Things I am going to do to get off this plateau. Advice we

I have been on this plateau since before Christmas. I rarely eat all my calories - with occasional weekend exceptions. I am very tired of this! Last week I decided to hit the exercise hard and be better about drinking water. Still no change. This week I am also going to avoid processed foods and diet soda, eat more for breakfast and not eat my exercise calories. I understand the whole "muscle weighs more than fat thing" and my waist measurement is a bit smaller, but I don't feel the results I am seeing are equal to the effort I am making.

What has worked for the rest of you?


  • keta6atl
    Whenever I plateau if I up my calories from let's say 250 to 500 it seems to work for me....most people truly aren't eating enough!...I do this for a week or two...drop my calories back down...and there I could do lower carb...higher protein and good fat for awhile....that works as well.....for me..:O)
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    Change your workout regimen. Take up some strength training if you haven't already.
  • carolinegeorgia
    I up my calories for 2/3 days and it works every time ;-)
  • gingajoy
    I agree with the views on changing things up, and upping your calories for a few days (within reason). The other thing that works for me sometimes is short, sharp interval training (running/walking combo) to 'confuse' your body. You don't say what your calorie allotment is, but if you've set it to 1200 and you're not eating them all -- that's not good!
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    you might try mixing up the type of calories you get too. for example, try to eat a really high percentage of protein for a few days. that can shock your metabolism a little bit. in most cases you have to find the right balance of carbs, fat, and protein for you. oh and absolutely eat all your calories and workout calories too if you're not already.