Am I eating low enough calories?

I am 5ft and 133lbs with a bmi of 26% I have lost 30lbs after I had my daughter (without a diet program) and decided to try this to lose the last 23lbs to be considered at a healthy weight. I have only been going about two weeks so have not seen any loss yet. According to my diary I should be eating 1200 cal. a day but in reading others people posts that are much taller than me theirs is the same. Should I be eating less calories because I am so short?


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Do you know your BMR/TDEE? Those will help gauge whether you're eating enough.

    Since your diary is closed, do you weigh/measure everything you eat and drink? You may be eating more than you think.
  • Yes I weigh and measure everything I eat and have been looking up actual nutrition facts not just using numbers other people have entered just to make sure everything is correct. I average about 1100-1300 calories before workouts and try and burn off 400 cal. a day. pretty much been living off of mostly chicken and veggies (some fruit) I was just thinking since I am so short and apparently should weigh 95-110lbs ( according to my doctor) that maybe I should try eating 1000 cal. a day.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Do you know your BMR/TDEE? Those will help gauge whether you're eating enough.

    Quoting, because the above would be useful information.

    If you don't know your BMR and TDEE, you can find plenty of calculators online to help get an estimate of yours. Like this one:
  • K so BMR is 1383 and TDEE is 1901... Ive been eating less than the 1383 and have not lost anything. That number just seems awfully high shouldn't I be eating less to actually lose weight?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    K so BMR is 1383 and TDEE is 1901... Ive been eating less than the 1383 and have not lost anything. That number just seems awfully high shouldn't I be eating less to actually lose weight?

    To lose weight you need to eat less than your TDEE. Most people aim for about 20% less, or 1520 calories for you. If you've been eating less than that and not losing then you're either underestimating your calories eaten, overestimating calories burned, have a medical condition that makes it more complicated to lose, or haven't given it enough time for the changes to show.