more energy and feet less hurting. thoughts?

Hey everyone
I just have a quick question. I weighed in at 289.9 pounds in June from then I am down 15 lbs (weighing 274). Obviously I am doing all I can to lose more weight etc. But my question is or observation. When I was at 289 my feet would hurt so bad and I'd have less energy than I do now. I know it is only 15 lbs loss right now but I was just wondering if that is what happens during weight loss? I have a job where I stand all day but I just noticed how i have more energy and my feet are less sore...just curious if that is what happens and if it'll continue to keep getting better with every pound dropped (which is motivation for me to keep on pushing towards goals)...When you lost weight what we're some things you noticed???


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Oh definitely!! At my heavies (260), I started having plantar fascitis problems, could barely tie my shoes, got winded walking around the block, etc. Everything was a huge effort! Think of it this way - could you imagine walking around carrying three 5 pounds sacks of sugar all day? Probably not, but your body has shed that much weight and although it seems like very little in the grand scheme of things, it can make a big difference, as you're already seen. Just wait until you've lost the next 15, 30, etc!

    My biggest change was running. I hated doing it, even when I was young - biking was more my thing. But one of my gym buddies asked me to join her in a running program (like Couch 2 5k) and I figured why not, it's worth a try. I won't lie, it was hard, but I came to really enjoy running! Crazy...
  • Jojojesse
    Jojojesse Posts: 21 Member
    I too suffered with severe heel spurs at my heaviest. And when pregnant with twins I thought my knees were shot.
    I can hustle up 7 flights of stairs, walk 45 minutes and chase said twins and 1 year old with NO tylenol for pain anymore.
    I have a long way to go but down 44 pound and feel younger now than in my early 30's. YAY!
  • becomingfitme
    How awesome....I knew it was weight related but didn't realize how 15 lbs of fat gone from the body is such a huge impact on walking and energy in general. Can't wait for the next 5...10 and 15 lbs....

    Awesome job to you two with the weight losses as well!!!!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Yes, everything will start hurting less, especially your poor feet, who were not designed to support all that weight. They'll thank you for losing. Your heart is very happy, too - it never sends out reminders and keeps working until it just cannot anymore - then it sends pain! But it's happy that you're losing, too. With fifteen pounds lost, you've already taken MILES off how far it has to pump that blood.

    You will keep feeling better, lighter, less painful, more energetic AND happier. If you do some light weight lifting, you'll feel stronger, too.

    There is very little badness and a whole lot of goodness as you go along!!

    You'll fit in the teacups and the Soarin seat better, too. ;)

    When you feel your resolve weakening, just remember that saying NO to the doughnut is saying Yes to healthy and happy. :D

    Congrats on your first 15! May there be many more! :)
  • Jojojesse
    Jojojesse Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks, congrats on your first 15 too. I also have excellent blood pressure now too. Lots of positive changes, going to purge all my clothes now for the next size down.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I've only lost 9 pounds and can tell a huge difference. Some of it is the exercise, heart is healthier and not having to work as hard, which gives me more energy in the long run. I'm also sleeping like a baby now, which also helps.
  • becomingfitme
    What awesome replies :)!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you all (love the Soarin/Teacups references too lol)....I haven't been on soarin yet, and the teacups - my husband and I went the other day ironically I was fearful to get on the teacups in case I didn't fit - so I opted not to get on them...I think that's my fear with most of the rides :/.

    Yes the energy is MUCH better and I just look forward to seeing the healthy and happy changes and positive mindsets....thank you all again and AWESOME job to everyone here. Feel free to add me too :)
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    You will have a lot more energy. I also sleep better now.

    Good Luck

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Good stuff here but additionally, if you're exercising, this also gives you increased energy.
  • becomingfitme
    Yes, I am also noticing the sleeping better (just with 16 pounds gone) --- and the feet less hurting as well as the more energy. It's interesting what "just 16 pounds" lost or rather gone forever feels as opposed to it still being on. I never noticed some of the changes when I gain the weight, just happened, and now that I am losing the weight I notice these things and it's something that will continue to motivate me!!!!! Thank you all for the awesome responses :)!!!!!!!!!!

    Anything else anyone notices when you lose weight physically or emotionally??? I notice I'm in a happier state and that emotionally I can cry a lot and a lot of memories get bought back up (as if I was stuffing them all down with food).....This journey is so emotional, mental, spiritual and physical....but it's a journey I will continue to be on happily :)!