
I want to try juicing. And guides or books recommended to get me started? My goal is weight loss (only have 10 lbs left to lose) and maintenance and overall nutrition and health. I have heard about the wonders of kale and I eat it in salads but see recipes for juices with kale and spinach. What about additives? Protein powders, etc.?


  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    There's nothing magical about juicing - it's still a forced calorie deficit by consuming "juice" instead of eating. That's all it is.

    Smoothies are better though, since juicing means you're only getting the juice and smoothies give you the solids along with the liquid. Nothing magical about those either though.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I want to try juicing. And guides or books recommended to get me started? My goal is weight loss (only have 10 lbs left to lose) and maintenance and overall nutrition and health. I have heard about the wonders of kale and I eat it in salads but see recipes for juices with kale and spinach. What about additives? Protein powders, etc.?

    I don't really know of any books off hand. I do know that you can get many ideas from the internet. When I juice kale I combine it with apple. I like to keep things simple and use only 1 to 3 ingredients. Look on youtube for okraw. John has some good juices and once you type that it other leads will follow. You can look those up as well. I don't use additives or protein powders but you certainly can.
  • My juicer, which is a Jack Lalaine, came with a small book of recipes. I usually just go with whatever is in my juicing drawer and I've realized you can't really go wrong with any combination. I always keep the following on hand: cucumber, celery, apples, pears, oranges, lemons and limes, carrots, kale and spinach, pineapple chunks, etc!
    If you want to be in the loop with how many calories you are consuming per juice, this handy-dandy website will calculate it for you: http://www.juicingcollection.com/juicing-calculator/
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    Apple juiced is really REALLY good.

    There a lot online...
  • Mof3wc
    Mof3wc Posts: 126 Member
    Jason Vale has some good books, it's a good place to start. I juice everyday, but I can't consume fruits/veggies ant other way (intestinal disease) Lots of people are against juicing because it removes the fiber, but it's an easy way to get extra fruits/veggies in your body.

    You can protein powder after you juice, but it might be gross....it's not thick like a smoothie, so the texture might not be great once powders mixed in.

    Ww.juicerecipes.com is a great site too. It has lots of recipes, and tell yup the benefit of each, and you can create your juices and get accurate cal counts on them.
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks, Tumbleweed08. The juicer I bought is a Jack LaLanne. I will check out that website.
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
  • Hya I am juicing at the moment and have been for 2 weeks on and off before then.

    I have a juice with my breakfast and don't use it as a substitute. However I find it really fills me up and gives me loads of energy. I have also at this point lost 7lbs along with healthy eating and weight training.

    My juice is as follows, spinage, apple, celery, cucumber, ginger, lemon and carrot ( instead of carrot sometimes courgette/ zucchini )

    Some tips: Unless you have a really expensive juicer its tough to get the most from kale or spinach I recommend compressing a handful of spinach between 2 chunks of apple and pushing it down as much as possible before you juice it... this helps loads!

    Wash your vege well!

    Ginger and apple make the juice taste nice, as does pineapple. However be careful with the amounts of apple and fruit you use.

    I believe where people go wrong with juices and smoothies is that they concentrate on the fruit side, rather than the vege and too much fruit is not always the best thing as it is essentially sugars still. However I am no expert and this is just personal opinion
  • ScottDowell
    ScottDowell Posts: 95 Member
    Personally, I am not in a favor by using supplements but additive protein supplements are best to provide you required nutrients. Other then that fruit and juice are good to provide you nutrients.
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks. I will try your recipe. When you juice on and off, do you go for days at a time with only juice or ever use it to replace a meal?