cam someone review my food diary??



  • DHalaby73
    DHalaby73 Posts: 980 Member
    I tried to view your diary but it's says it's private.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    I like bringing it back to basics. Like, why do we eat in the first place? We eat because our body needs certain things to function. To pump our heart and our lungs, and maintain our skin and organs and run and yell and think! I know it's silly, but that's why we eat ;)

    The foods that DIRECTLY help these functions are the ones that were here 500 years ago. Fruits, veggies, chicken, beef, rice, etc. We need complex carbs and fats and proteins to help our body do what it needs to do.

    Because of profiting and convenience, man started messing with food and it's not illegal yet!

    My advice is to stop looking at the nutrition "facts" on foods and start looking at "ingredients". If there is ONE word you can't pronounce, it's not good for you! Stay clear! ;)

    Another "basic", but we assume when we put hydrochloride sorbic acid...etc. in our body, that our body knows what to do with it. It doesn't! Our bodies don't know what that is, so it treats it guessed it...fat! And shoves it in fat depositories because it doesn't know how to translate it to energy.

    The foods in your journal are processed processed processed. There isn't anything in them that is nourishing your body and helping it thrive. Please please ditch any and all fast food. Ditch processed packaged foods (breakfast burritos, lean cuisines,...anything that can be "nuked").

    If you need a book, I LOOOOVE Tosca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet" (any of the books are good, but I like "recharged"). It really breaks down how we were inteded to eat and how to go about it. Easy peezy!

    Sorry for the long post! Just love what I've learned and want to share it with everyone!

    I absolutely LOVE this response...I'm envious of your "soon-to-be" hubby...lucky *kitten*!

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    A tip for helping you make better choices when you're pressed for time: find a recipe you want to make for dinner, and triple it. Separate it into 3 portions when it's cooked, and put 2 in the freezer. Pull them out to reheat them another evening. Do this every night for a week, and then you'll have a freezer full of healthy meals that you can just reheat when you're in a time crunch. Whenever you have a moment to cook a fresh meal, always at least double the recipe and freeze what you don't use (if you have room in the freezer, that is!).

    Also, look for snacks that are easy and healthy. Hardboiled eggs can be stored in the fridge for a quick, low-cal, high-protein snack. Fresh fruit is great for you -- yes, it has sugars, and some people say that's bad, but it beats processed food any day! :) Find a quick breakfast recipe (scrambled eggs wrapped in a tortilla, steel-cut oats, etc.) that you like to get you started. If you feel like you don't have time for breakfast, make time! Get up a few minutes earlier, or cook it while the kids are playing in the morning. You have to feed them anyway, so eat with them! :)

    You can do this! You're right, it's HARD to change a lifetime of habits in just a couple of weeks. So you do it gradually, but you keep chugging away. One change at a time if you need to.
  • jojuvanlaanen
    jojuvanlaanen Posts: 29 Member
    A tip for helping you make better choices when you're pressed for time: find a recipe you want to make for dinner, and triple it. Separate it into 3 portions when it's cooked, and put 2 in the freezer. Pull them out to reheat them another evening. Do this every night for a week, and then you'll have a freezer full of healthy meals that you can just reheat when you're in a time crunch. Whenever you have a moment to cook a fresh meal, always at least double the recipe and freeze what you don't use (if you have room in the freezer, that is!).

    Also, look for snacks that are easy and healthy. Hardboiled eggs can be stored in the fridge for a quick, low-cal, high-protein snack. Fresh fruit is great for you -- yes, it has sugars, and some people say that's bad, but it beats processed food any day! :) Find a quick breakfast recipe (scrambled eggs wrapped in a tortilla, steel-cut oats, etc.) that you like to get you started. If you feel like you don't have time for breakfast, make time! Get up a few minutes earlier, or cook it while the kids are playing in the morning. You have to feed them anyway, so eat with them! :)

    You can do this! You're right, it's HARD to change a lifetime of habits in just a couple of weeks. So you do it gradually, but you keep chugging away. One change at a time if you need to.

    THANK YOU!!!