Diary help?

Can someone look at my diary and tell me if my choices are looking okay? I'm a girl, 5'8, 160 pounds and my goal weight is around 140. I'm totally new to weight loss and I feel like I'm eating more than I should, although my calories have been at my limit. I drink at least one small skim milk caramel latte a day, is that ok as long as I'm under my calorie limit? Also, do you guys just find a food that's "close enough" if the actual food isn't listed in the MFP database?


  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    It's okay as long as you don't eat the lattes too often, but as a treat once in a while is okay!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I was the same weight as you starting, and had a similar goal of 140 as well.

    I mean, you're staying under or around your calories. Could be better nutrition wise but weight loss has to do with calories, so I guess to each his own. Plus, who am I to judge because I'm about to eat a pint of frozen yogurt.
  • elenadowty1
    elenadowty1 Posts: 4 Member
    do you have your diary public? not sure where to find it. I'd like to see what kinda stuff you're eating since we had the same starting & goal weights.

    edit: nevermind, found it!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Okay good! I had to restart my account a couple weeks ago so it doesn't go back too far. I also had some drinks I didn't log this weekend :)
  • elenadowty1
    elenadowty1 Posts: 4 Member
    so you think I should cut back on the lattes even though I'm still on my calorie limit? I haven't even been looking at sugars/carbs/etc, just the calorie count :(
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    How many calories in the lattes? I was thinking more along the lines of less processed foods and more vegetables. Maybe breakfast? But that's just for HEALTH reasons, not necessarily weight loss. If you're hitting your calorie goal, you lose no matter what you eat.
  • elenadowty1
    elenadowty1 Posts: 4 Member
    They're around 150-200 calories I think. The coffee shop I go to doesn't have many database options on MFP, so I find the equivalent on starbucks-- I get a small vanilla latte with skim milk, which is 130 calories at Starbucks.
    thanks for your help!