Need some wise words during "that time of the month"

Ladies, help!
I am really needing some motivation/inspiration right now! I am currently PMSing (sorry, men) pretty badly...& this usually happens 5 days to a week before I start my period. During this time, I get RAVENOUS.
On a normal, daily basis, I only eat green veggies & lean protein. No sugar, no dairy, no grains, no gluten, no anything....however, the past two days, these two days from hell, I have not been able to stop eating. I have eaten God only knows how much chocolate, & then topped it off this morning with two biscuits. This is making me miserable, but my cravings are out of control. Literally.
Having such a limited diet, I do get cravings (mostly for delicious flavor coffee creamer & cheese, ha), but I am always able to control it & push through it without feeling like I am going to have a meltdown. These past two days, though? No way. It's also my boyfriends birthday soon, so I spent this weekend baking for him -- which means chocolate was everywhere, & I am pretty sure I ate at least half a bag of baking white choc. chips. Yeah. THAT BAD.
& on top of it all, I also work out AT LEAST 6 days a week. While this has been going on, I haven't been to the gym in three days. I physically can't even get out of my bed in the morning. I always set my alarm for 7am so I can go to the gym, but I have been sleeping until almost 11am this week. It's ridiculous....& then, even after sleeping that long, when I do wake up, it's still hard for me to keep my eyes open...

I am just hoping some of you can help me out with some motivation or let me know what's going on or help ease my mind (a bit) by letting me know there's still hope & I haven't completely ruined my diet (hah).



  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I actually saw this today, didn't read it all but you might find it interesting: "Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Determinants of Energy Intake – Reseach Review"

    I get super sugar and fat crazy during MTOTM, and I want to live in my bed. It is okay to skip when you can't get out of bed.

    I personally don't understand why you want to restrict yourself so much. I couldn't make that a lifetime change for myself, but my journey is different from yours.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    I agree with the PP - your diet is so very restrictive that it only seems natural to fail at it :/ I would add in some more consistent treats that are still pretty healthy... fruit, sugarfree chocolate pudding cups (if you eat SF stuff), whole wheat toast with PB and honey, etc.

    And of course skipping the gym for three days is not going to kill your routine or progress. It's normal to have a bit of a slump on occasion. Just get back there when you feel better!
  • floweredsteel
    floweredsteel Posts: 56 Member
    Count it as a skip day and move forward. We all have cravings, and some times they get the better of us. Get back on track as quickly as you can and don't get stuck in a downward spiral. You can do it!
  • ajravanos
    ajravanos Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks guys!
    My diet is restrictive, I agree, but I have some health issues that make weight loss really tough. The diet I am currently on was given to me by a doctor & is being monitored, so I am being safe about it. I will eventually incorporate some fruit & grains, but for right now, in order to align the health things I have going on, I have to be a bit restrictive. Up until this point, it really hasn't been hard. But rest assured, this isn't some intense diet I have put myself on for dramatic weight-loss, it's being watched by two different doctors & will slowly be adding in different food to see how my body responds to it <3
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks guys!
    My diet is restrictive, I agree, but I have some health issues that make weight loss really tough. The diet I am currently on was given to me by a doctor & is being monitored, so I am being safe about it. I will eventually incorporate some fruit & grains, but for right now, in order to align the health things I have going on, I have to be a bit restrictive. Up until this point, it really hasn't been hard. But rest assured, this isn't some intense diet I have put myself on for dramatic weight-loss, it's being watched by two different doctors & will slowly be adding in different food to see how my body responds to it <3

    Bleh I am so sorry! Hope you get to a point where this changes soon!
  • ajravanos
    ajravanos Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks guys!
    My diet is restrictive, I agree, but I have some health issues that make weight loss really tough. The diet I am currently on was given to me by a doctor & is being monitored, so I am being safe about it. I will eventually incorporate some fruit & grains, but for right now, in order to align the health things I have going on, I have to be a bit restrictive. Up until this point, it really hasn't been hard. But rest assured, this isn't some intense diet I have put myself on for dramatic weight-loss, it's being watched by two different doctors & will slowly be adding in different food to see how my body responds to it <3

    Bleh I am so sorry! Hope you get to a point where this changes soon!

    No worries! I probably should have explained that from the beginning.
    But, thanks! Me too haha!
  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    You loose iron everymonth, this is why your craving these things...

    Your body is craving high levels of iron to replace lost iron in your blood, this is why you're suddenly getting cravings for all the bad stuff. Chocolate, pizza, bread tends to have high iron suppliments.

    Increase your iron and watch the sodium intake. It should help.
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I have some health issues too and have to keep my calories really low (under doc supervision) to lose weight. So I can relate!

    Have you talked with your doc about the symptoms you have related to PMS / PMDD? There might be some medications that can help or possibly change to a different birth control.

    I know I used to have awful PMS with a specific kind of BC so I stopped using it. Even after going several months without BC I still had issues so now I have a non hormonal birth control (IUD). After a few months now I finally feel much better.
    I think it was the birth control taking my hormones through crazy unnatural contortions every month and after that my body just couldn't get it figured out. I would always gain 5+ lbs every month in water weight and binge eat like crazy. Now after changing my BC I gain maybe 1-2lbs (that disappear the next week) and I definitely have an easier time not feeling like I'm on a roller coaster emotionally and physically!

    Hope you find something that works for you. Wishing you lots of success in your journey.
  • titianwasp
    titianwasp Posts: 139 Member
    It makes me crazy too - usually the week before, I change my mental goal to "maintain, if you cannot lose". I switch to sort of Atkins-y, low carb menu...which I allow myself to eat a higher quantity of, but stay away from the carbs. It keeps me from gaining too much water weight, which in turn keeps my head in the right place, so the glorious day my period starts (ie - end of crazy), I can immediately get back on track.

    Cutting the carbs, ironically, helps with the carb cravings. Dunno why.

    And dark (70%+) chocolate can help...I have mine with a glass of red wine. More than 2 glasses, and suddenly I don't feel like being good any more and things go downhill rapidly from there. ;)