How to get motivation back?

Hi! I have been working since May on my health, by eating healthy and getting so much more exercise than I used to. I was so excited about it all, and was always happy with what I was doing. I've lost close to 30 pounds, and have so much more energy and stamina. Then I had to have oral surgery, which of course limited what I could eat, and I became so tired and lethargic, and didn't feel like exercising at all. So now I am completely lacking in motivation. I'm having a hard time convincing myself to get up and get going. How do you keep yourself motivated, and what do you do to drag yourself back when you get off-course?


  • ash012
    ash012 Posts: 34 Member
    I hang out in the forums for motivation. I also wrote myself a letter reminding me why I started and what I hope to accomplish. Then I set a short term goal the revolves around exercise. Good luck!
  • New information does the trick, knowing how you can do something always makes it easier to go ahead and do. This helped me.

  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    First off, make sure you heal! Make sure you're hydrated, and eating so you have the energy to work out.

    If you go to a gym it might be a good motivator to have your gym bag packed or clothes laid out ready to go for the next day.

    Get some new music or listen to an upbeat playlist, something that will get your blood goin'!

    Remember that slow progress is better than no progress, take it one day at a time to get back into the game :)
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Just MAKE yourself go work out 3-5 days a week for a couple weeks, and you'll start to feel that motivation and endorphin rush come back as it becomes a habit again! I drink a cup of coffee about 45 minutes before, so I feel like "Now I have some extra energy, I can't waste it."
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Motivation comes down to wanting it.

    If you're not motivated to exercise, you're basically saying you don't want to exercise.
    If you're not motivated to work at losing weight, then you're basically saying you don't want to lose weight.

    So....why don't you want to exercise? Maybe what you're doing is boring. Have you joined a gym? Maybe it's time to get into a group fitness class in a gym or rec center - it gives you a nice way to try out different things without too much one-on-one pressure. Work out at home? Go on Youtube and search for workouts. If you like dance fitness, I can tell you a ton of different things to try.

    Why don't you want to lose weight? Is it too hard? You might be trying too hard - cutting too many calories and eliminating foods. Change it up. Eating the same things? Find new recipes.