asparagus suggestions.

ok here is my issue, my new weekly diet plan has me eating asparagus for lunch.. i don't think it would taste great raw and all i have at work is a microwave..

so do you think it would taste ok if i cooked it the night before then reheated? i have never done this so i don't know.

my lunch is sweet potato roast beef and asparagus so any suggestions on how to change these ingredients on a daily basis would also appreciation ( i don't like tasting the same foods day in day out, i get sick of it really easy)



  • EmilyLeCompte
    EmilyLeCompte Posts: 6 Member
    I frequently cook asparagus (blanch or steam) the night before and then eat it cold the next day. You could reheat in in the microwave that way and it probably wouldn't be to bad. Enjoy! : )
  • GingerGale1
    GingerGale1 Posts: 14 Member
    My husband loves steamed asparagus and often takes leftovers to work for lunch to reheat in the microwave. He hasn't complained yet and he is a really picky eater when it comes to reheating food in the microwave.
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    i stir fry it at home and reheat at work in microwave.. still tastes great :)
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    sweet, think i might fry em up and reserve.

    porbably package all my lunches for one week any way that way im not messing around too much at night cooking dinner then lunches..etc.

    woohoo week 2 of body shred here i come :)
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    I love my asparagus roasted. Just toss it with a little olive oil, salt and pepper on a jelly roll pan (something with sides) and pop it in the oven at 450ish til tender. Yum, I don't mind eating it cold. I think it would do okay if you zapped in the microwave for about a minute or so.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    If you are a salad guy you could also cook up your fave cut of beef the night before and whip up a salad with some blue cheese or feta and have beef slices on top.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Also with the olive oil, salt and pepper, put some garlic powder on it.It makes it real good.I like it like that cooked on the grill, but the stove or oven will do. Dont overcook leave some crunch, especially if you are going to reheat it. To mushy isnt as good, better with a.ittle texture.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    If you are a salad guy you could also cook up your fave cut of beef the night before and whip up a salad with some blue cheese or feta and have beef slices on top.

    thanks, but im only eating the 3 ingredients, im on an excersize and diet plan for 6 week learning about nutritions my macros and what weight lifting benefits me etc... from what i can tell there is not much salad involved.... seems to be one peice of fruit a day and 3 servings of (1pc) of vegetables.. ahah

    thanks anyway, roasting it will be one way to go i think.
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    I love my asparagus roasted. Just toss it with a little olive oil, salt and pepper on a jelly roll pan (something with sides) and pop it in the oven at 450ish til tender. Yum, I don't mind eating it cold. I think it would do okay if you zapped in the microwave for about a minute or so.

    this. you can also add a little grated parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes if you like.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I bulk cook asparagus and reheat it no problem.
    I would suggest undercooking it a little, to make up for reheating it in the microwave or oven again.

    My grandma got me hooked on it by using a little bit of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a fresh squeezing of lemon juice.

    Now I generally flash boil it, or cook it in a little olive oil with salt and pepper.
  • Marcel182
    Marcel182 Posts: 143 Member
    I love my asparagus roasted. Just toss it with a little olive oil, salt and pepper on a jelly roll pan (something with sides) and pop it in the oven at 450ish til tender. Yum, I don't mind eating it cold. I think it would do okay if you zapped in the microwave for about a minute or so.

    this. you can also add a little grated parmesan cheese and red pepper flakes if you like.
    Yes, this! I personally only use olive oil, a dash of salt, pepper and spread a crushed clove of garlic over the asparagus before putting them in the oven. The garlic gets nice and crispy.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I've actually come to love it raw, but roasted is also good.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I love my asparagus roasted. Just toss it with a little olive oil, salt and pepper on a jelly roll pan (something with sides) and pop it in the oven at 450ish til tender. Yum, I don't mind eating it cold. I think it would do okay if you zapped in the microwave for about a minute or so.

    me too! i actually have some packed for lunch today that i made just like this :happy:
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Asparagus is one of my favs and I do a few different things with it depending on what leftovers I have for lunch.

    My current favorite, blanch the asparagus until it is just tender, then put it in an ice bath. Then I chop it up and add it with pasta (typically spiral pasta), grilled chicken, and grape tomatoe's then add either a little zesty italian dressing or a nice balsamic vinegar and a bit of parmesan cheese. No need to reheat, and it is amazing!

    I also roast it in the oven with a little EVOO, fresh garlic and cracked black pepper. It reheats very well also.

    Now I want some asaparagus, and it's not what I have for lunch :grumble:
  • Boccellin
    Boccellin Posts: 137 Member
    You can actually bring it to work raw and cook it right in the microwave. Alton Brown shows how on one of his shows. You cut the ends off, the way you always would, then soak a paper towel or two in water (completely saturate it). Roll the asparagus up in the saturated paper towels and microwave for 5-10 minutes depending on how tender you like them. They taste wonderful, full of flavor, and they retain very nearly all of their nutrients.
    TLIVIGNSTON Posts: 81 Member
    If you are a salad guy you could also cook up your fave cut of beef the night before and whip up a salad with some blue cheese or feta and have beef slices on top.

    thanks, but im only eating the 3 ingredients, im on an excersize and diet plan for 6 week learning about nutritions my macros and what weight lifting benefits me etc... from what i can tell there is not much salad involved.... seems to be one peice of fruit a day and 3 servings of (1pc) of vegetables.. ahah

    thanks anyway, roasting it will be one way to go i think.
    Huh? Only 3 ingredients? What does that mean?

    sorry ingredient was probs the wrong word. im having roast beef, sweet potato and asparagus. so anything out side of that doesn't really help. a little bit of pepper is fine. this is all weighed. see i have stubborn belly fat (beer belly) and chest fat to loose, so im concentrating on what i have to eat and weights + a bit of cardio,

    thanks guys..

    PS i pan fried some last night. heated it today and it was awesome.
