
Let's say you ate nutritiously, met net cals goal, did not eat back your exercise calories, met exercise goals; how long does it take for the fat loss results to occur? a few days, week, weeks?


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    This question is a little vague. Your body burns and stores fat every day. If you eat in a deficit long enough you will burn more fat then you store. How long it takes to notice a difference on the scale depends on many things like water retention, glycogen storage, etc. How long it takes to visually notice a difference or to drop a size in clothes can vary from person to person. Factors that influence it include how much of a deficit you are in, how big you are to begin with, how consistent you are with diet and exercise. Usually, if you are in a true deficit (and it's a reasonable one, say 500 calories below maintenance per day) the scale should respond within a month and visually you should notice a difference in 4-6 weeks. Again it might be a subtle change, but it should be noticeable.
  • DragonflyBoudica
    DragonflyBoudica Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you for your reply. It was just what I needed to know.
    Have a nice day!