I'm new to calorie counting - gamification win!

Up until a few days ago, I didn't give a jot for counting calories. I got a new phone a few weeks ago and the first obsession was Pacer - the step counter. I found that I was walking between 6000 and 10000 steps per day (dog walk, walk to work, walk at lunch, walk home - standard).. and that was good to track. I then saw that it tracks weight - I have not weighed myself in years - so I went out and bought some scales. I then found that I can synch with this thing called myfitnesspal.. I'm quite a number driven person.. since then, I've been obsessed with it all!

I'm going on holiday in around 5weeks to an All Inclusive so I really want to loose some of my weight and this set up is brilliant. I can micro manage a diet like it's a game.


I've also just got sworkit. More automation and sync goodness. Any more tech I'm missing? I'm thinking of getting a smart watch soon.


  • chaos416
    chaos416 Posts: 89 Member

    Scrolling through the intro pages and your title caught my eye, and I'm surpised there weren't any replies yet. It's odd which posts will take off here and which won't.

    I can so relate! I'm not a 'gamer' per se in that I don't do complicated role playing games and such, but being rather isolated I have played games on FB for the social aspect as well as a time burner. Tracking calories for weight loss absolutley fits with beginning a new game! After buying a new digital scale, my mind is swirling with thoughts of Fitbits and gym memberships and more things to track! Being sedentary (I know...the game time), I don't see that happening for a while yet. But, just like when starting a new game and diving into forums for info while playing madly to catch up and improve strategy I'm doing the same for my new weight loss goals. I'm learning so much about nutrition and health beyond the calorie and actually reading about various weight loss strategies rather than just blowing them off.

    Also, while I knew in the back of my mind that weight loss takes time, it hit me full in the face that while I can apply the same concepts, 'playing' this game for hours and days on end will not let me 'level up' any faster. However, if I can keep the obsession with the numbers and 'play' for months on end (and beyond), I will be a winner.
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    >>However, if I can keep the obsession with the numbers and 'play' for months on end (and beyond), I will be a winner.<<

    It's a lot of grinding but the achievements are worth it ;)

    Not so much tech but the fitocracy app basically gamifys exercise.
  • dragondrop
    dragondrop Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, thanks for the replies;

    I've just had a look at the app 'Fitocracy' - It's perhaps a bit too over engineered - but it seems that (like so many things in life) what I thought of as 'original thought' (fitness gamification) has actually been turned into a money making business! Someone got there waaaay before me!

    As well as the discipline of keeping to a personal commitment to loosing weight and getting fitter and healthier, I've now also made a commitment to keeping track of EVERYTHING in MFP - every calorie, every step, every minute of exercise.

    Both are habit forming things - and both will take a bit of time to get used to.. but I feel I've found the right place, and it's so encouraging to know there's a community out there who are doing similar things to achieve similar goals.

    Last night for instance, we went to a friends 50th birthday - and whilst I had already decided that I would be OK with busting my calorie budget for the day, I decided that I was going to try and track every drink, etc.

    There was buffet. There was REALLY GOOD buffet. There was drink.. I tried to drink more diet coke and vodka but - well, alcohol - now there was a surprise - how many calories it has. Still though - I'm quite proud of myself for tracking it all - warts and all!

    I've just remembered though - there were those Bellini... now.. how do I calculate a 50p coin size Bellini with smoked salmon pate and caviar? :wink:
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I see it as a game too, I don't need bells and whistles and fancy stuff, don't even have a pedometer, but the food shopping, meal planning, logistics, appeal to me. How can I get the 5-a-day (or even better, aim for 8), eat a variety of foods from all the food groups every day, while basing my shopping on whole foods, keep waste to a minimum, eat only things Ilke, while I get to try new foods and recipes, get enough fat and protein, eat with friends now and then, and still keep my calorie goal? AND not waste money. I think MFP makes it is easy and my approach is pleasant, and the complexity keeps it exciting. Dieting is fun this way :bigsmile: I don't know how long I'd stick to it if it wasn't. I plan to maintain the same way, so it better be good.
  • dragondrop
    dragondrop Posts: 13 Member
    I like your logic! I am hoping that even when the 'new toy' / honeymoon period of finding this toolset is over, I'll still be able to maintail a healthy lifestyle and be driven by the goals of being a healthier specimen rather than just the lure of a number crunch game.

    I do think that the documenting everything side of this appeals to me. Hobbies of mine include blogging and photography.. And geocaching; all of which involve advanced documenting.. Hmm, I see a pattern emerging.