
Matthew 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Once we decide something is wrong, (being overweight, for exam-ple), then doing that thing is sinful. Some may say, 'Well, the Bible doesn't say obesity is a sin.' The Bible does tell us that anything we do that makes us less than God created us to be is a sin. To be pure in heart means to try to do everything we know we ought to do. We ought to regard our own bodies with respect. We ought to be an example for others to follow. We ought to do all we can to be all we can. When we stay true to what we know in our hearts is right, then we will be assured of a place with God in His kingdom.
Today's thought: I will do all I can to be all I am meant to be!

Have a great day and keep up the good work!!!!!


  • melindapipkin
    thanks for sharing that, it really inspired me
  • amyjthomas
    :smile: :smile: Love ya lots my best friend. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one step at a time WE WILL meet our goal.
  • susanaz
    susanaz Posts: 24
    I so needed to read this today, I have been down and sometime forget to look to God to lift me from the sadness & put His joy back in my heart
    thanks for posting this
    Blessings to you :)