Any Paleo/Primal dieters out there?

Hi! I'm new here. I went Paleo in July and so far I've lost 16 pounds (goal of 25) but gained back 2-- darn you, Pepperoni Pizza!! Anyone have any successful tips they could share? Ways to avoid "cheating" when the kids are eating Doritos? feel like I've hit the wall with the weight loss here ????


  • dawnzerlylight
    me! I've been doing it since early August.

    I don't have kids, so I can't help you with the Doritos stuff, except maybe don't have that stuff in the house at all. i know I can't buy cookies, ice cream, etc and just leave it alone, so I just don't buy it. that way when it is time to cheat, it'll be wine and dessert with friends, not a pint of ice cream while watching TV. I practice controlled cheating.

    My goal is about 25 too. I am not sure how much weight I've lost because I never get on the scale, which tends to de-motivate me but I am fitting into clothes I had gotten too big for, although i still have boob gap with a few button-up shirts :)

    Are you paying attention to your carbs? I am trying to keep mine between 50-70 grams a day. It's the only thing I monitor on this diet because it's so easy to go over. 2 servings of fruit can kill it and if I were to do that every day, it would definitely stall my weight loss. Also, stay away from Paleo baked goods!!
  • ktran51
    Right here! I've been doing it for almost a year now and I stick with this diet while weight training.

    I agree with what dawnzerlylight said, maintain your carbs and you should be fine. I am always aware of what I eat by planning my meals the day or two days before. This ensures that you know what you have available to eat so that you don't get near foods like pizza or dorritos.

    Angela if you're tempted to get near that type of food have an alternative available. A good friend of mine who is also Paleo first introduced me to bullet proof coffee and since then I've decided to purchase a Paleo recipe book here:

    This book has helped me maintain my diet and still eat what I crave.

    Hope this helps!
  • dawnzerlylight
    I have been making bulletproof coffee on the weekends using organic coffee but I haven't bought the beans suggested by the inventor. Do you think there is a major need for them? I like making it w coconut oil and pumpkin pie spice. The smell is out of this world.

    Angela, also, after a few months, the rate of weight loss is bound to go down. I would suggest not worrying about the scale so much and just enjoy feeling stronger and healthier, not to mention the 16 lbs you recently lost! I avoid the scale because I get too caught up in the numbers too. In the past, I was always in a rush to lose weight because I wanted to stop whatever diet or exercise regime I was on. It was like "I need to hurry up and lose x number of pounds because I can't keep this up much longer." Paleo feels like something I can stick with long term so there is no rush. If it takes a year to lose 25 lbs, so be it. I feel great, I have more energy and I'm not craving anything or feeling deprived, hungry, guilty, or any other negative thing I usually feel while "dieting". Good luck!!
  • ktran51
    I was told that the bulletproof coffee beans have better ingredients and produced naturally. However, they are quite expensive so I stick to regular or organic coffee. Most of the benefits come from MCT oil and grass fed unsalted butter. To improve weight loss you should try having a coffee in the morning each day. The natural fats from MCT oil and grass fed butter keeps you full until lunch time allowing you to skip breakfast.

    I usually have a cup of bullet proof coffee in the morning and won't be hungry until noon. I learned all this from my friend and the recipe book he suggested to me.
  • dawnzerlylight
    Is there a reason for skipping breakfast? I sometimes struggle w eating enough calories on paleo that I don't feel the need to restrict them. And my work building's cafeteria has a really good omelet bar! :)
  • MartinaTVS
    MartinaTVS Posts: 8 Member
    I love Paleo, I like full fat dairy so I guess that makes me more primal. I like to cook so finding to things to eat is not as much of a problem as finding the motivation to cook all the time (and the energy). Stocking up on a few go to items and collecting a few favorite recipes helps. I still have artificial sweeteners in my diet, my last hold out but I eat a lot more vegetable than I used to and focus on quality ingredients. I have definitely upped my fat to keep my calories up since I tend to not get as hungry since I used to eat every 2 hours before.
  • Angela8678m
    What is bulletproof coffee? I really love the paleo lifestyle, but do find I'm hungry a lot more often than I'd like to be. I have a harder time with the paleo baked goods-- I'm tired of almonds and not too big on the texture of the coconut flour. I DO like the golden flax seed "bread" though. Just not too often. And the kids buy their own Doritos-- they're teenagers ????
  • Angela8678m
    And Dawn-- I never hit my 1200 goal ever. And I eat a LOT!! Tried a Paleo protein supplement to add extra calories, but it was just plain nasty.
  • ktran51
    Bullet proof coffee is your every day coffee but instead of adding cream and sugar, you add a tablespoon or two of MCT oil and unsalted grass fed butter.

