Overweight and anorexic?



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise
    Then lose a few more pounds (FEW) in a healthy manner: Set MFP for a 0.5 lb a week weight loss and FOLLOW WHAT MFP TELLS YOU. Yes, ONE HALF A POUND a week.
    Or, keep doing what you're doing so you can perfectly fit the definition of anorexic.
    Your choice.
    If you choose option 1, you can be strong (which you want).
    If you choose option 2, you just get a life long battle and damage to you body.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?
  • kitkalyz
    Judging by your photo's, you don't need to lose any weight!
    You don't eat enough calories, hence why your Mum is concerned.
    I'm no expert, but at 5'5" and 25 yrs old you should be eating at least 1800 cals a day.
    If you haven't got a big appetite, you can get your calories by adding things like Nuts, Avocado, Peanut Butter, Cheese or Banana's.

    Thanks! I live in the Philippines...in a place where an average woman weights around 45kg to 55kg hence I grew up in so much ridicule. This is one of those challenges I will make to prove to myself I can do it.

    Yah, I started with the nuts and olive oil for healthy fats and to up the calorie intake. I don't like avocados much but I will try =)
  • supersmellyflower
    There are other eating disorders out there. I can't diagnose you, but you don't seem to have a healthy relationship with food or the mirror.
  • kitkalyz
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise
    Then lose a few more pounds (FEW) in a healthy manner: Set MFP for a 0.5 lb a week weight loss and FOLLOW WHAT MFP TELLS YOU. Yes, ONE HALF A POUND a week.
    Or, keep doing what you're doing so you can perfectly fit the definition of anorexic.
    Your choice.
    If you choose option 1, you can be strong (which you want).
    If you choose option 2, you just get a life long battle and damage to you body.

    It's been a successful three days now in the increase of good calories...it's just so hard to unlearn something I've lived with for 10 years but I am trying.
  • kitkalyz
    There are other eating disorders out there. I can't diagnose you, but you don't seem to have a healthy relationship with food or the mirror.

    Yes...I've noticed that myself too. I'm trying to change though.
  • kitkalyz
    When I started with MFP a couple weeks ago, it told me that I was putting my body into starvation mode when I was just eating what I normally ate too. AND I was 40 lbs overweight. I was doing pretty much what you do eating very little during the week and gorging on the weekend
    So I researched it and discovered that, yes starvation mode is a real thing. For the past 10 days I've been forcing myself to eat 1200 cal/ day, and I've lost 8 pounds.
    I don't think you are anorexic. I do think you are trying to be healthy, and you have learned something about a healthy diet. So put it into practice. :)

    That feeling...yah, it takes a lot of pushing the automatic guilt away in a box and actually eat right. Been successful here too =)
  • kitkalyz
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?

    Hmmm I'm not exactly sure. Do I need to go to clinic to get that measured?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?

    Hmmm I'm not exactly sure. Do I need to go to clinic to get that measured?

    Dexa Scan, Body pod, and hydrostatic testing. These are the three best accurate ways to do so. Google can help narrow down prices and locations in your area.
  • kitkalyz
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?

    Hmmm I'm not exactly sure. Do I need to go to clinic to get that measured?

    Dexa Scan, Body pod, and hydrostatic testing. These are the three best accurate ways to do so. Google can help narrow down prices and locations in your area.

    Oh okay. Thanks I'll try that.
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?

    Hmmm I'm not exactly sure. Do I need to go to clinic to get that measured?

    Dexa Scan, Body pod, and hydrostatic testing. These are the three best accurate ways to do so. Google can help narrow down prices and locations in your area.

    Oh okay. Thanks I'll try that.

    Even if you don't go get your exact body fat percentage measured you should really try to work hard on changing your own mentality about "weight," "health," "normal," etc. Forget everything you ever thought you knew about BMI. Ignore what "most girls weigh" where you're from.

    The simple fact is women (and people) can WEIGH the same, be the same height, and look completely different! This is mostly because of body composition and distribution. BMI only takes into account your weight not how much of that weight is made up of muscle, fat, bone, water, etc.

    You'll see lots of women who post pictures of themselves and you'd never guess they weigh as much as they do because they have a flattering body composition. Some women on here have even posted pictures where they've GAINED weight but look smaller!

    If one of your goals is to be strong then you have to fuel your body and lift weights accordingly. That means you have to eat :)... The coolest thing is that the more muscle you gain the more you'll get to eat because your muscle will absolutely torch calories! It's one of the best parts of lifting!

    It really sucks to feel like you don't fit in and to feel like you aren't "normal" but to be honest, you should probably just keep your weight to yourself around people like that because chances are they would probably guess that you weigh less than you actually do and it's only when you tell them otherwise that they begin to "judge" you.
  • kitkalyz
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?

    Hmmm I'm not exactly sure. Do I need to go to clinic to get that measured?

    Dexa Scan, Body pod, and hydrostatic testing. These are the three best accurate ways to do so. Google can help narrow down prices and locations in your area.

    Oh okay. Thanks I'll try that.

    Even if you don't go get your exact body fat percentage measured you should really try to work hard on changing your own mentality about "weight," "health," "normal," etc. Forget everything you ever thought you knew about BMI. Ignore what "most girls weigh" where you're from.

    The simple fact is women (and people) can WEIGH the same, be the same height, and look completely different! This is mostly because of body composition and distribution. BMI only takes into account your weight not how much of that weight is made up of muscle, fat, bone, water, etc.

    You'll see lots of women who post pictures of themselves and you'd never guess they weigh as much as they do because they have a flattering body composition. Some women on here have even posted pictures where they've GAINED weight but look smaller!

