What to eat? Need to eat more Caloies

So I have been excercising and eating healthy, and now I am behind my calorie intake. I don't want to eat unhealthy foods just to get 400 more calories, but I am really not hungry at all.

Any suggestions on what to eat? Has anyone had the same issues on not getting all of their calories in?


  • kgerling1976
    I sometimes run low on my calories but a nice evening bowl of cereal takes care of that! :)

    Wow, P90X how's that going? I hear that's intense!! Congrats!
  • gemini53
    gemini53 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a protein shake it helps me get enough protein it taste good
  • simplyme40
    Oatmeal with raisins, dates, and walnuts(quaker makes it) 140 cal
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    After a workout? I eat low-fat cottage cheese singles; a spoonfull of peanut butter or almond butter (usually on celery); milk or almond milk. Good stuff!
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    carnation instant breakfast or a yoplait smoothie?
  • maggieschuck
    Are you basing your calorie intake on a 1200 a day or the increased amount after you add your exercise?
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Cup of oatmeal with a tbsp of peanut butter and a banana mixed in! YUM
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    A Protein shake is always good (if you're way low on calories, blend in a banana, or some peanut butter).
    Steamed edamame
    Fat-free greek yogurt
    Hummus with baby carrots

    All are a good source of protein to-boot!
  • shanell1983
    shanell1983 Posts: 26 Member
    it's based off of what the program is telling me what I should be consuming in a day. It's about 1400 calories and it seem like since I have been eating healthier, that i stay fuller longer and then before you know it it's time to go to bed with 400 cals to go.
  • shanell1983
    shanell1983 Posts: 26 Member
    P90x is a very intense workout. I have not been able to get through the full 90 days. But now I am doing Turbo Jam which is very fun.
  • kttheriault
    strangely enough, you can make kale crisps very simply in the oven and they taste exactly like potato chips!
    except they are healthy because kale is a vegetable :)
    so that is a nice healthy snack you could use to bump up your intake!
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Eat something small but high in calories like some peanut butter (I eat spoonfuls straight from the jar), or half an avocado or a handful of nuts with a glass of skimmed milk.