whats going wrong ? Please Help

Hello All,

I am 25 year old and I weigh 146lb. I am 5'5 and a pear shaped female. I have put on 20lbs since past two years. Last year being the worst. I ended up eating outside as I am working fulltime and commute to work 2 hours a day and I think my metabolism and genes aren't helping either. My goal now is to reduce to 125 in atleast 4 months because I am getting married in Jan. I am very determined and have been working out 4-5 days a week and also follow very strict diet. I try to run atleast 2-3 miles everyday and walk uphill on the days I am not running.I am doing this since 2 months now and I hardly see any changes

I was always thin earlier and recently due to this weight gain I feel very embarrassed to even meet my friends or pose for a picture. I am of tired of hearing - " Oh my god , you have put on " from people who havent seen me lately. I have completely lost my self confidence. As my wedding date is approaching I am left with just 4 months now to lose them all. I am very frustrated, Can some one tell me what is going wrong ?? Please dont tell me my weight loss goal is un-achievable.

Note : I have tried all of them (-low fat diet first) and then (-low carb diet later). Nothing has shown any outstanding results. Lately even if I eat outside, I just end up eating salad or salmon. No desserts at all. Very very less alcohol (May be once a month -1 glass of wine not more). No coffee or Tea. I do drink a lot of water and get enough sleep


  • sarabourgeois777
    It sounds to me like your body has decided that it's going to weigh 146 lbs. It doesn't really matter if you want it to or not. It's a healthy weight, so there might not be a lot you can do to go lower.

    That being said, you might want to take up weight training. You can change the shape of your body without losing weight.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    How many calories are you eating and do you weigh all of your food using a food scale? Please ignore the post above mine. None of that is necessary for weight loss.

    ETA: Ignore the crazy list guy, not the person right above. :laugh:
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    The bottom line is burn more calories than you take in. Weigh and track EVERYTHING, even vegetables. If you find that certain foods are triggers, then it might be best to stay away from them, but you can eat anything you want as long as you burn off more than you take in (calories in vs calories out).

    Lift heavy weights, build muscle, and look awesome.
  • shexy16
    I say, ditch your chithead "friends" that see you and tell you've put on weight. They're rude and just being ugly and hateful. Get rid of them, and you'll be fine!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member

    Start with the above. You are not logging your food so I'm going to venture out and say you're eating a lot more than you think you are. Salads in restaurants are FULL of calories, a Wendy's salad can range from 800-1000 calories in one meal. You need to be aware of what you are putting in your mouth!

    Please read the links, they will help you immensely, and do NOT take the advice of the first response here, so, so unnecessary.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Perhaps 146 is the right weight for you? My stats are the same as yours and my dr calls me "skinny" (G-d I love him!). Don't do anything drastic to try to drop more weight. It generally on backfires. Focus on being healthy. Exercise and eat a reasonable amount of calories.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    Weigh your food. Log your food. Move more and eat a reasonable amount. Try to eat in more, pack your lunches, and read nutrition labels. If you are looking to be healthier as well as thinner then eat more veggies, lean meat and whole grains.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Girl I'm an inch shorter than you and just under 146. My point is...I don't know. I still feel confident :)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Log all your food..I mean every bite of food that goes into your mouth
    Stay under your calorie goal
    Eat at least 1200 calories a day
    Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day 6 days per week.
    Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep, if possible 8 hours every night
    cut out all alcohol.

    If you do not lose any weigh by doing this for one month, go to the dr and have your hormones checked.

    And low fat, low carb diets...what ever..... the only thing that works is low calorie diets.
  • americot84
    Hello there

    My advice;
    Use the app (be truthful)
    1- Always eat less then what you burn (to loose weight)
    2- Learn about dissociated diets, don't need to be strict about them just don't mix carbs with protein

    Here's a link to get started: http://www.linella.md/en/list/88/Linella-Diets/item/id/258
    Do some more research about them, it worked for me, I had lost around 20 pounds, reached a "Plateau" and wasn't going anywhere despite working out (jogging and cycling 5 days a week), my own doctor turned me in to it.

