Not-So-New Here... Asking For Encouragement

Hi everyone... My name is Amber Jo...

I've been on MFP before... And I've succeeded before by losing 75 pounds. However, I backslid and have now gained ¾ of my weight back.

The pain of constantly making excuses has become too much though. It's time to change. For me. I need this. But even more, I want this. Not to be skinny... But to be healthy and fit.

I would love some friends along this journey....


  • meganzogg3
  • Cammyfaye
    Cammyfaye Posts: 28 Member
    Hello Amber Jo, nice to meet you. I know how easy it is to gain it back as I have been there a few times myself. I have only been here for a week so I have a way to go and I would be happy to encourage you all I can. Encouragement is something we all need :)
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    You had me til you said "journey".
  • No_More_Waiting
    Sorry to hear that.... To me, all of life is a journey, though....
  • mama_with_goals
    Hi Amber Jo. I've been using MFP on and off for a couple of years now. But I am tired if letting myself Doreen. I'm tired of making goals and then when the going gets tough, I give up. That's not who I am. But if you're looking to have a motivational helper, let's kick but together!! Feel free to add me.