Girdle, belly binding

Tutab Posts: 26 Member
Just wondering if any of you used a girdle or some form of belly binding while losin weight, has it helped with the belly pouch when you reached goal? Did it make a difference?
I had 3 c-sections, i used it after the first two while going back to my pre pregnancy weight and I helped a lot no belly bouch whatsoever people thought I had a tummy tuck, but after hashimoto's and going up to 200 lbs then losin weight unintentionally while pregnant to 179 then gaining back to 228 I gave up, but now I started a new healthy regime and losing weight (thank God for that) I was wondering if belly binding would help with the stomach while it shrinks?
I walk about an hour or more daily not just stroll in the park, power walk, I also put in 10 min on the eliptical still building my endurance, I finished a two week ttapp boot camp on Friday and today starting 30ds so I can strengthen my belly muscles.


  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    well... I have no idea but I don't see how it could hurt and if it worked after C-sections there is a good chance it will at the very least help now especially with exercise.
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    Jessica Alba says that she wore a corset after her second child to help with the weight loss post-pregnancy but I always take what celebrities say with a grain of salt. I've been curious about this as well as I'm currently pregnant.
  • Tutab
    Tutab Posts: 26 Member
    I used it before from day one after c sections, this time my baby is 21 months old so so its a bit late that's why I am asking to see if helped while losing weight, not just getting uterus into shap, sorry I wasn't clear before ( I gained about 20 lbs with each my first two pregnancies and lost the weight quick, but now its a different story.
  • Tutab
    Tutab Posts: 26 Member
    >>>> wapan
    I never believe celebrities, 90% of the time they lie because they are paid by some company! I remember long time ago one actress not sure who but she came advising us to do a diet saying it worked for her, what she didnt't tell us was that she has a personal trainer and works out 4 hours a day.
    As for Jessica alba, she does various types of workouts and she has more muscle mass than a lot of people, for one of her shows dark angel i think she trained for 6 hours a day, so whatever she say about a corset helping her lose weight is total bull****.

    I do believe the belly binding helps the uterus get back into shape after birth bcs you can't do any stomach workout for the first 6 weeks, I mean who has energy to??? But ya if you eat right and get moving as soon as you can you will definitely lose the belly.

    I am hoping that the same goes with eight loss as the body shrinks maybe a binder will help it remember where to go rather than just hang (ya i mean the belly flap that we all have lol) i also would like some feedback from you guys if any product on the market helped with skin elasticity I thought of olive oil bio oil, that will be an experiment I will update on when I reach goal, and would love to hear anyone experience in this.

    **** feeling optimistic today***
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Not to sound totally ignorant, but how does one go about doing this exactly? O.o
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    The only way a girdle would help you lose weight is if it caused you to eat less. I was fat back in the day when women wore girdles to hold their hose up. It never kept me away from the chuck wagon.
  • Tutab
    Tutab Posts: 26 Member
    The only way a girdle would help you lose weight is if it caused you to eat less. I was fat back in the day when women wore girdles to hold their hose up. It never kept me away from the chuck wagon.

    Yep, a girdle doesn't make anyone lose weight, I am only wondering if it helped with the body shape while losing the healthy way.
  • Tutab
    Tutab Posts: 26 Member
    Not to sound totally ignorant, but how does one go about doing this exactly? O.o

    You mean wearing the girdle/ body wrap?
    I have the hospital grade one from my c-section but there are the ones that look like an under garment. I started using mine this morning, and am just wondering if its worth it, it does help with my posture so that's a plus, I lay on the bed to get my belly to its flattest position and then warp it shut and I get up, I am not doing it too tight bcs it's not comfortable, so work with your body and hopefully someone comes and tells us if they did it and if it was worth it or not.
  • Screwedntattooed
    Screwedntattooed Posts: 238 Member
    You can corset train
  • Tutab
    Tutab Posts: 26 Member
    You can corset train

    That sounds really harsh but its exactly what i mean except not on the waist but the lower belly. Thank you for giving me the term to search i got nowhere using belly binding!
  • Heirgreat
    Heirgreat Posts: 262 Member
    my friend is doing it, not post baby or anything, she doesn't want to watch calories, took her two days to get into it, liiterally, she watched utube videos to see how to hook it, she is wearing it to bed and basically all day long, said she is standing up more "straight", she can't eat much because it is so tight, she likes that she "looks like I lost 10 lbs instantly", but it is very restrictive....hmm.... told her about MFP, we'll see, this is my friend, she does all fad diets, and eventually fails, so "waist training", probably a scam as well.
  • rpenfoldmurray
    I'm having a similar issue--some weight is coming off, but due to two c-sections and a massive abdominal diastasis recti (I am sure I spelled that wrong) my belly hangs out. I get asked if I'm pregnant a lot--especially since I've started to lose weight and parts of me are getting smaller and the belly is still big.

