People Who Have Lost 100lbs+

Hey all, I've been doing this for a good few months now but today is the first day I'm going to start logging. I haven't had a great deal of success so far and have been lying to myself for too long about my size and eating habits. I am going to log EVERYTHING. From those couple of tic-tacs after lunch to that sushi roll at dinner. Everything. No more lying to myself.

I am currently 116kgs (255) and need to lose around about 56kgs (123lbs) and while I know it's possible and I'm well aware other people have lost even more than that - I'm really struggling because it just seems like such an enormous task.

I am just astounded that I'm at this size. I have always been overweight - well, since I was in my teen and I'm now 27 (so a long time) - but I've crossed that line from "overweight" to "obese" and it's just crumpled my self esteem. It's cyclic - the worse I feel, the more I eat. Chocolate is my big weakness and it's not good enough for me to just have a little bit - I can basically drink a whole block in a matter of minutes.

Anyway - just looking for a bit of inspiration here. Stories, tips and photos - I love me some good inspiring before and after photos! - from people who have lost over 100lbs (or close to it). How long did it take you? Do you have excess skin? Has it boosted your self esteem tremendously?

I apologise if there's already a similar thread to this. I'm still working my way around how to use the site. I just would really love some inspiration here!


  • Val8less
    Val8less Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story...sounds so much like mine!....Now the hard part is over...Confronting you situation and doing something about it is scary...BUT now you Know what needs to be done...Just stick to it...Keep us posted....
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    hey! i have a similar story. i've been overweight my entire life. i hit 250 and also decided it was time for a change. I'm down to 150 but i still have at least 30 lbs to go. i'm only 4'10 haha. This took me about 3 years but i move a little slower than most i guess. anyway, i do have some extra skin around my breasts and belly but i'm not done yet so i can't say for sure if it's going to stick around.

    as far as tips and tricks, i don't have any. be diligent, start a workout regime and stick with it. don't let "bad" days throw you off. a calorie surplus here and there will not derail you. seriously, it won't. my diary is open but i'm currently maintaining for the time being so that may not help you much. also- there's a lot of debate about this, but i don't demonize any food groups. i eat pretty much anything, it's just about moderation. i try to eat mostly home cooked stuff but i also realize there's nothing wrong with going out sometimes. and 1200 is too low if mfp tries to stick you with that. i tried it for the first 6 months and i was just weak and tired and felt genuinely awful.

    eta- i have photos in my profile. my most recent one is a little old but within the last 10 or so lbs
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I started at over 300 pounds and have so far lost about 160 pounds. I do have some loose skin (arm flap in certain angles, lower ab area & when leaning a certain way my thighs are loose and wrinkly) it took about 2 years to get here there were lots and lots of hard moments feeling like a "failure"...lots of crying ...I always say crying a lot was my number one weight loss thing

    My self esteem is still a work in progress but I have moments where I think im the hottest thing on the planet which is nice :smile: :blushing:

    My tips : pre log your days,eat a good amount do not fall for the 1200 thing,stick to a work out routine,drink as much water as you can,if you have bad days forgive yourself and move on its okay to indulge sometimes that is life, dont skip out on holidays you will regret it ,make small goals I know how daunting it is to stare into the abyss of what you want to accomplish so make those small goals for yourself
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I don't have any massive weight loss to discuss here, but if it helps, just know that so many people are in the same boat as you. I too need to get better at logging what I eat. Iused to think it was a bit of a crock to have to log everything you put in your mouth, but when you think about all the little bits it does add up to a full snack or even a meal some days. It might not be a lot as a singular occurance, but a few times a week and it's not wonder I didn't lose any weight.

    I'm in recovery for binge eating, having not binged in a very long time. It was hard to repair the relationship I had with food especially the binge/shame cycle. There are still days when it's really difficult not to revert back to my old ways of thinking, but I just keep trying to do a little bit better each day. That's all I can ask of myself.

    The best advice I can give is to be realistic and honest. Perseverance is key. And don't forget to take time to admire the small changes you're making each day, those small reinforcements go a long way, especially if you're having a rough go. Best of luck!
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    Anyway - just looking for a bit of inspiration here. Stories, tips and photos - I love me some good inspiring before and after photos! - from people who have lost over 100lbs (or close to it). How long did it take you? Do you have excess skin? Has it boosted your self esteem tremendously?

    Hi. Congratulations on taking the first step: realizing that you have to do something about your problem.

