Low carb.



  • Ginahbean81
    I think I need less than 86g a day because I'm not losing. It's very hard to do. I think I'm going to look at your journal...maybe try some things different. I need to stay at 1400 cals
  • Ginahbean81
    How long will it take for my body not to crave sugar? And intense workout examples.....? I do teabo
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    you need to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight, period. fat, carbs, protein - doesn't matter as long as you eat less calories than you burn. i eat 1200 net calories and lose a pound a week every week, and i eat protein, carbs and fats. yes, i eat carbs and lose while i eat them, even though i have type 2 diabetes.

    i have skinny friends who basically live on candy and snack cakes but they're skinny because even though almost everything they eat is carbs, carbs and more carbs, they eat less calories than they burn.

    btw, how do you determine the number of calories you eat? do you weigh your food? if not, chances are good you're eating more than you think.
  • liftingpanda
    If you get stuck at eating an already low calorie diet, try modifying the macro %s around instead of playing with the calories. i.e. if you're doing a 45/35/20, try bringing your carbs down and bring just protein up (i.e. 35/45/20), or split the leftover % between your fats and proteins combined (i.e. 35/40/25). See what works best for your body.
  • selako13
    im currently doing keto and its working wonders for me. i used this to figure out my macros

    with keto or any low carb thing u dont want to do any intense exercise i find that low to moderate cardio melts the weight right off i do 3 days of cardio and i throw some lifting in there too. also make sure u get yourself a multivitamin, and some fish oil helps too, make sure u eat lots of fiber or take a fiber supp, some ppl get constipated on it. and also drink HELLA water lol u said ur mouth was dry or something thats not good haha keep drinkin water n pissin ketones and youre good to go lol.
  • selako13
    also if ur lifting heavy u could do a carb up on the weekends, (after ur in ketosis for a while) good for cravings too :)
  • Ginahbean81
    I weigh everything. It takes a lot to make me full, I don't know why I'm like that! I hate it
  • Liftitmore
    Liftitmore Posts: 3 Member
    Never on the sugar! but that's not a problem till we over do it, just remember you need to balance your nutrition or you will be hungry and unhealthy no matter how hard you work at it, there is very little nutrients is sugar or fat so watch them real close, I take a 1/2 of a multivitamin twice a week and one vitamin C a day along with 20% protein in my diet any more and they each starts to show up in my urine I m not in a habit of flushing money down a toilet, two of my daughters are your age so I know how hard it can be in todays world. Good luck Tom