    I would wish you good luck but... its all about the work, luck has nothing to do with it ;)

    P.S.: Don't do it for hem do it for yourself :)
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    How many calories are you eating and do you weigh all of your food using a food scale? Please ignore the post above mine. None of that is necessary for weight loss.

    ETA: Ignore the crazy list guy, not the person right above. :laugh:

    All of this. That list... WOW. But seriously, weighing your food is the most accurate way to figure out what you are taking in.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    OP, I think you get the idea by now to ignore this. Like others have said, start by knowing how many calories you are actually eating. Then you can adjust.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    2- Learn about dissociated diets, don't need to be strict about them just don't mix carbs with protein

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Your BMI is within a healthy range right now. It will be much harder to lose weight quickly than if you had a lot to lose. At highest, you should aim for 1/2 pound a week. But in a healthy range, 1-2 pounds a month loss is generally the most you can expect. (Of course, you could do something to promote an unhealthy loss, but expect it to all come rushing back on with reinforcements after you stop ... I wouldn't recommend that!!)

    I would suggest that you figure out your maintenance calorie level. I'm going to guess it's about 2000 calories, probably more if you exercise, but there are a lot of resources to help you get a better estimate. Then, reduce that calorie amount by 200 or 250, and eat that every day. Be diligent in accurate tracking - log everything you eat, but also weigh and measure appropriately. For overall wellbeing, most of your calories should come from nutrient-dense foods, but there is nothing wrong with a treat on a daily basis if it fits your calorie needs.

    For an even better look on your wedding day, take up resistance training. I am a big fan of heavy lifting. NO, YOU WON'T GET BULKY!!!! If you are eating at maintenance or a slight deficit (see the paragraph above) you won't gain appreciable muscle mass (you will get more definition as the fat over the muscles diminishes). You may or may not lose weight as measured by scale, but you can definitely lose inches. [Disclaimer: I fully recognize that heavy lifting isn't the only way to lose inches and look great, but it is my personal preference. Other resistance training may work, too.]

    And it's very important that you make all the changes part of your lifestyle. If you just do this until after the wedding, then go back to your previous habits, your body will also go back to what it is.
  • shiningstar14
    shiningstar14 Posts: 10 Member
    How many calories are you eating and do you weigh all of your food using a food scale? Please ignore the post above mine. None of that is necessary for weight loss.

    ETA: Ignore the crazy list guy, not the person right above. :laugh:

    Hi... I was using this app and it calculated 1280 for my specifications. I never used to weigh my food but trust me I used to enter honestly what I ate even if it was one extra baby carrot
  • shiningstar14
    shiningstar14 Posts: 10 Member

    Start with the above. You are not logging your food so I'm going to venture out and say you're eating a lot more than you think you are. Salads in restaurants are FULL of calories, a Wendy's salad can range from 800-1000 calories in one meal. You need to be aware of what you are putting in your mouth!

    Please read the links, they will help you immensely, and do NOT take the advice of the first response here, so, so unnecessary.

    Thanks. I sincerely did enter evrything I ate and everyday I was below my goal for more than a month. I recently (1 week ago) stopped entering food getting frustrated when I saw almost no change
  • shiningstar14
    shiningstar14 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello there

    My advice;
    Use the app (be truthful)
    1- Always eat less then what you burn (to loose weight)
    2- Learn about dissociated diets, don't need to be strict about them just don't mix carbs with protein

    Here's a link to get started: http://www.linella.md/en/list/88/Linella-Diets/item/id/258
    Do some more research about them, it worked for me, I had lost around 20 pounds, reached a "Plateau" and wasn't going anywhere despite working out (jogging and cycling 5 days a week), my own doctor turned me in to it.