    I started at 419 pounds and am currently down to 158.5 pounds. I worked hard and it took me about 15 months.


    The shot on the left is from June 23, 2013. The shot on the right is from September 7, 2013 at the finish line of my first official 5km race. (I did it in 29:02.4 or a pace of 5:48/K) Official results at 6.htm (I finished 37th out of 85 contestants))

    I do have some loose skin, but it's tightening up as time goes on. It's a fair trade off. I'd rather have some loose skin than 260 extra pounds to lug around every moment of the day.

    I'd say my self-esteem has improved a lot. I actually look at myself in the mirror now, instead of just let myself slide further and further into the death spiral I was in--obesity, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. and so forth.

    Check out my profile for some links to some stuff I've been keeping track of--a spreadsheet showing my weight loss progress, some fitness stuff, etc. If you want, add me as a friend. I log every day.

    I know you can reach your weight loss goal. If I could do it, anybody can.

  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    READ the following books:
    Wheat belly
    Dr. Gary Taubes: Why We Get Fat and What to DO About it
  • all4yum
    all4yum Posts: 43 Member
    I started at over 310 pounds and have lost almost 80. I have another 100 to lose. It's been a LONG struggle over about 6 years (and 2 babies). I've lost weight very slowly because of my pcos and insulin resistance, but just don't give up. even if you don't lose weight for several weeks (sometimes a couple of months) don't give up, it will come off eventually. I made small changes in my diet at first, then added exercise. Don't be afraid to lift (heavy) weights, it's actually really enjoyable and helps to keep you from losing too much muscle.

    Basically just don't give up, even if you have a bad day, or a bad week. Keep going. One book that really helped me was the Beck Diet Solution. it's not actually a diet, it uses cognitive behavioural therapy to teach you to recognize your bad eating habits and the thinking errors that go with them. So you can learn to recognize what you are thinking before you reach for that cake. It's really helped me to consider what I'm doing before I go ahead and eat something off my diet.
  • KC7997
    KC7997 Posts: 69 Member
    I started at over 300 pounds and have so far lost about 160 pounds. I do have some loose skin (arm flap in certain angles, lower ab area & when leaning a certain way my thighs are loose and wrinkly) it took about 2 years to get here there were lots and lots of hard moments feeling like a "failure"...lots of crying ...I always say crying a lot was my number one weight loss thing

    My self esteem is still a work in progress but I have moments where I think im the hottest thing on the planet which is nice :smile: :blushing:

    My tips : pre log your days,eat a good amount do not fall for the 1200 thing,stick to a work out routine,drink as much water as you can,if you have bad days forgive yourself and move on its okay to indulge sometimes that is life, dont skip out on holidays you will regret it ,make small goals I know how daunting it is to stare into the abyss of what you want to accomplish so make those small goals for yourself

    Love those tips. Thanks! :-)

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Down 132 with another 40-50 to go. I have reset goals lower a couple times. Probably won’t know exactly until I get closer to my present target weights. I do know I have no plans to go below 200.

    As for tips, I can only say using a calorie app on my phone (MyFitnessPal and/or LoseIt) was the turning point for me. I use some “mind games” and NEVER eat from a container. I try to make everything look appetizing and alter plate sizes as needed.

    For me, I have also found it helpful NOT to tell too many people at social gatherings exactly what my goals etc. might be…as some people like to give unwanted input like “you shouldn’t eat this or that”; or – “you don’t want to be that skinny” blah blah blah… I share with those also “doing battle” and are focused on themselves & getting their own results. Good luck.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member
    Hey, I'm down over 100lbs. I have MFP friends who have lost as much as you currently weigh! You can do this.

    Eat lots of greens, vegetables, healthy proteins, nut and plant based fats, strength train, and get moving. Log everything you eat. Be honest. My disaster of a dinner is still logged. Keeps me accountable even when I'm not making perfect choices. Happy to cheer you along and offer any more details. Good luck!

    EDIT: cut your processed foods, especially processed sugars and flour.
  • machinistgoalie
    I've lost about 140. I started in March 2010 at 407, and am at a current weight of 269. It's been slow, but always steady, and have not back slid at all. I don't have any loose or extra skin, perhaps because I did lose it so slow, and maintain steady activity and exercise.

    I am headed toward 200, but would like to achieve this in a years time, so this last bit would be at a more accelerated rate.

