Just had the gastric sleeve

Hello. I am 28 years old and just had the gastric sleeve surgery 2 weeks ago. I am looking for others who have had it done as well, or will be having it done to add me as a friend for support, questions and what not. I was told that this is going to be an emotional and difficult journey. I have already hit the emotional part. LOL. Anyways, please add me as a friend and I look forward to getting to know others who have had or will be having the gastric sleeve operation. :flowerforyou:


  • toriibanco
    Hey! I am getting mine done tomorrow! (Nervous but excited) could use buddies as well!
  • avsie2014
    avsie2014 Posts: 3 Member
    I didn't get a sleeve but I had GBP almost 2 years ago. It's been an emotional roller-coaster, but I don't regret my decision whatsoever. It has given me a new lease on life. But 2 years down the road, I can tell you it's not easy -- you can regain the weight lost so easily! I slacked a bit the last few months and regained 5kg in a matter of weeks arrgghh! So I started tracking what I eat and my calories burned, and I've lost that extra weight... It shows WLS is not the easy way out at all, it's a tool like any other. You still need to do all the work. Good luck on your journey, both of you!
  • shadyhoof
    I agree its not the easy way out, infact there is no way out as such tbh.
    I had the gastric sleeve just 2 days ago because it reduces the chemical in your gut that says EAT EAT EAT all the time
    I have no problem being around food what I do/did have a huge problem with was just being hungry all the time people around me refused food because they said they were full and i never understood how that worked, how can you be full? What does it feel like?
    How do you know you're full?
    Suprisingly all I wanted was to feel full and not just eat myself silly as I obviosly have been doing .
    I lost nearly 2 stone during the 2 weeks pre op clear liquid diet and I never cheated but boy did I struggle with food demons
    its all about controlling yourself and as I look back now the pre op diet is the first hurdle if you can achieve that I believe thats step one of your journey achieved .
    I cleared out my kitchen long before I even decided to have the sleeve and that helped too
    I am aware down the line I will eat rubbish and the odd cream cake because im human , however scoffing a slice of pizza or a cream bun will be welcomed as a treat instead of feeling the hungry need to eat a whole shelf full of cakes which I could b4 twice over and still think I was hungry.

    anyway I only had surgery tuesday and its thursday now im sure il have ups n downs and even why the hell did I do this moments but but whatever you do to loose weight there is no easy way out its just a different road travelled
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    Just don't ever forget that you are an overweight person. By that I mean that our metabolisms lead us to put on weight unlike a naturally thin person.

    If I find myself going overboard or I've gained a few pounds that's what I tell myself while I get a mental picture of my former self and think of the things I couldn't do.

    By keeping that in mind I've kept just over 120 pounds off for almost five years now. I had my surgery December 2009.
  • dearestbree86
    Wow. Five years. Congrats on your progress. It has only been 2.5 weeks for me. Feels like longer but then again I am horrible with remembering time frames. Anyways, any pointers on a newbee like me? I luckily havent really had problems with others eating around me. I did the first week but then I got used to it. I feel my stomach still settling itself out as far as "hungry" days. I know i am not hungry and it is just my mind that thinks i am. Those are interesting days. I look forward to any words of wisdom you may have.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    hi there........I was curious, again, not being judgemental, but how did you get the surgery if you only have 43 lbs to lose?

    I thought you have to lose 100 lbs to quality? Thanks for the reply,again, its a personal decision and best of luck to you
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    Well, I haven't had that surgery, don't need to and hope I never do, but I've had two coworkers undergo it and they each had their struggles. One ended up with permanent absorption problems requiring her to get transfusions periodically. The other lost all the weight (>150lbs) but one thing that struck me was the serious change in lifestyle it took to live with having her body altered in that way. I think that's really the key, but for some, it really takes changing the body to force that lifestyle change so there can be no going back. If your surgeon offers a support group with other people who have undergone that surgery, it would be good to attend that. If he/she doesn't, look for one and talk with other people face-to-face about what they've gone through or are going through.
    One thing I know, for all of us, intact stomachs or not, small frequent meals will ultimately be more satisfying and meet our bodies' requirements than fewer large meals.
    Good luck. I hope you can change your thinking and habits to match your new stomach.
  • ddube960
    Hey there all, I just had my sleeve done 8 days ago. I started dieting seriously on Aug 12th, I got my surgery date on Sept 8th. From Aug 12th to Sept 8th I went from 289lbs down to 275lbs, when I went on my 2 week pre-op diet I dropped to 264lbs. After my surgery i went up to 275 and then 8 days later I am down to 252. I know it seems like alot of indfo but I wanted to see if others are on the same trend as me. My goal is to be down to 190-200lbs and then maintain. I had mine done in San Antonio, great doctor and support staff.

  • dearestbree86
    I do have over 100lbs to loose. I just set my goal on MyFitness to small increments so i don't feel overwhelmed. I like to take things a little at a time. It helps easy my mind. :wink: