Ever feel sorta tired and weak at the gym?

I am not ill and I slept normally last night, but I felt sort of sluggish and weak at the gym. My usual cardio has been to do ten minutes on the stair machine (the one that is a down escalator) at a pretty high intensity, then after cooling down a bit, doing my weights (which I split into Push, Pull, and Legs) and then finishing with another ten minutes of the same cardio. Today, I couldn't do anything like the intensity I have been recently. I aim to do at least 600 steps in 10 minutes and was getting up to 660 or more but today I did maybe 530.

Then I found that I struggled to lift the same weights the last time I did "Push" routine, or do as many reps. I did the best I could.

And for my second cardio I just couldn't bring myself to face the stair machine so I went on the treadmill and walked briskly at a steep incline (10-15 degrees) for 20 minutes. It got my heart rate up, but not as much as the stairs. When I got back to my apartment building I forced myself to take the stairs to the sixth floor and I kinda wanted to die.

Since I am not ill and I've slept enough I am wondering what could be the cause. Could it be calories? I think I was eating more when I was doing more intensity. I've done quite a few various calculators and it looks like I need 2000-2100 calories a day if I'm exercising. So, I've been eating about 1600 a day. Should I bump it up a bit and see if that doesn't help?

I'm only two pounds away from my goal weight and I just want to shed them so I can go back to 2000 a day and focus on building strength and muscle.

Edited to add: I do cardio about four or five days a week (not on leg day and usually a good walk on the weekend). I do "push" routine 2x, "pull" routine 2x and legs one day a week, although I do body weight glute work at home on "push" days. I don't think I'm "overtraining."


  • MissHolidayGolightly
    Yes, energy levels fluctuate. I have bad workouts and good workouts or sometimes I go in feeling one way and leave feeling another. Lack of sleep and stress can really negatively affect exercise as well as other parts of your life so I would suggest working on that. I also have trouble doing cardio and strength in the same workout so I usually split them up on different days or different times of the day. Could be worth a try.
  • LosetheCrumbs
    LosetheCrumbs Posts: 6 Member
    You could very well be ill and not know it. Exposure to viruses are something our bodies are always having to deal with; unfortunately, we don't "feel ill", but we can, in fact, be fighting off a bug.

    If this is an ongoing problem and doesn't resolve over a two week period, then another possibility could be an onset of hypothyroidism.

    Truth be, it could be anything, BUT from my personal experience, the two things I mentioned were when I pretty much felt the same way you are describing.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Yes, energy levels fluctuate. I have bad workouts and good workouts or sometimes I go in feeling one way and leave feeling another. Lack of sleep and stress can really negatively affect exercise as well as other parts of your life so I would suggest working on that. I also have trouble doing cardio and strength in the same workout so I usually split them up on different days or different times of the day. Could be worth a try.

    Because I'm lifting five days a week, I have to do my cardio on the same days. Sometimes I have to go back to the gym for a second visit to accomplish that.

    I'm hoping it's just a calorie thing. I'm only two pounds away from my goal and I can start adding calories soon.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    You could very well be ill and not know it. Exposure to viruses are something our bodies are always having to deal with; unfortunately, we don't "feel ill", but we can, in fact, be fighting off a bug.

    If this is an ongoing problem and doesn't resolve over a two week period, then another possibility could be an onset of hypothyroidism.

    Truth be, it could be anything, BUT from my personal experience, the two things I mentioned were when I pretty much felt the same way you are describing.

    Hmmm... I do have a slightly scratchy sore throat! I don't otherwise feel ill in any way.
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Have you tried eating more potassium?
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    This typically happens to me if I'm:

    Getting sick but don't know it yet
    Haven't been eating enough calories or enough protein
    Am trying to do too much (I can only lift 3 days a week without suffering burnout)

    Hope you get it back soon!
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    If this continues I would worry but , sometimes you just get tired. I have felt weak in the gym after a good nights sleep and then I felt good the next session.

