let live approach but I find the starvation mode alarmists really silly, it would take weeks of severe malnutrition to go into starvation mode, not a diet of 1100 or 1200 calories a day.

    I couldn't agree more!! and ppl who insist on eating back all the exercise calories to avoid this so-called starvation mode
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    ehh, everyone is different and has the right to be as assy or as brilliant as they want when it comes to their own personal weightloss so I try the live and let live approach but I find the starvation mode alarmists really silly, it would take weeks of severe malnutrition to go into starvation mode, not a diet of 1100 or 1200 calories a day.

    I think I love you! lol I could have typed this verbatim!!! seriously!!!
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    LOL Jeran. I actually saw someone write yesterday that "a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat". Word for word.
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    ehh, everyone is different and has the right to be as assy or as brilliant as they want when it comes to their own personal weightloss so I try the live and let live approach but I find the starvation mode alarmists really silly, it would take weeks of severe malnutrition to go into starvation mode, not a diet of 1100 or 1200 calories a day.

    I think I love you! lol I could have typed this verbatim!!! seriously!!!

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I've got a couple- they annoy me individually but are definitely are most annoying as a pair:

    1) People who count calories for a week, exercise once or twice and are upset that they haven't reached their goals, so they want to quit.

    2) Friends or supporters of the above people who reassure them by saying, "It's probably just muscle" or "You're retaining water" or "Eat more, you're in starvation mode!!!!" or "It might be a plateau!"

    Don't get me wrong- I get discouraged ALL THE TIME. But if I don't see a loss, I don't whine and say, "Oh, no. This isn't working! I quit!" I think, "Hrm. What could I have done better?"

    The second one annoys me more because more often than not people are just quoting catchphrases and have no idea what they're actually talking about. I'm not a fitness/nutrition expert- but I KNOW that you're not going to be 'in starvation mode' after a few days, nor will you be seeing a plateau. Yes, muscle weighs 'more than fat' (as in, a cubic cm of muscle ways more than a cubic cm of fat) but you're not going to just gain three pounds of muscle in a week. The retaining water thing... well, yeah, we ALL retain water and ALL of us fluctuate a lot because of it. But I slam my head into my desk everytime someone says something like, 'Well, sure, I ate five Whoppers and got drunk two nights last week- but most of what I gained is probably just water!"

    It's the worst kind of denial.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Oh, forgot! My OTHER pet peeve is people who tell me, "Oh, you don't need to lose any more weight. You look great!"

    Like, okay. I have a healthy BMI and I've lost a lot already- but my BF% is actually on the HIGH side of healthy, and I'd like to get that down. I want to continue losing FAT- and even after reaching my target weight, I still plan to continue to count calories and work out.

    The fact is, I've been doing this long enough that I know what's going on in my own body. I know that I have a slim build, what my BF% is and how much of the 'extra skin' people say I'm carrying from pregnancy is actually fat. While I appreciate the 'compliment' that I 'don't need' to keep 'dieting'... I get frustrated because I don't feel that people get it. I wish they'd say, "Wow, you look great already- but good luck on meeting your goals!" or something like that.
  • This is definitely mine. You're on this site for weight loss or maintenance. If you happen to only eat 900 calories and now you're "absolutelyy full, how will I ever make up the difference??" Its kind of ridiculous. Just as you might have a day where you drank a glass of wine and are at 1400, you might also have those days where you eat less. This is not a problem. The goal isn't to have a rigid 1200 with the same amount of exercise. The idea is diversity and 1200 be an AVERAGE.

    If you're on this site, then you know how easy it is to pack on calories, because you know the calries in everything. That said, 300, even 400 calories could come in a handful if you feel you really need to make it back to 1200. Quit asking us "what can I eat?????"

    Is it just me, or do there seem to be TONS of these posts lately?? I feel like I write back to 3-4 of these a day and that's just when I happen to see them on "Recent Posts". Maybe it's ongoing, but it feels like an epidemic.

    Anyway, seconding (thirding) this peeve. Get it through your heads, people, 1 or 2 days of eating fewer than 1200 calories will not sabotage your weight loss any more than 1 or 2 days of eating too much will! It is consistency that is important!

    My other peeve? People who post 1 line questions without any background information and expect actual answers, ex: "Ive been on MFP for 2 weeks n haven't lost any weight - wat am I doing wrong??" [sic] Even worse? The people who try to diagnose them!
  • mresta
    mresta Posts: 33
    My biggest pet peeve since starting this is how everyone is all of a sudden a weight loss expert and they give you really bad advice. That's not a dig at anyone here, these are people in my family and people I work with.

    I get it a lot from my mother (she's about 40kgs too heavy), usually in the form of "just don't eat carbs". LOL
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I have no pet peeves about other people who are losing weight. I do hate when thin people try to push food on me. I really think my friends want me to stay fat.
  • He should excercise his knees. I started with knee problems last year. I refuse to be on pain killers and muscle relaxers for the rest of my life. I started on the Eliptical, now I can walk and run on the treadmill plus I can do squats. My knees hurt when I don't workout. Go figure!!! LOL! Good luck!
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