    If you care, my own story is here about it:

    Many of the people here are living proof that you can obtain what you want to be in life. We're on a journey together. I'd say best of luck to you, but that sounds trite, so I'll say: may you be what you dream.
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    So, I'm not quite to 100 lbs weight loss yet but I'm over half way! Wow... that just hit me... I know I've come so far but I feel like I have so far to go. Just know that you are working your way towards a healthy you! :) It's taken me awhile to get to this point in my weight loss but the momentum is picking up the more I exercise. Tips: don't give up, one bad day won't break you just like one good day won't make you. Just keep at it, go over on calories, dust yourself off and try again the next day, just keep going. Exercise, move your body, find something active you enjoy doing. Dancing? Walking? For me it started with P90X but I couldn't stick with it because it was just so boring for me. Then I found Zumba, the latin one, and I did that for 3-4 months... I enjoyed it so much, at first I probably looked like a clumsy elephant but the more I did it the more fun it was to see my improvement. Shoot, I shook my *kitten* all over the place. :D Then came getting a gym membership, I cancelled cable to get it since I'm kind of poor. It helped too because I didn't have the constant pull of tv. Now I just LOVE the gym... if I miss a day I feel like a lazy *kitten*. Lifting is my favorite!! omg it's amazing!! It helps you lose weight SO much!! and now the guys check me out to see what I'm up to, you tend to start recognizing people the more you go and you kind of are this little bad *kitten* club. At first it's so super awkward to walk in there into the "man zone" and see all these beefy muscular (and some hotties) guys throwing ish around like it's nothing and I was just this fat girl all awkward like ("what the F do I do over here?!?!") but now I'm throwing down like the rest of them (ok not necessarily as much weight, but like I own the place.) haha. So just do something you love, take the courage to try something new, you might surprise yourself and find your passion for something different. You might meet people that lift you up, or you just might find YOURSELF. Whatever you chose, do it with conviction. :) Sorry for my lengthy rant. :)
  • DrunkInAGolfCart
    DrunkInAGolfCart Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you all so much for this wonderful advice and sharing your stories!
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Thank you all so much for this wonderful advice and sharing your stories!

    Looking forward to reading your success story. Wouldn't that be something? Imagine posting to other people:

    "This is how I lost over 50 kilos. You can do do it!"
  • OneGoodBean
    OneGoodBean Posts: 48 Member
    This is incredible work! Congratulations. Seriously, so awesome.

    I haven't lost at all. But I'm just starting with MFP and trying to lose weight...yet again. I'm currently about 330lbs and need to get down to about 165. I have a long way to go and I know it won't be easy, but I love getting inspiration from others. :)
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Thank you all so much for this wonderful advice and sharing your stories!

    Looking forward to reading your success story. Wouldn't that be something? Imagine posting to other people:

    "This is how I lost over 50 kilos. You can do do it!"

  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    I'm on that "100+ pounds to lose" journey with you. started at 230. ultimate goal is 125. 30 years ago, I weighed 115. it seems after I got married, I was always on a diet. I don't really know when I let this happen. as my hubby says, you didn't put it on overnight - apparently it took about 20 years. I'm so anxious to be skinny again. my nickname growing up was "slim"! but I'm 55, got 2 precious grandbabies and 1 more on the way. I want to be a fun "Grankakes"... I act like I'm 5 now when I play with them. its just hard getting up off the floor! good luck and keep us posted! maybe we'll be sharing our success stories together!
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member

    Good luck with your journey, I started my journey in November 2012, I weighed 321lb - today I weight 160lb, I still have 10lb to lose, but I'm not in a rush, it will come off in it's own sweet time.

    Here are some of the most important things I've learned along the way are:

    1) Be kind to yourself

    2) It took years to put the weight on, don't expect it to come off over night

    3) Never give up

    4) Don't turn a bad day into a bad week

    5) There is no such thing as bad FOOD, only bad PORTION control

    6) Listen to your body

    7) Don't lie to yourself, because the only person getting hurt by this, is yourself

    8) This road isn't an easy one, you will fall over, but it's up to YOU to pick YOURSELF back up, brush yourself down and carry on

    9) You are the key to your success, don't blame other people, they may tempt you, but short of forcing the food down your neck, they cannot make you eat something that will throw you off course

    10) Don't do this because you NEED to, that will lead to failure, do it because you WANT to - WANTING this is the only reason you should be doing it

    As I say, good luck.

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