Introducing myself and asking for help

Hi everyone,

Thought I would try and get some advice from all you guys who are "hopefully" far more knowledgeable than me :smile:

My name is Kaz, Im 52 years old weight 176lbs am 5'4" and am desperately trying to lose some menopausal weight. I have to say that I have always struggled with my weight but mostly due to liking the wrong foods and being totally opposed to exercise. But I have always managed to lose it easily without exercise until the last 4 or 5 years when I had the mirena coil and HRT both almost at once and started gaining weight - though I didn't think that much. However I went for one of those medical thingys a couple of months ago and she said - everything is good but won't stay that way unless you lose a little weight (about 20-30lbs!!!),. I decided that I should seriously sort myself out so after working out what my BMR was and my TDEE should be which is 1390 calories per day. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times weekly, doing the programme that they have given me and eating properly (well the odd slice of cake or bit of choc but all within my calories) my calorie deficit has been between 90 and 500 calories per day (higher on gym days).

I am 4 weeks in and not 1lb lost nor 1 inch. I just cant work out what I am doing wrong. The only thing I have a problem with is water - I forget to drink so am only drinking about one or two glasses of water and about 4 cups of tea a day. If anyone has advice of any sort then I would be truly grateful - oh and sorry for length of post but I always talk a lot :laugh:


  • lizzie14115
    lizzie14115 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Kaz,
    My name is Catrina, and i can really relate to what you are saying.
    Will you be logging all that you eat in your MFP diary?
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    Hi there...the common answer given is that you are eating more than you think and to weigh/measure your food.

    here is a really post to check out, created by a very respected member on this site....within in are links about accurately measuring your food.

    best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Keenqueen
    Keenqueen Posts: 3 Member
    I don't think you mentioned how long you have been pursuing this lifestyle change (actively working out and monitoring your food). Sometimes what seems like a really long time (when I track my food for 2 weeks it feels like I have been doing it for a year! :wink: ). It could be your body is simply adjusting to the change and is not ready to release any fat yet-- it may be getting warmed up. This is about reaching a healthy weight but it's also about leading a healthy life. Incorporating movement into your day and exercising is a life thing and so is increasing healthy food-- quality protein and vegetables so focus on how good you feel and the non-scale victories and the rest will come with time.
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    Check out this video regarding measuring vs. weighing… …you will want to buy a digital scale today!
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    The thing I do that you might want to consider in the beginning of your journey is to micromanage. I've only been really dieting for about a month, so I'm no expert, but this is what's working for me: I used the Mayo Clinic calculator ( to figure out my BMR at my goal weight. That number is 1550 calories. I subtracted 350 calories from that, which is a little more than 20%, but I work better with even numbers, so I rounded. The calories I burn in exercise are not factored into my allowed consumption at all, because I'm too lazy to put that much effort into figuring out how many calories I can eat on a given day.

    Every morning, I plan what I'm going to eat for the day, and I try to stick to that as closely as possible. For example, today's menu is scrambled eggs and tea for breakfast, salad with grilled chicken for lunch, chicken tikka masala with broccoli instead of rice for dinner, and a little no-sugar-added ice cream for a snack. Since my BMR is 1550 and my planned exercise is going to be around 500 calories, I'm going to burn around 2050 calories today That means that I will burn 850 calories in excess of what I've eaten. I do this six days a week, resting and 'feasting' on Sundays. ('Feasting' means I allow myself to eat up to 1,700 calories, which is my current BMR.) Theoretically, that should mean I lose around 1.4 lbs a week. In actuality, though, I struggle to reach 1,200 calories. If I get busy and forget to have my snack, which does happen quite often, I have an even bigger calorie deficit.

    I'll be 43 next month, so I'm more concerned with being healthy than being skinny at this point in my life, but I have managed to drop around 9 pounds in the past 4 weeks. My methodology seems a bit obsessive and time-consuming to begin with, but it became pretty simple and effortless once I made the start. My methods may need to change as I get closer to my goal, and they will definitely need to change when I transition to normalcy, once the diet part if finished.
  • karenknowles77
    Thanks everyone for your replies. Yes I am doing everything on mfp - and looking at PokeyBug's reply I need to burn a lot more calories than I have been - 850 cals = 1.4lb loss!!! I exercise 4 nights a week and my cardio only seems to add up to about 400 calories. I do a warm up for 10 mins on the exercise bike, about 1,000 meters on the rowing machine, 25 mins on the treadmill just the walking programme but hills then I do 10 mins on the cross trainer. Plus about 20 mins on the resistance machines and 10 mins core exercises. I use the barcoding on the app to work out most of my meals and adjust as necessary, at the moment I eat quite a bit of Diet Chef as I ordered some of that in cheaply about 3 months ago, hoping for results but am alternating it with home cooked foods i.e salmon steaks, fish and salad, meat and veg. I am hoping that this is just my body adjusting but if not then I am doomed lol. Am having a review at the gym tomorrow to see what they have to say, they are going to weigh me again and check lean muscle weight etc to see if anything has changed. I will keep you posted.
  • karenknowles77
    Oh and to KeenQueen - I am just hitting 4 weeks with the exercise but was dieting for about 2 weeks before that.:smile: Maybe it is my age and the menopause:sad:
  • karenknowles77
    Hey DuckDynasty - have digital scales so have made sure I have measured everything properly. .... have looked over these boards for a couple of weeks now looking for answers and saw a couple of things about measuring properly.