ima new young mama who needs motivation!

I had a baby this year and I lost some weight after but then Gained a bunch outta nowhere!!!.its tiring bein a new mama but I feel so icky lately and fat.. I was small before gettin pregnant and I want to be that small again :( like I said tho im so tired and eating right aint doin it for me I just keep gainin. I need more motivation!!!


  • meenuarch24
    ohhhh my situation is exactly same like you!!!!!!!!!
  • nicolettajade
    Hi !

    It does get hard especially when you have a child to take care of aswell. Losing weight isnt just eating healthy it is also exercising. I suggest if you have a treadmill for example, put a show on for your child and do some walking / jogging whilst they are watching the tv. That way you are still close, still watching your child and they are also entertained. If not even just taking yourself and your child for a stroll would help aswell. But yes, exercise is a big must !
  • Laura_2186
    Laura_2186 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat apart from my little girl is nearly two. Since having her I become to lazy and used her as an excuse not to exercise or to eat junk food as it was quick and convenient. Reached a point where enough was enough and now want to do something about it and change. Feel free to add me :)
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    Hello everyone
    I was the same way and when I got pregnant I was 101 pounds. It probably be safe to let your body adjust to new weight. I would wait 4 months before working out. Sometimes nature has to run its course. My body went back to normal after 6 months with no exercise. Well my hips got bigger and thats it. Size 0 to size 1.
  • missviola22
    I have been trying to get exercise in besides chasing my little crawler and our strolls together. The weight hit me hard it seems like within a month in a half I just gained so much. But im tired of bein this big! I used to wear size two jeans. I just feel uncomfortable now lookin like I do.
    Also I only eat fruit & veggies, and not supposed to eat till full im just supposed to snack through out day. And I really only drink water or oj