Extra Weight Affect on Appearance, Age, etc



  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    When you lose some weight, increase activity, and hopefully increase the amount of vitamin-rich foods that you eat, some or all of that vitality returns and you all of a sudden look younger.

    BTW, great job!

    That makes sense. I am eating better and not drinking as much beer. I also work out a lot. At the end my workouts I sit in the sauna and I wonder if sweating helps the skin look fresher.

    Many other good responses here.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I think your facial features are more defined since you have lost so much weight... you look great! I love the new pic... and you definitely look like the smile is coming from the inside in the after pics! Keep up the GOOD WORK!!

    Yes, the weight loss help with confidence and self esteem.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Society in general associates fitness with youth. Therefore, the fitter you appear, the younger you appear.

    And you have a tan now.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I'm not sure if I look younger but I certainly look better and dress better and feel better. Maybe that can make you look younger.
  • alittlemopo
    alittlemopo Posts: 91 Member
    I think the after photo makes you seem a little older.

    I look older to me, too. The fat puffed up ares where wrinkles would've been and when the fat began shrinking, the wrinkles began deepening.

    You look really good in both pics. You have hot girlfriends, too. All men will envy you. :)

    I thought it was just me lol, but I actually think he looks younger in the before pic.

    I think I look older on this round of weight loss than I did heavy.
  • JoseCastaneda
    JoseCastaneda Posts: 245 Member
    I think many have pointed out this but, when thinner means healthier, it will be reflected in your skin, your hair, your eyes.

    Sometimes, extra weight will hide some wrinkles in your face, and when you lose that weight, those wrinkles will be noticed... but in general, extra weight often means bad health, and that will be noticed too.

    But anyway, I think the key is how healthy you're eating, and of course, when you lose weight in a healthy way (exercise, smart eating), you will look better too.
  • I agree with a lot of you that it does depend on the person. I think people can look older when they lose weight, because a chubby face can give a youthful appearance. As we age, it tends to make us look more gaunt due to the lost of fat in certain parts of our face, and the loss of elasticity with skin, which can also happen if we lose a lot of weight. However, I find most people look younger because of their attitude. You get happy, and that energy is contagious ! :) I have already lost nearly 100 lbs, and there are lots of problem areas of my body that come with that. But that is all unimportant to me. What matters right now is getting to a healthy sustainable weight and living a long life. So, however it shakes out in the end as far as the looks department, I will make peace with it the best I can :D:happy:
  • Your profile pic is also amazing haha!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    I'm not sure about extra weight, but I do know most people look younger with just a bit more meat on their bones as they get older...by this I mean most people don't look good at their high school weight as they age...our skin loses elastisity (wish causes sagging and fine lines, etc) and an extra 10-20 pounds over that weight that was ideal in your youth helps your face to maintain more that look of youthful plumpness. When we get too thin as we age, our faces in particular tent to look drawn and bones look more prominent giving that sharp look. It's kind of a fine balance I think between the two extremes.

    This fits my observations. I've had several friends who have lost significant amounts of weight in the 45+ age group and wrinkles that were already there but previously plumped out by fat suddenly become more apparent. And none of those ladies approached "too thin" by any means. I also know older women with very low body fat (athletic, etc) who do tend to look older than their age because there is really nothing supporting the facial tissue.

    OP still has enough "meat" on his face to look younger following weight loss, IMO.