    Also I have felt weak and then took a whole week off to let my body totally recouperate and came back stronger than when I left. I didn't just sit on the couch when I wa off I power walked and did some hiking, but sometimes your body is telling you "I need a rest"
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If it's just a once in a while thing, it could be you're just having an off day. Don't just think about the day before but think more about a few days back. Even if I get a good night's sleep, if I didn't the previous day or two, I'm still going to be a bit tired. The body needs time to catch up. This time of year can be hell on allergies and that will wear you down a bit (could be the reason behind your scratchy throat, if it's not a virus). Also, for me sometimes ovulation or TOM will make me tired.

    How's your hydration? Not enough could sap your energy level.

    You could adjust your calories up a bit if you wanted to, but I wouldn't based on one day. If it continues, try bumping them up and see if that helps.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    I've done quite a few various calculators and it looks like I need 2000-2100 calories a day if I'm exercising. So, I've been eating about 1600 a day.

    Ummm, you have the answer to your problem IN your OP. Calorie calculators say you need 2000-2100 calories a day if you are exercising and you are eating 4-500 fewer calories than suggested? Your body isn't getting the fuel it needs to put up with the workouts you are doing AND your life.

    Eat more.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    Yes, I'm thinking I may need a break. I've worked out 5-6 days a week for almost six weeks and my throat is slightly scratchy. So I think I will cut the cardio until Monday, skip my second "pull" workout of the week tomorrow, and just do legs on Friday.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I've done quite a few various calculators and it looks like I need 2000-2100 calories a day if I'm exercising. So, I've been eating about 1600 a day.

    Ummm, you have the answer to your problem IN your OP. Calorie calculators say you need 2000-2100 calories a day if you are exercising and you are eating 4-500 fewer calories than suggested? Your body isn't getting the fuel it needs to put up with the workouts you are doing AND your life.

    Eat more.

    I'm trying to lose weight! I have to have a deficit. And I already said that I'm wondering if calories is the sole reason.
  • wrbiii
    wrbiii Posts: 151
    You are two pounds from goal? Adjust your calorie intake upwards, and keep working out. If you can't get through your workouts without feeling dead tired all the time, something is off. If you can't get through them because your body hurts, you need rest (or to look at your form, which could be off).
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not enough rest. Take a day off and do 4 days instead of 5. You'll probably get better results that way anyway. You can still do cardio, but 5 days of weights is probably too much and you're overtraining. Rest between lifting days is as important as lifting days.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    yes, usually from just exercising too much
  • Dnwindland
    Dnwindland Posts: 3 Member
    Keep your protein intake high enough to prevent catabolism. Also, you may want to have your iron levels checked to ensure you are not slightly anemic. Obviously, you want to make sure you are not becoming ill. You may want to look at changing your routine up a bit to shock your body out of any ruts you might be into right now. Might change when your rest days are to help recharge your energy.

    I find that little lifting BEFORE cardio to be helpful so that the majority of your energy is available for the hardest activity. Stick with it and stay healthy.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Rest some.

    Take a day or three off. Make sure your electrolyte levels are on point, and that you're not sick. The time off will help mentally too. Then get back in there and get after it.

    When I have workouts that I know I'm ready for but just dreading I'll take my ECA stack prep my drink, and then just get to the gym. Sometimes it's more a mental fight than physical.
  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    I decided to eat a bunch today. I am probably over 2000 calories for the day, now, (which would be maintenance) but I don't care. I think if I take tomorrow off from the gym, I should be feeling good by Friday (leg day.)

    I may try to come up with a three-day weight workout, or maybe go back to four day. I used to split it into Chest, Back and Arms 2x a week and Legs and Shoulders 2x a week. I think I'll return to that next week. That's four days of lifting and I'll do three days of cardio:

    Monday: Chest, Back, Arms and Cardio
    Tuesday: Legs and Shoulders
    Weds: Cardio
    Thursday: Chest, Back, Arms and Cardio
    Friday: Legs and Shoulders

    Will still try to do some hill walking on Saturday or Sunday, because I love it.