pregnant and overweight!

Hi everyone, I'm sure there are already all kinds of topics already related to this subject but it's to sift through and find the good ones!
I am just 8 weeks pregnant and about 30-35 lbs overweight. I am concerned about my weight and definitely want to manage what I gain over the next 30+ weeks. I am going to continue to exercise and eat healthy but sometimes I need motivation!! If anyone out there is in a similar situation, please feel free to add me! I would love to follow your stories!


  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I'll be honest, I don't know if there are ongoing topics, or how many past topics there have been, because it's been six years since I I found out I was pregnant, but I was in the same boat. Only, I had more weight on me than 30lbs. I was about 70lbs heavier than I am right now (just shy of 300lbs) when I became pregnant. I'd worked my behind off to get 100lbs off, and I was determined I wasn't going to gain a pound that was NOT associated with my child or pregnancy (IE: blood/placenta/amniotic fluid, ect). I knew the rough estimate of what it was supposed to weigh each week/month/trimester. I didn't restrict calories at all, instead, I ate a more healthy diet with a lot of protein (I have PCOS, so even pregnant, I had to keep my carbohydrate intake in check), fruits and vegetables. I drank a TON of orange juice. That was the one thing I craved the most was orange juice. Orange juice and cold original Chick-fil-a sandwiches.

    I exercised regularly, by walking. I'd typically take a walk around my neighborhood every evening, and I swam anytime I could in season and when an indoor pool was available. There were times I dealt with nausea (I wouldn't call it morning sickness, because it would last ALL day long), and during those times, to get some type of food in, I drank Ensure. Ensure got vitamins in for her, and calories to keep my brain going, while not being too much for my stomach or making me feel as if I were going to throw up. There were times I'd even drink an Ensure as a snack later on through my pregnancy.

    I did even begin to get a little worried in my second trimester, as I lost 5lbs in one week. I called my OB/GYN, and told him, I'm eating 3 full meals a day, snacking if I'm hungry, drinking my water, I walk every day, and she's moving and kicking, should I be worried? They told me that it was most likely due to the fact that she was taking all of my calories/food from me, and since I had been eating a healthy diet, it was causing the loss. It was nothing to worry about. I had an ultrasound at the next appointment, as she was in the 99th percentile, in her growth scan, which meant- I was going to give birth to a moose! There was nothing wrong with the way my baby was growing, she was very healthy and strong, she was getting everything she needed.

    By the time all was said and done, the day I delivered, I'd lost 30lbs, and she was born 7lbs 8ozs 21 inches long at 38 1/2 weeks. Had I gone a full 40 weeks, I had to think how big she would've been. She probably would've been over 10lbs, and 22inches long. She was a BIG baby as it was, and I went into labor naturally.

    So, the best thing you can do, is first, talk to your doctor or midwife, and find out what your nutritional guidelines are- what they're recommending that you need, or if they have a guideline for you (for food/exercise). They may want you to increase your caloric intake slightly, or, they may tell you that the calories are fine, to focus more on foods rich in folic acid, and amino acids. As long as you aren't cutting calories during this time, but staying active, you have a great chance of having a healthy baby, and staying healthy yourself! Best wishes for a healthy and happy nine months!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I was in your shoes before, it's no fun. I just tried to keep the junk food cravings down to regular portions like 1cup of ice cream instead of the whole gallon
    . But before you do anything, I would definitely talk to your doctor first. I knew a girl (on here) that restricted her calories to 1350 while pregnant and continued working out 60mins a day, the outcome wasn't happy. Not trying to scare you but it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor / midwife about this type of thing.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I was in your shoes before, it's no fun. I just tried to keep the junk food cravings down to regular portions like 1cup of ice cream instead of the whole gallon
    . But before you do anything, I would definitely talk to your doctor first. I knew a girl (on here) that restricted her calories to 1350 while pregnant and continued working out 60mins a day, the outcome wasn't happy. Not trying to scare you but it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor / midwife about this type of thing.

    I agree with talking to your doctor about your calorie intake an dhow many calories a day you should be eating, it'll be different for everyone. You just want to make sure that you are eating enough for you and your baby as for exercise again clear it with your doctor but barring being in a high risk pregnancy state exercise should be fine as long as you don't overdue it. Just talk to your doctor and see what they feel is approproate for you and your baby...and congrats!!!
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Your target is acheivable.
    Avoid processed and pre-cooked foods as much as possible.
    Focus on loads of vegetables (cooked or as salad,) + protein + healthy fats (olive oil dressings, nuts/seeds etc) + some carbs.
    If you're hungry eat - your body is telling you to refuel, but choose the healthy stuff.
    Good snacks are fruit with cheese or nuts; apple with peanut butter; salami stick; tomatoes with feta cheese and olives, just remember to keep portion sizes in check - a cupped hand for 1serving of vege's/carbs; two fingers for hard cheese; the palm of your hand for protein (red meat/chicken;) full hand for fish; small cupped hand for nuts/seeds.
    Nausea can be eased by having smaller meals and regular snacks, and ginger (however you like it - tea/in a meal/chrystalised.)
  • blakedebo
    blakedebo Posts: 130 Member
    Congrats! I too am almost 9 weeks pregnant. This is my 3rd, and a surprise for sure! With my 1st pregnancy I started at 195 lbs and delivered at 210lbs, with my 2nd I started at 210 (I had recently gained back about 15 lbs, I delivered at 230 lbs. This time I am starting at 190 lbs (I am 5'7"). I am trying to track consistently, make good choices and keep active. Right now, the thought of veggies makes me gag though- love those food aversions! I am trying to get creative and am thinking if this continues I will be making green smoothies or hiding them in my food like I sometimes do to my kids!
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    So glad you posted this! I'm 10 weeks along and have been struggling a bit with accepting the weight gain to come. With my first 7 years ago, I started out almost 50lbs higher than where I am now...and worked so hard this last year to get my weight down. So thrilled with my progress and sitting right around 170 (5'6") when I found out about this one. After working so hard, the last thing I want to do is throw it all out the window and just go crazy because I'm pregnant.

