Hunger Pains

It's only day 2 for me on MFP and I'm already struggling. I've had hunger pains for the past three hours. I ate a banana about two hours ago hoping they'd go away, but my stomach only stopped hurting for 15 minutes. Breakfast is in a half hour and I can't find anything healthy to eat. I don't like eggs without cheese. Sausage links and bacon are clearly bad choices if I intend on having lunch. I've came across a couple decent recipes but don't have the ingredients necessary to make them. I have yogurt and a banana but I don't find those to be filling.

Maybe I should just eat something small to take the edge off the hunger pains, take my walk, and nap until lunch if I can? I don't know. I'm tempted to just make eggs with cheese and sausage and pig out. :\

I don't usually even bother eating breakfast because I'm never hungry in the mornings. Is this happening because I'm exercising more?


  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    walk to the shop and buy something healthy? porridge to go with your banana or make a smoothie with the banana & yogurt
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 61 Member
    The nearest grocery store is six miles away. Even if I had faith in being able to walk that far, I certainly wouldn't be able to get there and back in time for breakfast and getting my little one around for school. :(
  • Sukebind15
    Sukebind15 Posts: 6 Member
    It's really hard when you are peckish and then all you can think about is food. Are you able to have the banana and/or yoghurt now and then take a walk to find some healthier ingredients for your recipes? Eating healthily can be expensive, I know. I think whether or not you find it easy to afford food then you need to plan ahead and just get a bit more organised about food than you might have previously been. Otherwise it's so easy to keep ending up in the state where you are eating food that's not helping you just because it's quick and easy or it's all that's available. Good luck!
  • FromGastricToFantastic
    Personally I think you need to look into the Paleo lifestyle. That is what I have used to lose the almost 170lbs of total weight I have lost. The problem is you are not consuming food with enough fat to keep you full. Hunger is a horrible feeling that is for certain. Nuts, jerky, meats, cheeses, veggies and fruit are all on my meal plan. I would look into it if I were you.....honestly, it is amazing! You got this really do!
  • JTPug1980
    JTPug1980 Posts: 85 Member
    If you can drink a fiber supplement. It really makes you feel full and it tastes pretty good if you can deal with the grit. I drink 8-10oz and a banana for breakfast everyday and no hunger at all for a few hours.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    My guess is you're restricting yourself too much. 1200 calories by any chance? Most people can eat far more and still lose weight. Don't get hung up on 'Healthy' foods. Food is just food it all has it's place go for balance rather than restriction. Around 80% of my diet is what people would consider healthy but I do eat many other things. A balanced diet as I said is where you want to be heading because once you've lost the weight you want to be eating in a way you can for the rest of your life. That way you'll keep the weight off. Good luck and this link may help
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    How many calories a day have you set? You could have eggs with a small amount of cheese (weigh & measure things) and still have a healthy lunch & evening meal. Read the 'Guide to sexy-pants' thread that's stickied at the top of the forum :)

    Edit: Beaten to it!
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Hoodia helps me through the worst hunger pains. It's stimulant free and comes in many forms, including gum, patches, lollipops, candies, and capsules. @_@
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    It's only day 2 for me on MFP and I'm already struggling. I've had hunger pains for the past three hours. I ate a banana about two hours ago hoping they'd go away, but my stomach only stopped hurting for 15 minutes. Breakfast is in a half hour and I can't find anything healthy to eat. I don't like eggs without cheese. Sausage links and bacon are clearly bad choices if I intend on having lunch. I've came across a couple decent recipes but don't have the ingredients necessary to make them. I have yogurt and a banana but I don't find those to be filling.

    Maybe I should just eat something small to take the edge off the hunger pains, take my walk, and nap until lunch if I can? I don't know. I'm tempted to just make eggs with cheese and sausage and pig out. :\

    I don't usually even bother eating breakfast because I'm never hungry in the mornings. Is this happening because I'm exercising more?

    I don't understand why you can't eat cheese and bacon. Just find better choices. For instance turkey bacon. You can find a way to make it fit. Eat in moderation.