    I would wish you good luck but... its all about the work, luck has nothing to do with it ;)

    P.S.: Don't do it for hem do it for yourself :)

    Thanks a lot.. Will look into it
  • shiningstar14
    shiningstar14 Posts: 10 Member
    you are sweet :) ..
  • shiningstar14
    shiningstar14 Posts: 10 Member
    Your BMI is within a healthy range right now. It will be much harder to lose weight quickly than if you had a lot to lose. At highest, you should aim for 1/2 pound a week. But in a healthy range, 1-2 pounds a month loss is generally the most you can expect. (Of course, you could do something to promote an unhealthy loss, but expect it to all come rushing back on with reinforcements after you stop ... I wouldn't recommend that!!)

    I would suggest that you figure out your maintenance calorie level. I'm going to guess it's about 2000 calories, probably more if you exercise, but there are a lot of resources to help you get a better estimate. Then, reduce that calorie amount by 200 or 250, and eat that every day. Be diligent in accurate tracking - log everything you eat, but also weigh and measure appropriately. For overall wellbeing, most of your calories should come from nutrient-dense foods, but there is nothing wrong with a treat on a daily basis if it fits your calorie needs.

    For an even better look on your wedding day, take up resistance training. I am a big fan of heavy lifting. NO, YOU WON'T GET BULKY!!!! If you are eating at maintenance or a slight deficit (see the paragraph above) you won't gain appreciable muscle mass (you will get more definition as the fat over the muscles diminishes). You may or may not lose weight as measured by scale, but you can definitely lose inches. [Disclaimer: I fully recognize that heavy lifting isn't the only way to lose inches and look great, but it is my personal preference. Other resistance training may work, too.]

    And it's very important that you make all the changes part of your lifestyle. If you just do this until after the wedding, then go back to your previous habits, your body will also go back to what it is.

    you are right.. Even I was thinking of joining training
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Hello All,

    I am 25 year old and I weigh 146lb. I am 5'5 and a pear shaped female. I have put on 20lbs since past two years. Last year being the worst. I ended up eating outside as I am working fulltime and commute to work 2 hours a day and I think my metabolism and genes aren't helping either. My goal now is to reduce to 125 in atleast 4 months because I am getting married in Jan. I am very determined and have been working out 4-5 days a week and also follow very strict diet. I try to run atleast 2-3 miles everyday and walk uphill on the days I am not running.I am doing this since 2 months now and I hardly see any changes

    I was always thin earlier and recently due to this weight gain I feel very embarrassed to even meet my friends or pose for a picture. I am of tired of hearing - " Oh my god , you have put on " from people who havent seen me lately. I have completely lost my self confidence. As my wedding date is approaching I am left with just 4 months now to lose them all. I am very frustrated, Can some one tell me what is going wrong ?? Please dont tell me my weight loss goal is un-achievable.

    Note : I have tried all of them (-low fat diet first) and then (-low carb diet later). Nothing has shown any outstanding results. Lately even if I eat outside, I just end up eating salad or salmon. No desserts at all. Very very less alcohol (May be once a month -1 glass of wine not more). No coffee or Tea. I do drink a lot of water and get enough sleep

    aside from everything everyone else has said to you... calm down. the world has not ended.

    does your fiance still love you and want to marry you? yes? then you're fine.

    are you still healthy with good bloodwork? yes? then you're fine.

    i fully understand what it's like to compare yourself to what you USED to look like in the mirror. i also understand what it's like to not want to be in pictures because you don't like the way you look. so first of all, realize that any friend that blurts out "oh my god you've put on weight!" is rude and deserves to be told so. second, if you already have your wedding dress, then have it altered to fit you perfectly NOW. don't kill yourself trying to reach a goal as fast as possible. a good seamstress can make sure that you look utterly beautiful. the dress should fit YOU, you shouldn't be trying to conform to the dress.

    if you want to lose weight for yourself and for your own peace of mind, then approach it as a lifelong thing, not as a quick fix.