Looking for friends to help me to keep going

I'm Helen - I'm booked for a bypass in October

I'm scared and almost alone with this and have not shared the news with any of my family or friends

I'm looking for friends to help keep me going and give any advise

I'd be greatful

Helen x


  • Hi, I'm Charris. My mom had bypass about 6 years ago, and I swear it saved her life. If you'd like to talk I'm here.
  • Misshodge64
    Misshodge64 Posts: 8,588 Member
    Hello, that is an extreme surgery, are you sure you want to go in that direction? Helen look at all these incredible postings. Alot of men and women are losing weight right and left little by little. I knew a lady that got it but it was due to SERIOUS health problems, dealing with her knees plus she was in her 60s also. I would post pone that appointment until a year from now. Work on your diet , exercise or even walk in place, just get body moving. At the end of the Day Helen,make the healthiest choice. We only get one body.:smile:
  • helensinner
    helensinner Posts: 7 Member
    Iv thought about it for a long time - I did want the band but have a henia and they can't fix
    So a sleeve and bypass the only way

    Iv thought over the last year more seriously and have lost some weight but at 36 I'm young enough to have a Better outcome the doctors have told me - leaving it longer more risks
  • helensinner
    helensinner Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for your kind words - how much has your mom lost? X
  • I know at least 8 people who have had the surgery! Including both my sisters! It is life changing! It will not be easy though! You will experience some negative things (like hair thinning) but it gets better when the body adjusts. You need to prepare mentally! Look at it as an opportunity and not a punishment...I saw both emotions. My sister felt like she was going crazy at first when she wasn't allowed to eat solids, and she would chew food to get the flavor then spit it out...lol ...she got through it though and has been slim for many years now. I need to lose 100 pounds myself, but I'm not a fan of hospitals, needles etc. I am the only one who looks fat in family photos, but it is because both of them had the surgery.

    Ps. Be sure to take the special vitamin supplements they advise...your body will no longer have the ability to get all the nutrients from food because it digests so quickly. There may be a few foods you can no longer eat...milk and ice cream are things most of the people I know cannot tolerate anymore, and very sweet foods can still make them physically ill and it has been several years since surgery. Everybody is different...just prepare yourself for the changes. :) they would all do it again.
  • helensinner
    helensinner Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for your reply - I have low iron levels so trying to eat iron rich foods
    Eating 1000cals a day has not been too bad but I'm only in the first 7 days still 5 more weeks until the op

    Iv talked to people that have already had the op at the hospital and on line the next 6 months the hardest part
