Hi im new!

Hi everyone I am excited to have found this app and website! I can now keep a conscious eye on exactly what I am eating! It has already made me stop and decline pre bedtime treats due to being able to see my calorie intake! I am pretty lucky and only want too loose half a stone so I am allowed 1800 calories, I should be able to loose this easily if I didn't have an addiction to sugar i.e. cake, sweets etc. I do eat healthily but I just eat a lot of crap too! I'm very active which is why I only need to loose half a stone rather than four stone!

My situation is i'm good most of the time in the day, I do get a real sugar craving after I have eaten my lunch (but today I have resisted!) I get home after work starving, end up eating my kids left over dinner or making myself a pre dinner snack (usually a few rounds of toast and jam!) then eat too late around 8.30/9pm when my husband is home and my kids are in bed. I'm aware this is not good so I have started batch cooking and freezing some meals so that the days I work there is already a healthy home cooked meal waiting for us both! Then late at night when I finally get to watch some tv I like to have something sweet! :(

Being extra busy I am looking for ways to eat healthily that doesn't take too much time but I do like to make my food rather than buy pre prepared.

Would also love to hear what people do for snacks.

I love food, i'm sure all of us do on this website. I would rather have a larger quantity of food that doesn't taste quite as good as a small amount of food that tastes amazing as I hate being hungry!

