Calling South Dakota!

I'm not new to the site by any means, but I *am* new to South Dakota. I don't know anyone here yet, but I realized it would actually be pretty awesome to meet some people in my new town who want to do healthy things. Bonus points if you know interesting places to go!

About me: I'm an Army wife. Please don't judge me for that. ;) But that's why we moved here, and why we'll probably move again in a few years. It's not so bad really - you get to see all sorts of interesting places.

I'm a mom. My daughter is 4, and she goes to school four days a week in the afternoon. So I *do* have some time to myself to get out.

I'm a geek. If you're not geeky, I promise I can be completely normal if I try and I won't embarrass you. But if you are geeky, we can have all sorts of crazy fun together. By "geeky" I mean I play FFXIV and a little WoW. I like Doctor Who and Star Wars, and I frequent imgur. (But not Reddit, though I follow a lot of what happens there via secondhand stories on imgur.)

I'm a martial artist, though I'm between dojos right now.

I'm open to new ideas! And if I sound interesting, even if you're not in SD, feel free to FR me. :)


  • daniellekarber
    daniellekarber Posts: 11 Member
    What part of South Dakota? East River/West River? That makes a big difference on things to do. BTW, I'm from Brandon, SD which is just about 5 miles east of Sioux Falls.

    I hope you've lived in a cold region before, since we're just getting ready to head into winter! Welcome, and enjoy! There are wonderful, friendly people living here for the most part.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I'm in Sioux Falls proper. :)

    We did live in Colorado for five years, so I'm used to cold, and I lived in IL for a year as a child. My inlaws are up in MN, so they've sort of warned us about winters out here. But that being said, I'm a wimp and will probably spend the whole first winter complaining. ;) We lived in NJ before this. which is cold, but not nearly as cold as it is here.