    Definitely agree with the others, you certainly want to have conversations w/your doctor, and let them know your concerns. I'm not exactly starting out "skinny", and my doc wants me to try and keep my gain around 25lbs, which doesn't sound like much at all. But I'm going to focus on good, healthy choices; plenty of protein; lots of water; and mainly walking for exercise. And yes, there will be some indulgences, but conscious ones. 10wks in, I'm still hovering w/in 1-2lbs of where I started, which my doctor is fine with, and suggested only upping calories by 300 when 2nd trimester begins.

    I'm realizing I just need to get out of my head in regards to my "vanity", and do what's best for this little miracle, and deal with it after. Having 2 losses after my daughter, I didn't really think we'd have more than 1, and so far things are going great! Very excited!

    Glad I'm not alone in this. :smile:
  • elly_bean83
    elly_bean83 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for your replies, ladies!
    I did talk to my doctor about exercise (as I teach spin class twice a week)...she said that as long as I stick to what I was doing before and don't pick up any new intense exercises it is fine. I will continue the spin class as long as it's comfortable and have been still playing tennis and walking the dogs, etc. I do find I get winded much quicker now though! i haven't talked to the doc about weight gain though, it will be on my list of questions for my next appt. I generally eat pretty healthy and haven't been experiencing too many food aversions or cravings (except for chicken, I always want chicken haha). My concern is with the fact that you have increased risk of problems when you are overweight and am worried if i put on more weight those risks will increase even more. Just have to be careful! Glad to hear of others in the same boat, I will add you to my friend's list...let's go through this together!
  • elly_bean83
    elly_bean83 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks to those who offered advice and shared their experiences!
  • hnsr1021
    hnsr1021 Posts: 58 Member
    Oh my goodness you have no idea how happy I am to see this! I am 7weeks4 days and have been logging and doing Mfp for a little over a year now. I had finally lost almost 45lbs of my baby weight from my first (from 6years ago!!!) and was within 25 lbs to my goal of 160 when I found out I'm expecting again. I was SO surprised! I too do not want to throw everything I've accomplished away with this pregnancy and am trying to stay focused on health for myself and this baby. I'm continuing my exercise regimen just at a lower pace (mostly walking and circuit training, when I have enough energy and am not sick) and I'm trying to eat healthy choices, though here lately carbs are about all I can stomach. :(
  • babyseal_24
    babyseal_24 Posts: 26 Member
    Yay! I'm at ten weeks now.... and in exactly the same boat as you (As of this morning, approx. 20lbs overweight)! Well, except I lost about five pounds from when we found out because I couldn't keep any food down, which was a slight concern, but I was told it was normal and was put on some anti-nausea medication. What was really the worst was that I got out of my exercise routine (I had more pressing concerns, like eating), but I was told I can hop back in as long as I take it easy and make sure I'm eating enough to balance it out. I was also told (and it differs depending on your weight & whatnot) to gain between 15-25 lbs, but only 1-3 are in the first trimester. I've been keeping a close eye on my weight and fully intend to continue to do so. I've also been avoiding processed food, which has been surprisingly easy because nesting has made me want to cook real food!

    My only real issue is the lack of caffeine in my life right now.... So... tired....!
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Hey marks 11 wks for me, and I have to tell you, I'm struggling. Finding it a bit more difficult to let go of my progress and just be okay with even the small gain I've had so far. It seems in this last week/week and a half my appetite has increased, queasiness subsiding, and I've given myself a bit more liberty to enjoy.

    I started at 171, and 11 weeks in I'm at, I realize in the grand scheme of things, that's pretty much nothing considering the 1st trimester is almost over. And I'm really proud that I haven't taken on the eating for 2 mentality, but I'm surprising myself with how much I'm focusing on it...and how weight/scale consumed I was prior to becoming pregnant...just having a hard time letting some of that go, and letting whatever happens happen for the good of 'baby bean' (as my daughter calls him/her).

    It sort of makes spend so much time trying to lose, monitoring everything you eat, establishing an exercise routine, and constantly tracking progress...and after all that hard work and actually making great headway, for me about 50lbs! Guess the struggle is just coming to grips that weight is going to come back on, and honestly I'll gain it all back for a healthy baby, and just deal with it after. But it is definitely a struggle in my head.

    Anybody else? Feel like I'd love to have a mini-preggo group to go through this with...any takers? :flowerforyou: