New to MFP - 100 lbs to lose!

Hi, I am new to MFP. I am at my heaviest weight in my life and need to make a change. I have 100 lbs to lose. I am 270 and want to get to 170. It will be a long slow process but I have to start somewhere! I have three little ones, 4, 2, and 1 and work full-time. I need friends and motivation! Would love any tips that helped others get started and on the right track!


  • mariaeli93
    mariaeli93 Posts: 42 Member
    hellooo!! welcome to the wonderful world of weight loss and being fit! I love it when new people join. I hope you are able to stick with your goals! don't get crazy and expect crazy results right away. be true to yourself and be patient. do it for you, and how amazing you will feel after a good workout (even a tiny little walk) or after eating good healthy food. at first it will be tricky but after some weeks maybe months you will get the hang of it (took me about a month and now i cant calories without even thinking) i hope you have a great time!
    lots of love and luck!!
  • C5North
    C5North Posts: 50 Member
    Yep, you can do this. One day at a time. One good choice at a time. No excuses, no failure.

    The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step. I have at least 145 lbs. to go. it will be a long journey. But hey, it is only 1lb. 145 times. EASY.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Most important thing is to LOG YOUR FOOD, every day. Don't skip a day. Even if you blew it and didn't eat right, log it anyway. You need that to be a consistent habit.

    Find exercise that you enjoy. My first time around I joined a gym, but I got bored eventually (it only had machines, no classes). I now am a member at the Kroc Center in my town, and I have fitness classes both in and out of the water (the water classes are my favorites!) as well as a fully-equipped gym. No excuse for boredom there!

    Start slow, and lose slowly. You'll see results in the fit of your clothes and your measurements much more rapidly than on the scale, so don't put all your faith in the scale. I've only lost 10 pounds in two months, but I've dropped two jeans sizes. That's more telling to me. The scale can fluctuate crazily, so look for these other evidences. We call them NSVs--non-scale victories--around here. Things like being able to see your toes peeking out from under your belly, having to go down a size in clothing, being able to walk around the block without feeling winded, etc. These NSVs will keep you going when the scale doesn't want to move.

    Eat sensibly. Don't do crash diets. One of the best ways to cut calories is to dump processed stuff. Eat lots of veggies and use seasonings like garlic pepper, lemon pepper, etc., to make them more flavorful. Ditch sodas and other drinks where you're drinking your calories, unless you've allowed for it in your calorie allowance. As long as you eat less calories than you burn, you'll lose. This way of doing things is much more sustainable for the long haul than a crash diet.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Also, forgot to mention to allow yourself an occasional treat. I like to save a few calories to have a popsicle or a few more calories to have a little ice cream at night (I have to watch carbs and sugar, so I buy the Carb Smart). This keeps me going and helps me not to feel deprived.
  • MomFLYer
    MomFLYer Posts: 47 Member
    Be like Dori from "Finding Nemo" and "just keep trying!" Persistence pays off, and while I've still got my original 60 pounds to still lose, I'm starting to see success in inches and energy levels. I remember how good I felt after a jog, and then got derailed at the beginning of last year with an acute activation of arthritis. I am still coming back, it is slow, but my Doc and PTgal both say that I will get back to that if that's what I really want. Now I am adjusting to a very physically demanding job, and after 2 months I'm starting to have a little extra energy at the end of the day. So, I will be starting my jogging/wogging intervals on the treadmill today (I'm off) and just keep plugging at them through the winter with the goal of being back outside by the spring. If I need more encouragement, my PTgal said that I could come back with them anytime!

    So, think positive, baby steps, keep on truckin' .... We will get there, we can do this!
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I am new too, just working my way around the site etc. Good luck on your journey, I have just started keeping my calories within the limits suggested on MFP and joined a gym, and although I gained a little the first 10 days, I am now losing it again, it is common to gain a little if you start exercising, I read on here it was because your muscles hold water while they repair after a session, and to be fair just as explained on here, the weight leveled out and is now slowly coming off :)
    Good luck x
  • Welcome!!!! The best advice I have is that "we get no lasting results until we really, really put our mind to it and put in the work"!!!! We can do this.
  • Finallyfitin2015
    The first step is sometimes the hardest, I'd love it if we can help each other with this journey. I have 80 pounds to lose and have four kids - ages 17, 16, 12 and 8, all boys. I also work FT so I understand your challenges. Let me know if you'd like to help each other!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member

    "Most weight loss occurs because of decreased caloric intake.
    However, evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss is to be engaged in regular physical activity."

    Goal setting, including weight, calories, and macros

    Exercise basics

    Sleep enough

    Eating higher protein & lower carbs leads to more weight loss
    Try 45% carbs, 20% fat, 35% protein
    For your goal weight of 170, eating 1700 calories, that would be:
    765 cal carbs (191 g), 340 cal fat (38 g), 595 cal protein (149 g)

    Eat about half your calories for breakfast (850)
    (see the last half of this post for the studies)

    Motivation & encouragement (explained in blog post)

    - Set small intermediate goals & celebrate every one.
    - Take measurements.
    - Take pictures.
    - Weigh yourself regularly.
    - Be flexible; forgive yourself.
    - Celebrate the non-scale victories (NSV's)
    - Don't give up!!!!
    - Don't make any food forbidden.
  • kwarner87
    kwarner87 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome, I'm fairly new also. I've had the app for a while but just learned how to add friends. Since adding friends and having support I have logged more consistent (weekends were the hardest). I started July 7th and have lost 25 lbs (almost 25, 1.8 to go). Hoping to lose another 30 by Christmas and the remaining 50 or so by July 2015. Have 3 young boys- 5, 2 & 5 months. Work 9-10 hours a day (office job so sitting all day), recently separated from their father so my exercise schedule is outta wack.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    Good Luck on your journey

  • jbeck961
    One day at a time sweetie. You can do it. Don't look at the big picture, focus on the day by day of it all. The big picture may be too overwhelming and cause you to go backward. One day at a time. If you fall, GET BACK UP! xoxox
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    Most important thing is to LOG YOUR FOOD, every day. Don't skip a day. Even if you blew it and didn't eat right, log it anyway. You need that to be a consistent habit.

    This x1000.
  • mrsmuzzy24
    mrsmuzzy24 Posts: 16 Member
    I would love a buddy for the journey!!
  • lbertone81
    Hello! I am new here too. I joined awhile ago but I am now ready to take this seriously. I started back at the gym in July and do mostly weight training and some cardio but started gaining weight. And no, it's not from the muscle mass...I am having trouble buttoning my pants, lol.

    Lately, I have not been watching what I am eating and working out causes me to have a bigger appetite, so I eat more. The problem is I have been choosing the wrong types of food (junk food) to satisfy my hunger. Now that I have the gym down, it is time to start focusing on what I am putting in my body!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    Hey x I'm there with you. I've got 140 odd pounds to lose. I'm 3 weeks in and I'm loving the new me. I care about me now.
    Don't be too hard on yourself and take it a day at a time.
    Log everything like the others have said. No excuses - there is always a reason.
    Good luck x
  • formerfatboy1
    formerfatboy1 Posts: 76 Member
    130lbs down with the help of my friends....... Determination, discipline and motivation. Thanks guys!!!!!! lol! Im here to tell you it can be done with these little guys on your side. By putting yourself in a caloric deficit and enough cardio the weight will come right off. choosing the right foods you eat has a lot to do with your weight loss as well. My journey started in Nov. 2011. One day I dropped all my bad habits and started walking in the cold. A lot of doubters along the way but I was determined to better myself. My wife bought me a treadmill but the treadmill had a limit of 250lbs and I was way over that at the time so I continued with the walking and stationary bike rides till I was able to jump on the treadmill. My weight came off quick and I also invested in gym equipment and started weight training. this Nov will be 3yrs and I love the new me. Now I am hooked on the lifestyle and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Set small goals and crush them every single time. I know you can do it! just let the inner beast out and go to work!:smile:
  • Indie_Traveler
    Indie_Traveler Posts: 3 Member
    I am in the same boat (going from 295 to 215 or less),...have two young ones, a busy full-time job and have seen my weight reach heights I never thought possible 10 years ago. Decided this week to give it a true and fair show, after several "false starts" with MFP, so consider me a collaborator on your journey as we are headed in the same direction!