Losing My Willpower

Hi there! My name is Brittany and although I have been using the iPhone app for a while now, this is my first time logging onto the website. I have been struggling with my weight for two years now. I found out I was pregnant in 2011, gave birth to my son, Aiden, in 2012, and gained a whopping 70 lbs in the process. I was able to drop most of the baby weight fairly quickly. I went from 210 lbs to 175 lbs within a few months. However, I feel this was just what is normal to lose after having a baby. I was 140 lbs before getting pregnant and I am trying so hard to get back to the point. I just can't seem to break the barrier into the 160's. I have been weighing in around 170 for over a year now. I should be happy that I'm not gaining more but I just get so down on myself thinking about where I was and what I am now. I know what the problem is. My willpower. I can sit there and eat 4 slices of cake, and hate myself while doing it, but I just can't put the fork down. I recently took up running, but I just don't know if that will be enough. If anyone out there can provide some support or some inspiration, I would be really really grateful.


  • lovemycar2012
    lovemycar2012 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Brittany, we are all right there with you. Just keep working at it, you will get there. I've been fighting forever to lose 25 pounds. Doesn't sound like much, but it sure doesn't seem like it wants to leave as quickly as it came. I won't give up though. It may not come this winter, but every pound I do lose, gets me just a little bit closer to my goal weight. Once I get there, that will be another story. Just don't give up. If you can have a baby and go through all that pain, you can do ANYTHING!!
  • kalinbeima
    kalinbeima Posts: 28 Member
    You can do it! There are some really great and positive people on here to help. On of the best things I've heard recently is instead of having a cheat day, have a cheat meal or cheat item. This way you can feel proud of what you did throughout the rest of the day and satisfied that you got to eat something you really wanted to. Also, if a cake is tempting you and there are a lot that could be eaten, give yourself a timeframe. Is: I'm giving myself 5 minutes to eat this one piece and savor it, and then commit to doing something else right after like going outside or to a different room so you won't be tempted.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • bree0514
    You guys are all awesome! Thanks for the support and the advice. The timemframe and committing to exercise right after sounds like a great idea!