    If one of your goals is to be strong then you have to fuel your body and lift weights accordingly. That means you have to eat :)... The coolest thing is that the more muscle you gain the more you'll get to eat because your muscle will absolutely torch calories! It's one of the best parts of lifting!

    It really sucks to feel like you don't fit in and to feel like you aren't "normal" but to be honest, you should probably just keep your weight to yourself around people like that because chances are they would probably guess that you weigh less than you actually do and it's only when you tell them otherwise that they begin to "judge" you.

    It's not just my diet I have to change and improve, it's my mindset completely. I know what is right and what is wrong but old habits--my god! Everyday is a struggle here, for me at least. I'm taking it baby steps.

    Thanks again. This is a load of encouragement. And yes! strength training is one of my favorites right now =)
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    Thanks! I live in the Philippines...in a place where an average woman weights around 45kg to 55kg hence I grew up in so much ridicule.

    Oh,...now it makes more sense.
    I don't know how much you weigh now, but weighing 45-55kg would probably be too low for you!
    Maybe those other girls have smaller frames, so may look OK at that weight - whereas at the same weight you might look skinny and ill.
    There are many women out there at my height that are 10kgs+ lighter than me, but i don't want to be that weight.
    Concentrate on upping your calories and maybe take up a Sport (if the Gym isn't your thing).
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I'd just like to say I'm really proud of you for admitting you have a not so good relationship with food, and possibly a distorted view of your own body. I also think your pose in your pics expresses confidence that I wasn't hearing in your original post or two.

    I really do hope you take the advice you've been given here about eating healthy amount of calories every single day to fuel your body and your workouts, especially if you like to lift weights already. You are well on your way to feeling better about yourself if you do that, no matter what the number on the scale says.

    In your pictures, you look great to me. I don't see a need to lose weight, much less 10kg (22lbs). You are 5'5" tall. Stop comparing yourself (weight, pants size, hair length, skin color, or whatever else you compare) to others. That is pointless and can be very damaging mentally. Also, stop telling people how much you weigh, and do your best to stop putting any stock in their opinions because your opinion is the most important.

    Also, trying to lose weight just to prove you can sounds more like "I want to lose the weight so I can prove those people that say hurtful things wrong and get them to shut up". Well, chances are those people will just find something else to pick about or move on to a different target. Might be best to remove those folks from your life, or at least your proximity for a good, long while.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My mom recently called me anorexic. My first thoughts were, why? I’m 10 kilograms overweight. How can an overweight person be anorexic? Anorexic people are thing, almost dying looking people who never seem to eat. I binge on weekends yes, diet strictly on weekdays and kills the body to exercise but that doesn’t mean I’m anorexic.

    Have you done any research on body dismorphia?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    You can be overweight and have an eating disorder. But it doesn't sound like you are overweight. It isn't healthy to eat so few calories and it might not be affecting you now but it will do if you keep it up long term x

    I am though...my weight is still at the very tip of healthy, BMI wise

    Throw away BMI wise. What does your body fat % look close to?

    Hmmm I'm not exactly sure. Do I need to go to clinic to get that measured?

    Dexa Scan, Body pod, and hydrostatic testing. These are the three best accurate ways to do so. Google can help narrow down prices and locations in your area.

    Considering the rest of the commentary on the thread, I'd suggest a Dexa scan. It will also give you your bone density... which effed up eating habits will have a major effect on.

    You're young enough to be able to address any bone deficiencies now, because they become something like osteoporosis later.
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes the picture was taken last week...why do I need to lose 10kg? to prove to myself I can...I was always, always overweight as a teen, am a bit overweight now and I wanted to reach my goal of 55kg for a 5"5" height. Dieting for 10 years now, yo-yoing too, so this resolutions is to prove that I can do it =)

    Oh I see. But as most people here will tell you, aiming for an arbitrary weight target on the scale rarely leaves people with the physique they are looking for and 10kg seems like a lot for someone your size.

    Perhaps a better goal would be to try and improve your health and fitness levels? That way you can move towards your goals while eating a healthy amount of food (so that you'd have energy to work out for example).

    And yes! being physically strong is also one of my main goals =) I guess in my head the physique never really mattered, it was all about the number, it was always about numbers...but I do want to be stronger and I have begun adjusting my calorie in-take day by day. It's a struggle to find and plan food that are healthy and will hit that 1200 to 1300 cal count (I'm starting with this for now). I've just been used to this "punishment mode" and on top of that I will always be a fat girl at heart hehehe I will always love food and fear it at the same time. But thank you really...no one has ever told me that my size is "fine"...

    Im glad to hear you have some fitness goals to focus on! I think that will make it easier to transition away from just worrying about how much you weigh (but should still leave you looking good and healthy). Good luck!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    It might be better for the OP to reframe expectation.

    Instead of setting a "I must lose X kg," type of goal. Set a BF% target goal.

    Based on this, I'd suggest the OP get a BF% check, and shoot for the middle of the healthy range.

    Per Wikipedia:

    Average BF% for women would 25-31%. Shoot for 27%.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It might be better for the OP to reframe expectation.

    Instead of setting a "I must lose X kg," type of goal. Set a BF% target goal.

    Based on this, I'd suggest the OP get a BF% check, and shoot for the middle of the healthy range.

    Per Wikipedia:

    Average BF% for women would 25-31%. Shoot for 27%.

    True that is how I made my goal. I went in the bod pod first got my stats. Set a body fat % goal. Weight scale does not matter anymore.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Right. It's why i've stopped weighing, basically. (Well, not actually... up 4#, clothes fitting looser except in the chest and shoulders. lol)

    The BF% is what matters. However, for the OP the added data of bone density from the DEXA scan would probably be good info for her to have.