    These natural fats help boost your metabolism and keeps you feeling full for several hours. Your body gets its energy from the MCT Oil and butter so that you feel less hungry in the morning.

    To make it taste better I make mine in a nutri or magic bullet which makes it foamy like a latte. However if you don't have one people make it in a shaker bottle by putting the three together.
  • dawnzerlylight
    Yes, make sure you get grass fed, UNsalted butter and whip it up. I use an immersion blender. I haven't bought the MCT oil yet but organic coconut oil is also an option. The fat is supposed to slow the rate that your body absorbs the caffeine allowing for extended energy instead of a spike and a crash. Huffington Post had an article on it recently.

    Honestly, I would like more information and studies done on it but its a pretty new technique. Possibly even a fad. It does taste pretty good, especially if you add pumpkin pie spice to the coffee grounds before brewing.
  • dawnzerlylight
    You say you eat a lot but your still hungry and struggling to get enough calories. Are you eating enough meat?
  • Angela8678m
    I tried the coffee tonight with Kerry Gold grass-fed butter and coconut oil. Was delish! As for eating enough meat, I tend to eAt mostly fish (salmon tilapia and shrimp) or chicken. Never really been a red meat fan. Go figure!
  • Angela8678m
    But come to think of it Dawn, you probably hit the nail on the head????
  • nitrogennn
    Try eating more lean protein.. I know that eggs help me a whole lot. Don't omit fat from your diet, fats like avocados, almonds, seeds, coconut oil etc, really helps when it comes to weight loss and keeping fuller for longer. Other ways I keep myself full is by drinking green tea, apple cider vinegar in water, soda water, etc which really helps curb my appetite. I've also found working out helpful when it comes to curbing hunger.

    But it's important to eat what you want some days to avoid a plateau. You could probably try the 5:2 diet where you restrict yourself to 500 calories on two days and eat more on the other days. Just a suggestion. :) Or just eat the pizza and burn more/eat healthier on the other days. That's what I do :P
    But if you're really really serious about weight loss it just really comes down to self discipline and control. What I usually do when I get cravings is to rethink why I'm doing this, probably look up photos of fit, slim people lol. You can be creative and still eat ice cream and pizza. E.g. mashed up frozen bananas and cocoa powder turns into ice cream. Make homemade pizzas with wholemeal bases, they taste better anyways and you feel full :)

    Good luck
  • dawnzerlylight
    Eat a steak! Lol
  • Dalia_Maria
    I'm just getting started with Primal eating. I think the occasional "cheat" is okay. Life is too short to never have a "proper" slice of pizza again.

    I think the Primal/Paleo lifestyle will be a good fit for me, what with a long family history of metabolic issues, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes.

    Will be searching out MFP's Paleo/Primal groups :)
  • fondant18
    fondant18 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Two weeks ago I stopped eating wheat and most other grains. I'm slowly getting rid of sugar too. I too like full fat dairy so I suppose I'm eating more primal. I've been eating more meat and trying to incorporate more veggies. What do you guys eat for lunch? I find that to be the biggest challenge as a stay at home mom. I don't really want to cook lunch and dinner everyday, but I guess it has to happen. I'm trying to get some staple meal ideas down. Do you guys have any suggestions? My goal is to lose 20 lbs.

  • MartinaTVS
    MartinaTVS Posts: 8 Member
    My lifesavers have been eggs and avocados. Hard boiled, deviled or runny on top of sauteed veggies and/or meat or make ahead crustless quiche squares. Avocado as guacamole, salad dressing or to make a Mexican type quickie meal out of leftovers. That and a good hot sauce to keep things interesting. Shrimp in the freezer is nice to have too. If I'm struggling to find something to eat, I know I will always like a few shrimp :)