Nearing 50 and need to get really healthy

llowrey Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Ok, so I signed up today and will start tomorrow. I will turn 50 in May and I want to lose about 25 pounds. I never had a problem with weight until the last 5 years or so and it seems the weight comes on from nowhere. I need to break all the bad habits and this is a good way for me to really start to take accountability. The last of my kids has left the nest and this is a whole new way of life. I can't wait to get started. What a great website. Is there a place to get some good recipes that could help as well?:


  • Welcome! And good luck on your journey. I have only been on here for a few weeks but so far I love it and the support from a world of strangers with the same issues has been so inspiring. I look forward to the encouragement when I am getting down and it's great sharing ideas. I will friend you, all you have to do it accept and you'll be on your way. Check out the message boards for great recipes or just ask questions! :happy:
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I'm right there with you. I'm 48. Been here 5 weeks, looking to lose about 40 more. Two kids still at home, old enough to leave & self-sufficient, so we're almost empty-nesters. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like & we can support each other!
  • I was 50 last July. My oldest two sons are at university, my oldest daughter is living in France for a year, and my youngest daughter has just started college. I should have empty next syndrome!! MFP keeps me sane and the weight is coming off slowly. I'm going to enter this new phase of my life with a spring in my step. Feel free to add me as a friend:flowerforyou:
  • I'm 48, perfect health (cardio/hormone panels, etc.), just need to lose weight - 34lbs. to start with to get to the top of the "normal" BMI, and get my waist under the Dr. Oz recommended 35" (currently 39 - and it all started happening last year!! Everything goes to the tummy and spreads from there!!) So I am hopeful to stop this trend.
    My beautifully fit (exercise instructor, healthy eating) sister-in-love said that I just really need to turn it over to God and ask Him to help me with this. I have started "Celebrate Recovery", and my Dr. did put my on a low dose anti-depressant (initially to lift my libito, and provide just a hair more energy to balance my day, but said it would support my weight loss endeavor - which it really seems to be helping so far - very stable, never frantic about food!! Bupropion - first week was rough at 150 mg, but the day I started with 300 mg, everything leveled out!!)
    Thanks for starting this post!! You all have my support!!
  • I turn 50 at end of April. My goal is to lose "50 lbs by age 50". Have been here 2.5 weeks now. I am impressed! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. GOOD LUCK!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,556 Member
    I"m 47 and have been on here since August. I've lost 20 lbs. and if you had told me that was possible without some crazy diet, I would have told you you were insane! This site is an amazing tool. It takes work and dedication but when the weight starts coming off, words can't describe it. I was in exactly the same boat as you, healthy but with weight creep and I just couldn't stand it another day. Good luck, feel free to friend me. You can do this!
  • I just signed up also. My Daughter turned me on to this website. I'm excited about getting started. But mine will have to wait till tomorrow. At least I've taken the first I have been searching for a site like this. But it seems like you have to pay on all of them. I am still learning my way around the site, so any and all help is greatly appreciated.
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