For the Millionth Time.

I am going to try doing this over. Every time I try to lose weight, I give up after falling off the wagon for a day. I get so discouraged. I'm going to try my absolute hardest this time and would love to have some support and other people to support. Just re-joined yesterday, but planning on being a pretty active again!

Also, I'm Michelle! Hi everyone!


  • fitness4life78
    You can do this! Its a hard Journey, but I believe in you! If you fall, we just need to get right back up that horse!!!
  • getready66
    I hear you, it seems like every other week I am starting over....ugh...but I was sitting there thinking this morning...I am so tired of being fat.....I will start again on Monday, I am going to go shopping and prepare this time! add me if you like! We can all use some encouragement!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I am going to try doing this over. Every time I try to lose weight, I give up after falling off the wagon for a day. I get so discouraged. I'm going to try my absolute hardest this time and would love to have some support and other people to support. Just re-joined yesterday, but planning on being a pretty active again!

    Also, I'm Michelle! Hi everyone!
    Tough love here. Till you DECIDE completely and make a COMMITMENT to doing this, you'll keep falling off. If you're just going to "wing it" with no plan, no written concise goal, no strategy to combat obstacles and setbacks, the result will always be the same.
    People who succeed, have a written plan and a commitment to it. Start there first.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bootcamp85
    bootcamp85 Posts: 64 Member
    The important thing is that your back gurl.
    Hang in there.
    Take it one day at a time.
    Reward yourself for your accomplishments, however little you think they may be.
    Good luck to you on your weight loss goals!!!!
  • vmv41992
    vmv41992 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Michelle,
    My advice is not to focus on losing weight, instead focus on a new lifestyle of eating clean and being active. Diets do not work and we soon lose interest,no weight!
  • Casper9181
    Casper9181 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Michelle!! Im in your same boat!! We can do this!
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I was in this boat for a while a few months ago (bounced between 205-207 so much I thought I'd just have to accept it as my weight) but if you give it enough time it really will 'click'. Then even when you have a bad day (my diary a few days ago is 2000 cals in the red, and that was when I stopped logging but didn't stop eating lol) you will be able to say to yourself, well I've had 30 good days and lost X amount, and 1 bad day doesn't take that away. So you feel strong enough to keep going.

    It is important to keep praising yourself - look for Non-Scale Victories. Do your jeans fit better? Is walking easier than it was when you started? Did you take up a hobby instead of turning to food when you felt bored? Awesome! What you're doing is working!
  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome back! We're glad to have you here. :)
  • mlyn627
    mlyn627 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! It's my millionth time too :) but this time is it! I am more dedicated than I was all the other times. There is tons of support here and for me that make a huge difference. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Some of us, like myself, have been on here for a long time and haven't reached our goal weight yet.
    Someone said it before, but it's worth repeating .... you cannot keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. That's the same for your food plan as it is for everything else you do.
    The best way to learn, sometimes, is to fail .... if you take the time to learn what it is that helped you fail instead of succeed, and work on tweaking those items. The stuff you do well doesn't need to be improved, maybe, but the stuff you feel a failure at is the stuff that you can do something positive about.
    Keep logging, keep trying. Stop beating youself up when you hate to put in the diary what you ate because you know it was the wrong thing to have, or too much of something. Just log it and keep going.
    Eventually you will find that you are making better choices and good changes are starting to happen.

    None of us got overweight quickly, but by a pattern of over eating on something in some way and by not burning up what we had eaten. It took time. It'll take time to make the necessary changes to drop excess weight. It'll take time to ... so give it time and do your best whenever you can.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Keep logging, keep trying. Stop beating youself up when you hate to put in the diary what you ate because you know it was the wrong thing to have, or too much of something. Just log it and keep going.
    Eventually you will find that you are making better choices and good changes are starting to happen.

    The harder you beat yourself the more youll find reason not to start back up...just take your licks and keep pushing on!
  • annarop
    annarop Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in just the same position, having started again in earnest yesterday. I've never really been involved in the forums or added friends on here before, but I'm hoping that community aspect is going to help me go a bit further this time.

    Good luck and welcome back!
  • Stressedby8
    Stressedby8 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm at it for the millionth time to! Feel free to add me. If we all try this together and motivate each other maybe it will be different this time?
  • cedwardscadd
    good luck. its never an easy battle, but its usually the most rewarding, IMO
  • shanaenaebrooks
    I feel like you just read my mind. I am right there with you if I had all the money I have invested in dieting and failed I could take a vacation to Hawii! LOL Feel free to add me as well , we can do this I just battle with the calories it allows (1200) balancing between meals and I have no time to work out btw kids practices & work I am only getting in once a week!! I have to do this for my health. We can do this if we stick our minds to it!!!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    What ninerbuff said I really think you need to get your mindset and overall plan in place. Doing the same thing, but with a bit more goodwill disguised as determination isnt going to give you the result you want.

    Understand what went wrong the previous times and put something in place or prepare to do something to avoid this. Talk to your new mfp friends about this. Its worth having a better plan, better understanding and an approach that tries soemthing new. No need to rush.

    Maybe your plan is too severe meaning you are more likely to binge becayse you dont have enough calories. Yalk over your plan with other people/ friends.
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    You shouldn't consider it "starting again." You can't think of it as a single process that has to go perfectly the entire time... and the first screw up, you need to restart. That kind of thinking leads to yo-yo dieting because when you screw up, you'll go days or weeks eating like crap... then "restart..." only to screw up again to have another few days or weeks eating badly.

    You will have a meal or day when you screw up and eat too much or not log properly, a lot of us do... but that's not an excuse to continue it and make it a bad habit. Immediately go back to logging and doing it right. There will be screwups and bumps along the way... but make sure your "doing it right" days vastly outnumber your "doing it wrong" days.
  • madeleineld
    madeleineld Posts: 75 Member
    ...Every time I try to lose weight, I give up after falling off the wagon for a day. I get so discouraged...

    I really relate to this. Even the smallest slip can get me so frustrated at myself that I give up entirely. All it takes is one tortilla chip and then I think "screw it, I messed up, I'll never lose weight" and eat the whole bag...and write off that whole day...and maybe the weekend...MFP has helped me a lot with that mentality. Feel free to add for moral support!
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    I used to be like this and then I realized that I am human, I am not perfect and my journey wont be either. i have had my share of ups and downs but someone put it to me like this once and it just kind of stuck...

    If you break a dish you dont go into the cabinent and break all the rest. Instead you use tools, like a broom and dust pan, to pick up the pieces and you move on. A journey to a healthier you is like breaking a dish; just because you have a bad day or a bad meal doesn't mean you should have a bad week, or month, etc. Use the tools around you, like MFP or the internet, to help you pick up the pieces and move on.

    This is a journey (not a diet and that words to me seems like a short term solution), so as long as you are learning from "mistakes" then you are progressing. There is no hurry, just take your time, and play around with what works for you. But most of all dont give up. The only guarantee to not reaching your goals is by not trying.

    Best of luck! :flowerforyou:

    P.S. My name is Kristy and anyone is welcome to FR me. I believe you can never have enough supportive friends in your corner.