looking for a few friends who are doing Atkins



  • Easy recipes:

    -Cabbage and hamburger meat. I spice with cumin and curry with onions and pre-cooked bacon

    -Bunless hamburger on a bed of large lettuce leafs, patty, tomato, onions....top with a fried egg. Forget about it. Add sugar free ketchup and/or mayo & mustard

    -Tuna salad or chicken salad

    -Once or twice a week, reward yourself with a nice steak, I prefer ribeye with a salad or broccoli. Don't forget the butter!

    -Salmon and a veg (green beans, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts...)
  • I did atkins a year ago, and didn't even do it 100%. I was 5'11 205 when I started, and after a month I was down under 190 where I started to plateau. Since then, I have become lazy again and not getting to the gym as much and now I am back up over 200 -- I am going to start it again and stay committed for at least 8 weeks this time, feel free to add me!!
    IBGDRNs Posts: 2 Member
    hi everyone.. i did atkins 2 weeks ago and had lost around 13 pounds. however i did cheat and ate lots of carbs and gain 4 pounds. my current weight is 244 pounds and i am determined to lose 100 pounds by the end of this year.
  • twinkleboobee
    twinkleboobee Posts: 33 Member
    Just an update for you all - would be great if we all did this!

    I'm 2-3 weeks in now. 4lbs down - doesn't sound much but I'm ecstatic as I could not get under 9st with Dukan/Low carb
    even on calorie defecit and exercising (Step aerobics and walking an hour 3-4 days a week) - just got to a point the weight wasn't shifting.

    Now I'm eating 800 cals OVER my defecit most days (MFP set me at 1200 which I've been doing all year, ate more when exercised
    and rarely went over but also didn't always eat the cals back) - so VERY happy I'm consuming more cals, cut the carbs right down to 20 and under, enjoying cheese, cream and fatty meats...bingo!

    Hoping to get down to 8st by xmas, and happy at a 2 lbs a month loss to make sure its proper fat.
  • mom2bella
    mom2bella Posts: 35 Member
    I'm doing Atkins as well and would love some new low carb friends!
  • KelsNicRob
    KelsNicRob Posts: 3 Member
    I started Atkins this week!
  • 20ever
    20ever Posts: 125 Member
    Ive been at it a few weeks would love to meet some like minded people.

    Anyone feel free to add me.
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    I use low carb to maintain now, about a year ago lost my baby weight using Atkins. I'm a strong believer in low carb. I feel great and you will too! Feel free to add me :)
  • pru101
    pru101 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi there,

    I also just started the Atkins diet. Its my second day! ive noticed that i need to remind myself to go eat and im not feeling hungry - of course i still crave chocolate and carbs! but i've realised i only ate those to pass time!

    anyways please feel free to add me :)

    I have 3 stones to lose before i reach my goal! but im taking it one step at a time... the first being reaching a healthy BMI!

    :) xx
  • Hi I started Atkins a couple of weeks ago, but feeling a bit discouraged at the moment. Im very tired and I have not lost weight on the scales yet. I think its because I am so bloated and am experienced gastric like pain at times. I'm drinking plenty of water, and have just included Metamucil daily, hoping this helps. I hope all my efforts show on the scales soon :) All the best everyone :)
  • I'll be doing atkins again tomorrow. Today i ate loads of carbs after more than two week in induction. Hopefully I will have enough will power to continue doing atkins again until i got my ideal weight. I would love to have friends support while doing this. Lets do it together. Add me as a friend.
  • :smile:
  • jmarton1977
    jmarton1977 Posts: 49 Member
    Today is week 5 for me and I'm down 9 pounds. I'm officially a low carb believer after repeatedly trying low fat diets and feeling so hungry. This has been working with minimal effort. I don't have any cravings and I'm eating a lot of delicious food. Feel free to add me as well - always like to be supportive of others! I did have a bunch of "low carb flu" symptoms - headaches, jitters, and I couldn't sleep very well for the first week - but those sorted themselves out quickly.

    One thing I've found works for me is to plan plan plan plan. If you plan your meals for the week and keep your fridge stocked w/ no/low carb snacks you're going to do just fine!
  • BookAngel_a
    BookAngel_a Posts: 143 Member
    Anyone doing Atkins/low carb/keto is welcome to add me as a friend. I started here on MFP back in April, counting calories only, and my weight loss was extremely slow, which was a surprise since I have so much weight to lose. I kept getting stuck at plateaus so I decided to try something different.

    In August I started low-carb/Atkins and I've lost about 15 pounds since then. After the initial adjustment period I've felt really good and have a lot of energy. Plus it is a lot easier for me to stay within my calories when I'm eating low carb. And if I happen to go over my calories for a day or two it doesn't seem to slow down my weight loss (at least not yet...I'm sure it will when I get closer to goal).

    My weight loss stops every month during that "crazy week" but otherwise I have lost weight every single week since then.
  • I'm starting Atkins tomorrow!
  • Kmhornak
    Kmhornak Posts: 42 Member
    I just completed week 1 of Atkins and am down 6 lbs. Getting through the first 3-4 days was the hardest. I have a friend who did Atkins and lost 58 lbs. in her first 3 months. She's down to goal weight now and is my motivator.
  • ASNK27
    ASNK27 Posts: 5
    I started Atkins this past Monday --- down 4lbs so far. I started on this website too on Monday. So far so good.... hope to lose some lbs. before new years!