    I find that I am not as hungry for breakfast either. However, I still try to eat at least 20% of my calorie max or I will feel hungry sooner.
  • thinkpositive92
    thinkpositive92 Posts: 111 Member
    walk to the shop and buy something healthy? porridge to go with your banana or make a smoothie with the banana & yogurt

    ^ Make a smoothie! It will fill you up for a few hours at least if you add some nuts and seeds with the dairy and fruit!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I have to say, when making a change like this, preparation is key. You're only on day 2 and finding your way. Do some planning so you have the things you need at hand and aren't scrabbling to find something when you're already starving. I know that doesn't help right now, but planning and having what you need on hand will be your best friend.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I have to say, when making a change like this, preparation is key. You're only on day 2 and finding your way. Do some planning so you have the things you need at hand and aren't scrabbling to find something when you're already starving. I know that doesn't help right now, but planning and having what you need on hand will be your best friend.

    This ^.

    Plan, go shopping, fill those cupboards. Learn what fills you up.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Let me guess, you're eating only 1,200 calories, right?
  • jlp19771
    jlp19771 Posts: 33 Member
    Eating things with lots of fiber and protein have helped curb my appetite. I very rarely get hungry between meals. Try that and hope it helps! Good Luck. It will get easier.
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 61 Member
    @rms22582: The paleo diet looks interesting, for sure. I don't know how well I'd do at avoiding dairy, but I'm willing to try it. :)

    @JTPug1980: I think I have some Benefiber from when I had my gall bladder removed. Is that the same thing? If not I'll have to look into buying some the next time I get into town. Thanks. :)

    @_Zardoz_: Yes, I'm at 1200 calories. I don't think I'm going to fit into the category of people that can get away with eating more. I have read that guide and the other associated with it, but thank you for linking it!

    @timberowl: I don't have any Hoodia. :(

    @20yearsyounger: A cup of shredded cheddar cheese is apparently 300 calories. That's an entire meal. :\ I haven't ever tried turkey bacon, but I suppose I could give it a shot.

    @thread: Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone! Since I don't really have a lot of healthy choices on hand, I guess I'm gonna have to be a pig at breakfast and skip lunch and snacks.
  • dormalong
    I find that a small serving of oatmeal fills me up in the morning. But I frequently eat one scrambled egg with peppers and onions instead. I add a few walnuts and a half cup of blueberries and either skim or almond milk to the oatmeal. Small frequent meals. About 6 a day. For me the key was always having healthy snacks prepared and easy to reach likely cut fruit and vegetables. That is how I have lost 138 lbs in a year and a half. Now I have kept it off for 6 months. Of course I exercise daily too.
  • vkdarling
    vkdarling Posts: 161 Member
    You just have to plan ahead better. I eat 1200 calories a day and have for 5 months (eatting back some of my exercise calories some times) and I am not hungry all day. I have just learned what foods fill me up, when to eat them, and I plan plan plan.. Its hard to get started but it will get easier!
  • chaniluv
    chaniluv Posts: 61 Member
    Eesh. Five links is apparently 1300 calories. I suppose I should've checked before I ate. I knew it'd be bad, but clearing my entire calorie quota for the day? Whoops. Guess I'll be skipping more than lunch today.

    I'll go grocery shopping after my next check and try planning out some meals. Thanks for all the help, guys.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I hope this doesn't come of as insulting but do you really need a whole cup of cheese with your eggs? That seems excessive and definitely on the all or nothing kind of mindset. There's nothing wrong with having sausage or bacon either, just have less than you used to. A couple eggs, a 1/4 cup of cheese and a few slices of bacon should run you around 400 calories. Even frying al of it up in a whole Tbsp of butter will only add 100 more calories. That's not a ridiculous amount for breakfast (IMHO) especially if you're exercising now.

    For leaner choices, you can go with turkey bacon or sausage or even lean deli ham or canadian bacon. Get medium eggs instead of large to save a few calories if you want. I'd also suggest you start planning your meals for the week as much as you can. It's not always easy but you'll find you won't be stuck with these kinds of dilemmas, being hungry and not sure of what to eat.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Eesh. Five links is apparently 1300 calories. I suppose I should've checked before I ate. I knew it'd be bad, but clearing my entire calorie quota for the day? Whoops. Guess I'll be skipping more than lunch today.

    I'll go grocery shopping after my next check and try planning out some meals. Thanks for all the help, guys.

    Are you sure that's right? Breakfast sausage isn't usualy that high in calories... FYI, not all MFP listings are correct. Check your food package nutrition label or google for brand specific info.