Single dad with no time

I'm a single dad with two boys under 3 and I'm going to school and I don't know how to fit exerciser in my life. :sad: How can I do it when I have my boys 24-7?


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    The same way us single mom's do it....I do 30-45 minutes the minute my kid starts snoring at night...I would just be spending that time with my text books anyways...get some DVD's, or kinect for xbox...and sweat bombs for less than an hour, you'll notice it will help you stay awake to write your papers. I've also used some time management techniques. Cook all the chicken breasts in the package and freeze the cooked ones, get supper prepped before you go to bed at night...make sure clothes are picked out and lunches are made the night before...things like that.
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    maybe you can find things to do with the kids -- talking them for a walk, taking them swimming, chasing them around a playground?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If you can't work out when they're asleep, get them involved! My kids (ages 4.5 and 3) love to do yoga with me. They also like to do things like marching around the living room, running in place, and strength exercises like leg lifts and pushups. They can't do it very well, but who cares? It's fun!

    If nothing else, crank up the tunes and do crazy dancing in the living room for half an hour or so. Do the silliest moves you can think of and have them copy you, and ask them to make up moves for you. Don't stop moving! If you have an area rug, pretend it's a stage, and anybody on the stage has to be dancing or jumping.

    Don't use your kids as an excuse not to exercise! Because you know what? Your kids are super important, but they are not more important than you are. You are just as important as they are. You can and should find ways to do good things for yourself. It sets a good example for them.
  • briar_rose
    briar_rose Posts: 149 Member
    I am often alone when my husband travels and though I only have one child (7 month old daughter) I exercise when she has gone to bed. I've been using EA Sports Active 2 for the PS3 and it's great. I also use the exercise bike we have. Good luck to you!
  • Mgustine
    Hey there!
    I can understand where you are coming from as I work 55 hrs a wk as a full time nanny ( I feel like a single parent) Then go to school 3-4 nights a week to get my nursing degree, only one semester left! The easiest way I have found to fit exercise in my life is finding things to incorporate the kids into. I take them to my gym-they play while I workout, or have special time each morning before they wake up to get in a good 45 min workout. When you have kids it's almost better to split your workout in half and fit it in when you have time. Remember it's not about time as much as quality and intensity. Figure out what type of exercise will give you the most bang for your buck. Make sure you are eating all of your calories as this can hinder weight loss/being fit too! Good luck!

    Take Care-

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I do exercice at night or at my lunch hour. Somethings go undone a bit longer but I deserve to be healthy and take care o myself. Good luck
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I do exercice at night or at my lunch hour. Somethings go undone a bit longer but I deserve to be healthy and take care o myself. Good luck