confused and scared, e.d. recovery gaining :(

Im a 17 year old girl strugfling with anorexia and bulimia for a year now. In 7 months i lost 60 pounds (5'9, 180 lbs to 115 lowest) I had been maintaining at 115 in an attempt at self recovery eating an average of about 1400 calories a day from 700 during restriction period. Recently I stopped logging and just roughly count calories, even though i want to stop completely. I hadnt weighed myself for a week but once i checked the scales after 11 days on roufhly 1800 ish calories and ive gained 11 pounds... I don't exercise but everything i eat is generally healthy and I can't believe I'm blowing up this fast?? Clothes are tighter, and my thighs have started touching again, so i know the weight gain isnt just obvious as a number.... What is going on with me? Will i keep gaining like this? Im so confused and this ballooning is hindering my recovery mindset. Any experience or advice? Please help :(


  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    Most of us are not qualified to give advice to someone with a history of an eating disorder. What you need to do is talk to a doctor to get help. We want what is best for you and it wouldn't be morally right for us to give you advice on the little information we have. Talk to someone who can really help you. :smile:
  • soul49
    soul49 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been in your shoes! I know how scary and daunting this can be. I offer you all the support I can give because I believe that something as simple as your desire to ask for help is amazing. My friend taught me this amazing method of relieving stress called tapping. I would definitely give it a try as long as you don't find it triggering and always feel free to reach out!!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Im a 17 year old girl strugfling with anorexia and bulimia for a year now. In 7 months i lost 60 pounds (5'9, 180 lbs to 115 lowest) I had been maintaining at 115 in an attempt at self recovery eating an average of about 1400 calories a day from 700 during restriction period. Recently I stopped logging and just roughly count calories, even though i want to stop completely. I hadnt weighed myself for a week but once i checked the scales after 11 days on roufhly 1800 ish calories and ive gained 11 pounds... I don't exercise but everything i eat is generally healthy and I can't believe I'm blowing up this fast?? Clothes are tighter, and my thighs have started touching again, so i know the weight gain isnt just obvious as a number.... What is going on with me? Will i keep gaining like this? Im so confused and this ballooning is hindering my recovery mindset. Any experience or advice? Please help :(

    First, I think it's great that you are interested in recovery, and want to get help. The best thing would be talk to your parents about seeing a therapist and a nutritionist that specialize in eating disorders (this site is only for those 18 and older).

    As for the weight gain, and your thighs touching, keep in mind that you are now eating things that you wouldn't allow yourself to eat previously. A lot of the weight is probably due to fluid retention, and will go away with time. I learned from experience that during recovery, when you are adjusting to eating normally again, it is best to avoid the scale all together.
  • Thats so crazy that you mentioned tapping! My aunt has chronic inflammatory conditions and anxiety and she swears by it she's actually been having me study it! Ill give it a try! And as for the fluid retention that makesva lot of sense, I've been eating more freely and when i was restricting i allowed myself practically NO sodium, so hopefully it is just water weight... Thank you for all your advice ( id also like to add that im currently in outpatient and seeking help)