Last frustrating 10 pounds...

I am super frustrated that I cannot lose 10 pounds nor even budge scale!! I feel as though my diet is spot on...I consume between ~1300 calories daily, have been running 3-4 miles daily over summer but minimal strength training! Worked with a personal trainer Feb-May of this year, then stopped to save money! New strategy is to start Shaun T 25 minute workouts to shake up my routine a bit and continue running! Any thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • I would look at your training and see how much Calories you are burning. Also maybe seriously look at your diet and make a change. Eat a lower amount of Carbs and increase Proteins :)
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    You have gotten into a routine, and your body has accounted for it. You need to make a drastic change. if you have been running the same path all summer, you have reached a plateau and need to get more intense.

    T25 is definitely a drastic move. HIIT it!
  • Ellenvieth
    Ellenvieth Posts: 2 Member
    I feel your pain- I have been stuck too- down a half a pound, and then up a half a pound for over three weeks now… GRRR- and I do change it up, but apparently my set point is stuck…. hang in there.. I have upped the protein,but in general that is difficult for me pretty veganish…..
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Switch around your exercise plan. Do mostly resistance/strength exercises and limited cardio/running. 80/20. Hit your protein and fat macros everyday. Be consistent.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,751 Member
    Switch around your exercise plan. Do mostly resistance/strength exercises and limited cardio/running. 80/20. Hit your protein and fat macros everyday. Be consistent.
    Yes - I cannot agree with this more! I personally did not "lost the last 10 lbs." until I stopped doing 60 - 90 min. cardio sessions and switched to primarily heavy lifting. It seems backwards until you start seeing the results.