starting again after major surgery

I was very much into MFP a while ago....then summer came along. (I work at a high school) I kind of fell off the band wagon off and on. I would do good for a week then not so good for a few weeks. The beginning of August, I had a major hip surgery. I have been 7 weeks of non weight bearing....meaning, I could do nothing. I got very depressed and food became my BFF. I literally would eat because I was bored, or lonely, or for just something to do since I could go no where by myself. I am lucky that my mom lives close and my boys are old enough to 'fend for themselves' and help mommy out when asked.

My question, is that how do I overcome the depression? People keep telling me that when I can walk again, the weight will come right off. Except I am really struggling....that phrase they keep telling me makes me depressed knowing that it will be a while until I can walk on my own again. (today I go to hopefully to be told that I can start some weight bearing as tolerated) I am still going to be limited with what I can do.

Is changing my eating habits enough without exercise? I have gained almost 15 pounds in the past 7 weeks. I feel like an unattractive blob. I don't even feel like my boyfriend wants to be with me right now. (due to my lack of being able to do thing and my appearance.) I know that is probably in my head, but if you have struggled with something like do you kickstart yourself back into being in control? :(


  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    You absolutely can lose weight without exercise. Unfortunately, because you are pretty sedentary with your injury, the calorie goal for losing weight will be low.

    I would suggest eating at either at .5lb per week deficit or maintenance level while you are still sedentary. You may not lose much (or any) weight, but it will stop the gaining pattern that you are in. Especially since your body needs the calories for healing. You may do more harm than good by creating a large calorie deficit at this time.

    When you are back on your feet (sorry for the pun), you can go a more traditional route of weight loss.

    As for the depression, I would bring that up to your doctor.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I watched a TV show this weekend that said studies show as little as 15 minutes of walking/day significantly lowered the incidence of depression in people who struggled with depression. I try to walk two miles twice a day and I do notice a marked improvement in my work output and general overall well-being after I finish!
  • yes, I know walking decreases stress/ my post.....I physically can not walk....I am still non-weight bearing. I am on crutches and will be for weeks to come yet. (I used to run, I know the wonderful feeling and release I used to get while walking and running). Trust me, if I could walk, I would be walking!
  • I would strive to eat at maintenance (stay in the habit of counting)-- maybe slightly above as your body is healing. It sucks to gain and not be active, but the better you treat yourself right now, the sooner you'll be moving again.

    Are you on pinterest? Make a board of new recipes you want to make when able. Or if your kids are old enough to cook, things
    they can help you make. Or if you aren't a cook, look for decorating ideas for holidays you celebrate or clothes you want to wear.

    Talk to your doctor. Maybe you can you do low impact upper body work outs --- like lifting light weights or stretches?

  • thanks, I do love Pinterest, and I have many boards. My kids aren't old enough to cook by themselves yet. I have lost weight before. I just can not find the right mindset at this point I think. I've done weight watchers...a while ago when it was the old points sytem, I just can not get a good grasp of the points plus system....I've tried many times. I also have done a different diet to cleanse my body, it was tough, but I felt great and it worked. I just can not get myself in the right frame of mind right now. I think it is due to not being able to be out and about. I can do upper body stuff, but I have no time with a full time job, PT 3 days/week and 2 active boys.