    The girdle can help (I've heard) with some hunger issues and also helps with posture, back pain and belly support/comfort. Modern girdles are not the impossible, constricting torture devices of the Victorian era. I've heard really good things about The Squeem and the Hourglass Angel Slimvest. They're a little spendy--$60-100 each. But they work better than shapewear for constriction, and they're less punishing than a traditional corset.

    If you haven't been diagnosed with abdominal diastasis recti (again, butchering spelling) you may want to ask your OB/GYN or PCP about it. The weakened/split stomach muscles (common after c-sections or pregnancies of multiples...I had both, thus the terrible belly flab) sort of let everything around your abdomen just "hang out" and traditional sit-ups do not improve the core--you have to do physical therapy and Pilates- and yoga-like strengthening to improve it.

    So if your main goal is to minimize the belly weight while you're losing it, then I hope my comments were helpful!
  • annassong
    I also have a abdominal diastasis recti. I've had a baby. A very BIG 9 pound baby in my 5 foot 3 petite frame so as you can imagine my lower floating ribs were widened giving me a bigger waist than what I had prior to baby as well as a huge gap where the abdominal muscles have split.

    No matter how much strength training or safe core workouts I did I never got that natural curve back. But since waist training with a proper fitted steel boned corset I am slowly pushing my floating rib cage back in and shifting fat back to where it should be.

    Combined waist training with a healthy balanced diet and exercise will work however corsets alone don't make you lose weight...but if done correctly you will get a smaller waist over time because it is repositioning your fat. Now...if you have a low body fat percentage corset training will take a lot longer for you because there is not much fat to move but it will still push your floating ribs in giving you the appearance of a smaller waist.

    Corsets if done correctly also don't make you breathless and don't cause damage to organs. (Unless you're a serious tight lacer) If it does you're doing it wrong.
    I had to mention that because Corsets have this ridiculous stigma against them which simply is not true.

    Once I figure out how to post photos I will show you my results.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    I wear a corset on those special nights. My wife loves it.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Worked for Lady Gaga

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Nothing can improve skin elasticity. It's affected by a combination of how long the skin was stretched, age, and genetics. You can fight pooch by further decreasing body fat percentage and lifting weights.
  • labretagne2014
    I wear a corset as well hidden underwear. I'm almost 50 and, back in the day, used to have the classic 36-22-36 figure. What with one thing and another those figures have all exploded of course. I find the corset does make me think about what I want to eat as I do wear mine rather tightly and it does mean that I do not have the same appetite, nor can I eat as much as I might otherwise. It does feel wonderful when I see that lovely hourglass in the mirror. I match that with non traditional, supervised, workouts of no more than 1 hour three times a week in the gym. Rather than lifting weights and hitting the machines as I used to do - and got nowhere!!! - I'm doing what I think is called a transversal routine. This focusses on the core - all around the belly and the back - while using the three planes of movement for each exercise. It doesn't feel like much when I'm doing it but I really feel it the next day. One of the problems I had with the corset was that, with my capacity for food constrained, I started craving high calorie value foods and, of course, made the mistake of eating very little during the day and then eating voraciously at night as soon as I took my corset off. I've adjusted that now so that I eat a healthy variety of more foods during the day in small meals and keep my corset on until I feel satisfied after dinner. If you want to try this, make sure you focus on the core exercises. The corset extends the spine and, unless you engage your core muscles all the time, you can end up with atrophy in that area - hardly what any of us is looking for.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I always look at how skinny my ring finger is under my wedding ring and think how wonderful it would be to have something like that around my waist... If only it were that easy.

    My mother grew up in the 40's and 50's and a girdle was part of her everyday attire. Although I'm sure it made her look stunning while she was wearing it, she contends that relying on the girdle actually made her abdominal muscles very weak, and when girdles went out of style she had a hard time building them back up. Just something to think about...
  • Tutab
    Tutab Posts: 26 Member
    I am not concerned with my waist because I know deep inside I have a beautiful waist line, this is what concerns me ending up like this after I lose weight
    (Not my picture)

    I do have a pouch over my incision and am worried it will end up like the picture, I know I do not have diastasis so that's not a problem I can do upper ab crunches and lower ones and even though its section and numb i do feel the muscles when I work them, also when I lay on my back my belly disappears inwards towards my spine as if non existent. That is why I am hoping a binder will help push it in and keep it in place, I am not planning in sleepin with it on, but wear at 4-6 hours a day I will also remove it when working out to have my muscles contract freely. Hopefully a year from now I will come and tell you guys I had success.

    (For those of you with diastasis I know you shouldn't do regular sit-ups because they will hurt you, my sister has it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I would think if the issue is muscles in your abdomen that something like a tight corset would provide support which would not encourage your muscles to activate. Stronger core muscles will help pull in and hold in the abdomen.
    I would think a corset would be the opposite of what you want.

    I recently had a c-section. I am focusing on strengthening my core and pelvic floor muscles. Not just crunches, I mean all over core strengthening.
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