The gymbox app

I absolutely LOVE this app. For $10 a month you get a variety of workouts so you never get bored. I was also impressed that it had treadmill and spinning workouts!

My only problem is that my internet sometimes loses connectivity so the class will get interrupted and I'm not able to restart the class from where I left off. I haven't figured out how to skip or fast forward either. I'm not sure if the class needs to load in order to skip forward but it doesn't ever seem to let me fast forward or skip ahead. Does anyone else that is using this app have this problem or figured out how to restart the class from where you left off? I would absolutely be thrilled if someone can help me figure this out, it would make my workout life absolutely PERFECT! :happy:


  • I know this is an old thread, BUT I found the gymbox thru myfitnesspal. So far, I love it. It gives you a free 15 day trial and there are ALL kinds of workouts, stretching, yoga, pilates, etc. I had never heard about it before I read about it on this forum. I have a TON of workout DVDs, but it's nice to be able to pick out something new for a very reasonable price!
  • hnyb1212
    hnyb1212 Posts: 17 Member
    I just wanted to reply to this thread in case anyone searches this topic. The gymbox app is available on the roku and this has made my workout experience WONDERFUL!!! It streams the workouts without any of the connectivity issues I was having using my laptop or smart TV/DVD. The weight lifting and spinning classes are still my favorite but I love that I have other options like yoga or stretching for the days where I'm just too sore. It's great that I can pick out new workouts too and I save time by not having to drive to the gym. It's a GREAT program!!!