Back to MFP!

Hey everyone-
I am coming back to MFP after a 6 month absence. this summer was plagued with injuries- a bike crash in May and a fractured bone in my foot in late August. So I put on a few pounds and lost motivation to eat healthy. Just got back to running this week and I am trying to take it easy. I also have a Training Peaks account under the same username so you could find me there too. I could use a little support staying on a healthy diet. My goal is to loose 25 lbs. I currently weigh 215 and would like to get under 190. Oh yea- I am getting married in June too- so want to look good for that too!! Glad to be back.


  • NessaReh85
    NessaReh85 Posts: 140 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! I dont eat AS healthy as I should but I have definitely utilized the food log on MFP. It does help. I havent lost an abundance yet, but I have lost and been able to maintain staying under the 215 mark so far *knock on wood* Feel free to add me for motivation!
  • Casper9181
    Casper9181 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everybody. Im getting back to MFP after a loooonnnnnggg break. Ive gained 15 lbs over the past year :-( Ready to lose them! im not sure how to add anybody.. as i never got "involved" before. But feel free to add me !! I need motiviation and support!

    Congrats on the marriage and keep up the good work both of you!