Floating Calories per week?

Hey all,

My wife started WW about 5-6months ago and has had great success with it and has been pushing me to join as well. I can't really justify paying for a subscription of that as MFP does basically the same thing. (She can keep her sub... if it works, it's priceless).

One of the features of that app that I really like and I'm mostly questioning is the "floating points" that they have to spend in a week and if someone knows some general guidelines to follow in that regards.

Basically, lets just say she's allowed 20pts/day and has a weekly bank of 40pts that she can use at any time throughout the week. My limit on here is ~1900Cal/day and I'm wondering if there would be some sort of equivalent "bank" that I could kind of set up for myself as well.

I mean, lets just be honest... I live in Wisconsin, and I like to drink on the weekends. :laugh:


  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Wellll....as long as those beers fits into your calories (and your macros) everything should be OK.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Look at it as "average" daily calories: 1900 calories/day = 13,300 calories/week. As long as you don't go over that amount in the week, it doesn't matter when you eat (drink) them. :D
    If you plan on drinking 2 beer over the weekend, subtract those calories from your goal of 13300 and plan the rest of the week around the remaining calories.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Sure, eat maybe 200-300 less a day during the week and save them up for your beer drinking day :)
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    When I want to 'bank' calories, I don't eat back any of my exercise calories that week. But with MFP, you can basically do whatever you want. You can just eat less during the week every day and save a some extra for the weekend. Of course with drinking, less than wise food choices are often made, so you need to factor that in also.
  • Msmeganrock
    Msmeganrock Posts: 10 Member
    Weight Watchers USED to operate by giving people a range of calories for the day. When they switched to this system of having the "bank" for the week, I think what happened is they set everyone at the lowest amount of calories for the day, and the extra (what used to be the range) is now a weekly bank. SO, you could either try not eating all your calories for the day and "saving" them for the weekend, or track the drinks as calories consumed and make more mindful food choices on those days (salad instead of a burger, etc.) OR add exercise and use those to party :) I have done the last two options I listed with success while using myfitnesspal.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    I usually balance out a weeks worth of cals rather then a day.....so if I know I want to have a few beers while the Packers play, I will build up extra cals for the week and then go over cals on sunday......or if I went over on monday night football, I work the remainder of the week to balance it back out. Some people will bank their exercise cals that they earn for special events also. Though if using MFP's exercise cals I would probably only take about 3/4 of the cals it offers as it tends to estimate a little high! Good Luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Sure, eat maybe 200-300 less a day during the week and save them up for your beer drinking day :)
    This is what I do. I look at my goal as a weekly thing anyway. There's no magic reset button at midnight every day, right? When I have a special occasion (like the beer festival that's happening this Saturday night) I just figure out how much extra I need for that special day, divide that amount by 6 and try to come in under goal every day. I've even been known to add an entry into my diary each day for those calories so I don't forget. :laugh:
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Hey all,

    My wife started WW about 5-6months ago and has had great success with it and has been pushing me to join as well. I can't really justify paying for a subscription of that as MFP does basically the same thing. (She can keep her sub... if it works, it's priceless).

    One of the features of that app that I really like and I'm mostly questioning is the "floating points" that they have to spend in a week and if someone knows some general guidelines to follow in that regards.

    Basically, lets just say she's allowed 20pts/day and has a weekly bank of 40pts that she can use at any time throughout the week. My limit on here is ~1900Cal/day and I'm wondering if there would be some sort of equivalent "bank" that I could kind of set up for myself as well.

    I mean, lets just be honest... I live in Wisconsin, and I like to drink on the weekends. :laugh:

    I actually log my exercise for the week on the weekend instead, that way I "bank" those calories so that I don't go over.
    I'd rather eat back my exercise calories on the days I tend to go over.
    It has really helped me stay on track.
  • sarasimonds
    sarasimonds Posts: 2 Member
    Drink only the beer you've eaten fruits and veggies for.
    WW doesn't count fruits and veggies points (unless they're mixed into a smoothie)
    Total all your fruits and veggies calories for the week and spend them with wild abandon on the weekend.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    What they said. You dont need any subscription and you dont need any special ww fancy language. If you want just view your calories over the week. As long as you are still at an average or overall deficit, then you should be on track.

    I dont really eat back, but if I had to its not going to make me lose sleep. You have scope to save a few hundred a day or do more exercise to cater for your beer at the weekend.
  • SSchoenmann25
    Weight Watchers USED to operate by giving people a range of calories for the day. When they switched to this system of having the "bank" for the week, I think what happened is they set everyone at the lowest amount of calories for the day, and the extra (what used to be the range) is now a weekly bank. SO, you could either try not eating all your calories for the day and "saving" them for the weekend, or track the drinks as calories consumed and make more mindful food choices on those days (salad instead of a burger, etc.) OR add exercise and use those to party :) I have done the last two options I listed with success while using myfitnesspal.

    This makes a lot of sense as do most of the other posts on here. I've got my wife downloading and testing this app out in tandem with WW as well. Hopefully all goes well and I can get her to drop that subscription as well :happy:

    Thanks all for the quick responses!
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Sure, eat maybe 200-300 less a day during the week and save them up for your beer drinking day :)


    The other option is to find out what your maintenance calorie goal is and just make sure you're still under that at the end of the day.
  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    Learn to indulge without overdoing it, and you should be okay for a once a week indulgence. Here's what I do for myself: Monday through Saturday, I work out every day and end up eating around 1200 calories per day. (I'm only 5'2", so YMMV.) On Sundays, it's a day of rest and a meal of 'indulgence'. On Sundays, I have one meal that is not good for me, lol. I still try to keep my calories for the day below 2.000, but if I want Taco Bell or pizza or whatever, I have it. One Rolling Rock beer is 120 calories, so you can have a couple or 5 during the game once a week without it being too big a deal.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Uhhh.. 20 points a day? 26 is the minimum for the PointsPlus system. Did they change it again? Otherwise that'll only be around 850 calories a day.

    I was on Weight Watchers and 26 points a day usually got me to around 1100 calories (2 servings of fruit only). So the extra 49 per week brings it up to a healthier level. But it allows for the flexibility to eat more or less on some days and still essentially get all the appropriate calories in over the entirety of the week. So she should definitely be eating those extra flex points.

    So if you were to compare it to MFP... say it says you need to eat 1900 cals a day to lose weight. To go with a similar weight watchers style flexibility, you might actually eat 1700 cals a day with 200 x 7 = 1400 calories to allocate how you wish through the week - either 200 extra a day, all at once, or any combo thereof.

    Edit: Also wanted to add I found determining alcohol points very difficult while I was on WW. So MFP might be a better pick for you since you want to include them. Both systems work. You could also just share her subscription (I shared one with a friend). The exercise points would be conservative for you assuming she is smaller than you.

    Check out this site if you're interested in just sharing her subscription (since then when she cooks and says something is 11 points, you don't have to try to figure out exactly what she put in the recipe and how many calories it is). You can get your daily points goal from the site below. That's how I did it. That, plus an Excel spreadsheet I kept on my phone instead of tracking online. It did the same thing.

  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Yes, you can "save" calories on a weekly basis and it *should* work ok. But, human nature being human nature, you'll have to be careful that you're acutually saving the earmarked calories like you intend.
    And while considering weekly calories should work out ok, it probably won't work to think about the monthly or yearly allotment. ;)