working for nothing

Not over eating. Counting every calorie I put in my mouth. working out 6 days a week, for 1.5 to 2 hours. burning and avg. of 600 to 900 calories each workout(per polar H/R monitor) . And not losing a pound nor inch!
Never been like this, I've always lost at least 2 pounds a week when not cheating. I don't understand how its possible to maintain a calorie deficit and not lose weight. Just doesn't make logical sense to me. How long can my body maintain a calorie deficit before it has to start losing?
And as far as how much I'm eating goes, I try to hit at least 1000 calories, some days I'm able to get more, some less.
I'm not hungry or tired. And I'm eating the amount recommended by my doctor (800-1000)


  • KelseyBee2014
    KelseyBee2014 Posts: 188 Member
    No doctor would recommend you to eat less than 1200 calories a day. That's very unhealthy and your body can't stand it. Try upping your calories to AT LEAST 1200 and you might see some loss.
  • skinnyD2308
    skinnyD2308 Posts: 92 Member
    How long have you been eating this way and how long since you stopped losing?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you're consistently netting only a few hundred calories a day, that's a huge reason for your weight loss to slow. Try netting 1200 and see what happens.