No Motivation :( & Fitness Buddies

Hi All,

Recently i have been really lacking in motivation to eat right and go to the gym. Im 5'1 and weigh at the moment 11st 5 i want to get down to 9stne which the doctor said will put me in a healthy bmi bracket. What do you do to get some motivation to eat right and go to the gym daily?

Also if anyone wants to friend me or message feel free.



  • Danikfit90
    So you dontor do go to the gym? What stops you from going?
  • IASP94
    I've been going for 2 hours the past week, but i have no motivation to go yesterday or today just cant get into the mood :(
  • bigroastdinner
    bigroastdinner Posts: 263 Member
    If possible I try and get it done early, and then I can say like, I'm going to be awake for another 9hours. If I just spend 1 (or 2) of those hours exercising then I have 7 hours to do all the other things I want/need to do - and I know I will happy with myself if I do it.

    Failing that, I have a couple classes I go to weekly that because they are scheduled, and people know I should be going I feel waaay more guilty not doing it.

    Also, just the act of putting workout clothes on helps me, as again I feel guilty taking them off not having done any exercise.

    This is how I have been trying to motivate myself anyway.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I am in your position as well, but I've found that I am responsible for every aspect of my life (who'd have thought....).

    If I'm not particularly in the mood to workout, I watch fitness videos on Youtube. I sometimes may check out some success stories on various blogs and websites. I may come here to the forums to see people post about their progress or starting a C25K program. This usually motivates me to get up and get going.

    I am now looking for a good health/fitness book because lately I've been wanting my inspiration/motivation to come from reading a book instead of the internet, don't know why.

    We may be different people, though... (well, of course), but I mean you may be more sociable than I am. I'm fine with doing things on my own. Once, I worked out with friend, but I didn't like it because she was in a different fitness class than I was. She would be like "Push. Push. PUSH" and I would be like.... "You carry half my weight. I can't Push. Push. PUSH." lol. So, I prefer flying solo and doing my own thing in the gym or in the park.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    Sometimes music helps me get past the lack of motivation to work out. I really didn't feel like working out this morning but I turned the music on to get me revved up.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I've been going for 2 hours the past week, but i have no motivation to go yesterday or today just cant get into the mood :(

    I am rarely motivated or "in the mood" to spend 8hrs a day at my desk, working, but I do it anyways because I like the reward/result - a nice paycheck.

    I do it because it has to been done, whether I want to or not.
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    I always had problems making it to the gym. I know others are just the opposite but the thought of actually having to go somewhere to workout always caused me to put it off.

    I starting doing various DVD workouts and love this. I try to stick with the ones that are higher intensity for shorter periods of time, say 30 mins or so. I find it much easier to get up, hit a 30 min workout, shower and then head to work.

    My two cents...
  • IASP94
    I think its just the actual thing of getting to the gym its only a 10 minute walk away from work but once im there its fine.

    10 minute walk to the gym or 5 minute walk to the bus stop to go home haha.

    I haven't particularly eaten great today, im doing the slender blend diet at the moment just to drop some weight (dont worry ive done my research) so will force myself to go!
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I make myself do it. I'm finally at a happy caloric intake. "if I want the food, I gotta move." "the sooner I start, the sooner I'll be done." "you'll never regret pushing yourself to it and through it."
  • appygirl84
    appygirl84 Posts: 105 Member
    At work we had little healthy challenges. Those helped me get started. They started out simple, like try 3 new fruits and vegetables this week. That way the picky eaters broadened their horizons. For me that was hard because I will pretty much eat anything, and I live in a small town so finding new things at the grocery can be hard.

    One of the next challenges was eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Another was drink 8 glasses of water a day, I drank one every two hours. Then we did try to exercise 3 times this week. Doing little things helped. I think I read that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. So choose one and do it for a week, then if you want add another one the next week, but keep up each challenge for three weeks. Maybe that will make it easier.

    As for exercise. The first time I went to the gym I timed how long it took me to walk a mile. I then asked my father who was in the airforce what his fastest mile was in basic training. My first goal was to always beat my last time, then I decided consistency was better and my goal was do a mile in 15 minutes, eventually my cardio became 3 miles in 45 minutes, walk/jog including warm up and cool down. I am 5'1" so there was even running! I have since moved and the gym is no longer two miles from my house... so I don't do it anymore, but I miss it.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Maybe it would help to write down your "whys". Why are you going to the gym? What do you hope to accomplish from going? Keep the list on you and when you feel like your not in the mood to go pull it out and read it. Sometimes we just need to keep focused on our goals and having them written down is a lot easier than trying to remember them, especially when you aren't feeling so motivated.
  • erasure999
    erasure999 Posts: 30 Member
    Improve your diet with healthier foods. If you eat right, you will feel right which will then give you that little pep and motivation to go workout. However, if you eat like *kitten* then you'll feel like sh*it :-) Once you notice that first little bit of weight loss or reduction in body size, you'll be even more motivated to work out.

    Good Luck! We're all here for you if you need motivation!
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    I just go to youtube and watch CT Fletcher motivational vids always gets me pumped ^_^
  • atdeal94
    I am a 20 year old in the same boat as you. I don't have the time to go to the gym - yes you heard it. I work 8am-8:15pm monday through Saturday, and on Sundays and at night I work on my homework. I work an office job so I have found that it is easy for me to take to the stairwell at work and run up and down a few times. On lunch breaks I like to walk around and get a quick exercise. You can also lay on your floor and do exercises at night as well as doing other activities at home. You don't HAVE to go to the gym to get your heart rate up.