Need Motivational Friends! PLEASE ADD ME! :)

Hi All,
I started out in 2012, I worked out ate right for just under a year and lost 65 lbs. I recently got married and before i got married i gained some weight back and gained a little more back since then...maybe total i gained like 15 lbs back....But I want to get my body back, i got lazy and stopped working out. I used to lift weights and run 4-5 miles A DAY mon-fri. I want to get back to that again I just need a little motivation! My husband says i look fine and blah blah but i dont care what he thinks I care what i think and I wanna be back to looking great for him!! I want back to 177 lbs and then go LOWER and i want back into my size 7-8 jeans i just hit back into double digit jeans and im if you want to challenge each other and motivate each other please add me! I have a treadmill and free weights and work out dvds at my house and I walk/run during my lunch breaks when its nice out!!! I lost a lot of weight before i can do it again!!! :)


  • udayasuryav
    udayasuryav Posts: 7 Member

    You can do it :) forgive and move on :) I have done a lot of the yo yo between exercise weights .. and now at last i am at a comfortable pace of losing weight .. i have my bad days and then i have many good days now :) so all is good .. would love to help u out in your journey and u can kick my *kitten* when i slip :D

    adding u :)

  • rajdeepi200414
    rajdeepi200414 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there MFP's. I am not new to MFP. I was on here a few years ago. I am finally back and looking to lose about 50 pounds slowly and this time do it right. I could really use encouragement and give some out as well. I am a 30 years old woman. I am on medications for my depression and anxiety. The meds really help so there is no way I can come off of them. But they have led to 50 lbs of weight gain. I have joined ice skating, badminton, and tennis. I will also be walking daily. I am hoping all of this combined with a caloric deficit will be enough to lose weight. I am from Canada.