
Hi everyone, I am trying to transition to a high carb low fat vegan diet... I am still struggling with some of my old vices ie: coffee...
would love some support from people who are on the diet.

Another thing I am struggling with is the idea of eating more calories.

thanks for any help



  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Any transition into a restrictive diet is challenging. Are you trying to change over your family or just yourself? What are your goals? Health, weight loss? There are dairy and meat subs out there that can be used so that your transition may be a little easier. As you know those are heavily processed but you have to start somewhere. The 80/10/10 is a far cry from the SAD you are you used to. It is based on whole foods like rice, potatoes, fresh fruit and veggies.
    Don't be so hard on yourself. If this is something you really would like to accomplish take it step by step. One meal at a time. Try incorporating recipes from some vegan cookbooks to get your feet wet.

    I am guessing that you have already read The Starch Solution by John McDougall and The China Study by Colin Campbell as well as The Engine II Diet by Rip Esselstyn...

    Here are some other options for cookbooks you may want to try:

    Bravo by Ramses Bravo
    Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero
    Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz
    Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman

    Also check out these websites:

  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    My goodness, were you speaking of Doug Graham 80/10/10? This just occurred to me... lol.

    I read your diary so I thought you may have been referring to cooked high carb vegan and not the raw version of 80/10/10, If the raw version is what you are interested in check out okraw, meganelizabeth or fullyrawkristina on youtube. All three refer to 80/10/10.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I wouldn't recommend it for a few reasons

    1. P&F are essential. Carbs aren't (the body can convert P&F to glucose)
    2. Possible fruit fermentation in the gut
    3. micronutrient deficiency
    4. freelee the banana girl is an idiot
    5. your friends/family will think you are nuts

  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    Hi everyone, I am trying to transition to a high carb low fat vegan diet... I am still struggling with some of my old vices ie: coffee...
    would love some support from people who are on the diet.

    Another thing I am struggling with is the idea of eating more calories.

    thanks for any help


    Also, someone posted this the other day and I thought it was a good read. You may wanna check it out.

  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi everyone, I am trying to transition to a high carb low fat vegan diet... I am still struggling with some of my old vices ie: coffee...
    would love some support from people who are on the diet.

    Another thing I am struggling with is the idea of eating more calories.

    thanks for any help


    I am slightly confused about the struggling to eat more calories comment, more calories than what? Eating 80/10/10 still means you need to stay in deficit to lose weight. So if you had to eat 1,400 calories to lose weight before going high carb you will still need to eat 1,400 calories to lose the same amount now
  • ReallyHappilyMarried
    Hi Beach Love. I too am trying to switch to a raw vegan diet. Just started actually in the last couple of days and would love to join forces with someone in the same boat so please feel free to add me. I have a severe coffee jones to overcome myself. On youtube, fully raw Kristina has a solution for us coffee lovers that are going raw vegan. Here it is:

    FullyRaw Coffee:

    Kitchen essentials:
    Breville Juicer
    Vitamix Blender
    Coffee cup

    1-2 cups of Raw Coconut water
    5-10 pitte dates
    ¼ cup carob powder
    a few fresh ipeppermint leaves
    little vanilla bean or 1 drop extract
    a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg
    2 tablespoons of cacao
    fresh almond milk if want a creamer

    Almond Milk Creamer:
    1 ½ cups of soaked raw almonds to make fresh almond milk
    Run soaked almonds through your slow juicer (or blend with a Vitamix and strain with an almond milk bag). Run through juicer with water or with coconut water if you want it to be sweet.

    Please let me know what you think.
  • BeachLove1983
    BeachLove1983 Posts: 10 Member
    thank you guys for your support and feedback :)

    In ref to eating more calories: they recommend you eat around 3000 a day on a raw vegan diet but I am scared I will just gain heaps of weight due to so many calories, because I normally eat around 1300-1500 a day
  • BeachLove1983
    BeachLove1983 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Beach Love. I too am trying to switch to a raw vegan diet. Just started actually in the last couple of days and would love to join forces with someone in the same boat so please feel free to add me. I have a severe coffee jones to overcome myself. On youtube, fully raw Kristina has a solution for us coffee lovers that are going raw vegan. Here it is:

    FullyRaw Coffee:

    Kitchen essentials:
    Breville Juicer
    Vitamix Blender
    Coffee cup

    1-2 cups of Raw Coconut water
    5-10 pitte dates
    ¼ cup carob powder
    a few fresh ipeppermint leaves
    little vanilla bean or 1 drop extract
    a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg
    2 tablespoons of cacao
    fresh almond milk if want a creamer

    Almond Milk Creamer:
    1 ½ cups of soaked raw almonds to make fresh almond milk
    Run soaked almonds through your slow juicer (or blend with a Vitamix and strain with an almond milk bag). Run through juicer with water or with coconut water if you want it to be sweet.

    Please let me know what you think.

    I think that sounds great, but I would just use almond milk I buy at the store... but thats just my preference :smile:
  • BeachLove1983
    BeachLove1983 Posts: 10 Member
    My goodness, were you speaking of Doug Graham 80/10/10? This just occurred to me... lol.

    I read your diary so I thought you may have been referring to cooked high carb vegan and not the raw version of 80/10/10, If the raw version is what you are interested in check out okraw, meganelizabeth or fullyrawkristina on youtube. All three refer to 80/10/10.

    thanks so much for all you information and links :smile:

    I have read the Douglas Graham 80/10/10 diet, but not the china study or starch solution... I want to get those books though.
    I also heard the book "in defense of food" and "raw food detox diet " are really good aswell
  • BeachLove1983
    BeachLove1983 Posts: 10 Member
    I wouldn't recommend it for a few reasons

    1. P&F are essential. Carbs aren't (the body can convert P&F to glucose)
    2. Possible fruit fermentation in the gut
    3. micronutrient deficiency
    4. freelee the banana girl is an idiot
    5. your friends/family will think you are nuts


    I have read a lot of information online and in book about the subject and it makes a lot of sense to me.

    There are healthy protein and fats in fruit and vegetables and we dont need as much as they say, every cell in our body runs on glucose.

    When I first started watching Freelee the banana girl I didnt like her either, and I'm Australian aswell so you would think I would but I found her annoying, but I love her message.

    I am really against animal cruelty so going vegan only seems the next step for me as I have been vegetarian/pescetarian for a while now. :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    How would it even be possible to eat 3000 calories a day in vegetables? That would be 20 pounds of broccoli.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    thank you guys for your support and feedback :)

    In ref to eating more calories: they recommend you eat around 3000 a day on a raw vegan diet but I am scared I will just gain heaps of weight due to so many calories, because I normally eat around 1300-1500 a day

    So they are saying that you need to put on weight to eat a raw vegan diet, because eating 3,000 calories a day and burning 2,000 will lead to weight gain?
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    thank you guys for your support and feedback :)

    In ref to eating more calories: they recommend you eat around 3000 a day on a raw vegan diet but I am scared I will just gain heaps of weight due to so many calories, because I normally eat around 1300-1500 a day

    Do you have an exercise plan in place? Review the book. Also, did you get the food combining companion booklet? Also check out dara on youtube. You should do well.