looking for friends


I am looking for support buddies during my weight loss journey. At this time I have lost a little over 30 lbs. and am trying to walk on a daily basis but at time my fibromyalgia can make that tough, also I have just recently been diagnosed a pre diabetic and have asked my doctor for 3 months of exercise and diet in effort to try and stay off of medication. if you are looking for a cheerleader to help you along the way please hit me up!


  • Hey, you add me as a friend! I have rheumatoid arthritis, so can understand the pain you deal with, with fibromyalgia. I have only lost a couple pounds, and have a ways to go yet...

  • Hi
    You can both add me as a friend too! I'm knew to this site and could use support and give support. You ladies have it harder than me but I too have just been told I have the begining of arthritis in my spine. Weightloss made a lot harder when phsycial activity is limited!!